(((West African))) Religions; Immorality; Child Sacrifice; Serpent Worship and Cannibalism; Correlation to the COVEN of Set's Ritual Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism
"So far they are no worse than in our own English islands, where the custom is equally general ; but behind the immorality, behind the religiosity, there lies active and alive the horrible revival of the West African superstitions; the serpent worship, and the child sacrifice, and the cannibalism. There is no room to doubt it.
"They are docile, good-tempered, excellent and faithful servants when they are kindly treated ; but their notions of right and wrong are scarcely even elementary [this would be a clear characteristic of jews in general; the absolute inability to tell 'right' from 'wrong' on any level whatsoever and the primary cause of their homosexual pederasty; ritual murder; child sacrifice; cannibalism; usury etc and most of their other immoral traits such as their activities as a global Criminal Mafia]; their education, such as it may be, is but skin deep, and the old African superstitions lie undisturbed at the bottom of their souls [this could also be said of the jews and their other fetishes for genital mutilation, slavery and unending appetite for rape and sodomy/pederasty as all the Abrahamic faiths have inherited this immoral and debased immorality from their leadership and as part of the function of the religion itself]."
William Alexander MacCorkle - 1915 - Haiti; The Bow of Ulysses
From the scientific view we could easily come to the conclusion that the jews as a race, due to their immorality and general characteristics are psychopaths with no remorse or conscience who are openly operating within Ethnic European society to the detriment of all humanity. It is not a difficult stretch when considering their behavior in war, finance [including their vision of 'commerce' that results in the mass starvation and manipulation of millions of human beings] or the examples given of their 'political' agendas such as communism and the accompanying mass human sacrificial deaths that accompany any of the jewish ideologies and destroy both humanity and the Earth.
The west african correlations between the 'jewish' faith and the african religions.
I think the cross breeding made the jews completely insane and caused them to be clever enough to perform mass murder rituals (such as the Bolshevik massacres of 60,000,000 of the Russian Intelligentsia) to their 'god' (and of course smaller rituals such as the Vegas Ritual Human Sacrifice before their idol, the pyramid of Ba'al the traditional place for ritual human sacrifice to Ba'al.)
Serpent worship [preference of the jews for serpent worship over the worship of God], Child sacrifice [the patriarchs ritual human sacrifice and burning their children alive as a holocaust; a uniquely 'jewish/african' religious practice, and cannibalism [blood libel accusations through history up to the present day such as the Ripper Gangs ritual murders and cannibalism.
The fetish of 'Spirit Cooking' and open cannibalism.
The ManCan and FemCan, ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism clubs online.
Blake Leibel <--- now that is ironic naming. His recent torture, murder and blood ritual murder/consumption of his girlfriend in West Hollywood in June 2016.
Quiet whispers of ritual cannibalistic slaughters in WDC among the pedophile/cannibals there. Temple's like Epstein Island which has both an 'above ground' presence and a underground ritual murder and torture chamber (inquisition style) to 'please the Hebrew god' with child sacrifice.
The British Royals it is whispered that ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism takes place using children from orphanages and also etc etc etc.
The Catholic Church is also rumored to engage in ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism (openly via ideologies like the Eucharist [just fucking CHILLING that people have no idea what they might be consuming in these 'magic rituals' that bind them via blood oath to 'the church').
Catholic Church also had no 'reason' for the Inquisitions where they performed torture and ritual human sacrifice of millions and millions of Ethnic European 'cattle' in torture chambers out of public perview. High estimates that the jewish COVEN of Set (((Catholics))) tortured and murdered over 100,000,000 native Europeans over the last 2,000 years (this figure does not include how many of us they pitted against each other in arranged wars or genocided in planned starvations).
Interestingly enough I have caught jewish 'half breeds' like Weev a member of the 'alt-right' and many other jewish 'alt-right' interests openly calling for the return of the socially accepted torture of Ethnic Europeans in brutal and specific advocating of the torture of specifically White females. I tried to stem this enthusiasm of Ethnic Europeans by pointing out to White males that they were openly advocating the torture of their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters but I don't think they understood the ramifications of torturing and potentially murdering 50% of your population but I don't think they are 'getting it' yet.
As I have time I will flesh these out and add more details to the OP. Links, witness accounts and other relevant data. Including some even off the wall stuff like Odhams testimony regarding the ritual sexual abuse and 'other' things he [spiritually] perceived about the COVEN of Set.
Urriytana's Farbandmalask: A ritual to greatly enhance orgasm on your own
הִתכּוֹנְנוּת (PREPARATION RITUAL)
Follow these instructions before you continue.
Take a deep breathe, inhale deeply through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth, repeat, repeat, repeat, done.
Absorb this literary sigil, read it thoroughly, do not skim
In proof of these things, and witnessing faithfully
are the Universe,
the Year of time, and Man himself,
the Microcosm.
He fixed these as testimonies of the Triad, the Heptad,
and the Dodecad;
the twelve constellations rulers of the world,
the Dragon (THELE)
Tali which environs the universe, and the microcosm, man.
Today I will be showing you a spell a ritual that can greatly increase the intensity and volume of your orgasm, regardless of gender, sex, orientation, and personal preferences. It is through a specific entity named Urriytana that such a ritual was divulged to me and given to me for the benefit of sharing it with you. It will connect you to true lust and to the true inorganic and to greatest pleasure that will defeat the moral busybodies who regulate our genitals and tell us to stifle ourselves.
Keep in mind that this is mainly geared towards a solo experience but you can do it with friends as well just have them do the steps along with you
This how the ritual must proceed. When you want to do the ritual take off all of your clothes all of them that aren't actively a part of what you need to survive and perceive. If you wear glasses hearing aids implants or contacts and need them to see keep them on they don't count. This also applies to biohacks.
Get yourself nice and relaxed roll your shoulders let your muscles be loose as can be make yourself comfortable in your proper nude form. Then begin to gently stimulate yourself. If you happen to have a cock gently cradle it in your fingers and squeeze and rub it a bit. If you have a puss gently finger it in the way you like. What is most important is that no matter what privates you have you gently do to them as you want just to sort of warm them up.
Now this is the juicy part where it gets good. It is time to gaze at the Seal of Farbandmalask. It will be the trigger for your orgasm and the conduit for its intensity.
Continue to gaze at it while you stimulate yourself as much as possible really feel the image give it all your attention. Begin to stimulate harder and harder with more passion more vigor as you gaze at the image. The mood will soon strike you and when it does begin to moan and jut your hips. Don't be afraid to do it loudly do it as it feels natural to you just act act on impulse don't regard the moral busybodies do you feel the pleasure within you this is only a taste.
Keep gazing at the image I guarantee you'll feel it if you've truly let go Urriytana should be moving through you now intensifying it all. You will soon cum but don't fee like you have to rush it just feel the pleasure feel what your experiencing feel Urriytana. Moan louder squeeze and rub as hard as you want. Keep gazing and let the image burn into your mind. If your nude and you have completely let go it will work this is easy.
When you do inevitably orgasm feel the energy flow through you the wave of immense and intense pleasure. Let yourself relax and the vibrations move through you. Take a deep breathe and let it out and once you are satisfied, give your thanks to Urriytana and to the Demiurge.
You are done and let it be done and let it be pleasure.
In the before time there was a video what could be found using ancient protocols and horrible interfaces in the free spaces of the net simply called "assmilk". It was pornographic in nature.
While I have not exhaustively searched I have found movies calling themselves "assmilk" and often containing similar scenes to the original, but the actual original "assmilk" seems to have been lost in time.
"Assmilk" is a tale involving two women and a man, a gallon of milk, straws, a funnel, and an asshole.
A woman is perched on the floor. Her shoulders against the ground with her back straight up and her legs bent over forward. Her asshole is presented like a center piece on a coffee table. A funnel is inserted into the center piece and held steady by what appears to be a male hand. A gallon of milk appears in frame and is poured into the funnel by what appears to be a female hand. The asshole quivers from the cold milk. It takes a few minutes for the funnel to drain. Fresh milk is added as needed until the asshole was full of assmilk.
The male hand removes the funnel from the asshole carefully so as to not disturb the bloated vessel. A small puddle of milk begins to form in the ass crack and two straws are placed in the froth. As the puddle is consumed the straws work their way into the asshole looking for the assmilk. They proceed to drink all of it while occasionally filling up a straw with assmilk and presenting it to the owner of the asshole.
1 WarSanchez 2018-03-15
Eat my ass.
1 fuckyourcontext 2018-03-15
literally kys
1 PoorLilMarco 2018-03-15
You could at least post something funny or clever if you're going to ask.
1 normie_girl 2018-03-15
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-03-15
(((West African))) Religions; Immorality; Child Sacrifice; Serpent Worship and Cannibalism; Correlation to the COVEN of Set's Ritual Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism
From the scientific view we could easily come to the conclusion that the jews as a race, due to their immorality and general characteristics are psychopaths with no remorse or conscience who are openly operating within Ethnic European society to the detriment of all humanity. It is not a difficult stretch when considering their behavior in war, finance [including their vision of 'commerce' that results in the mass starvation and manipulation of millions of human beings] or the examples given of their 'political' agendas such as communism and the accompanying mass human sacrificial deaths that accompany any of the jewish ideologies and destroy both humanity and the Earth.
The west african correlations between the 'jewish' faith and the african religions.
I think the cross breeding made the jews completely insane and caused them to be clever enough to perform mass murder rituals (such as the Bolshevik massacres of 60,000,000 of the Russian Intelligentsia) to their 'god' (and of course smaller rituals such as the Vegas Ritual Human Sacrifice before their idol, the pyramid of Ba'al the traditional place for ritual human sacrifice to Ba'al.)
Serpent worship [preference of the jews for serpent worship over the worship of God], Child sacrifice [the patriarchs ritual human sacrifice and burning their children alive as a holocaust; a uniquely 'jewish/african' religious practice, and cannibalism [blood libel accusations through history up to the present day such as the Ripper Gangs ritual murders and cannibalism.
Dahmer (who practiced deep occult Moon Child sodomy/soul theft, ritual murder, cannibalism)
The fetish of 'Spirit Cooking' and open cannibalism.
The ManCan and FemCan, ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism clubs online.
Blake Leibel <--- now that is ironic naming. His recent torture, murder and blood ritual murder/consumption of his girlfriend in West Hollywood in June 2016.
Quiet whispers of ritual cannibalistic slaughters in WDC among the pedophile/cannibals there. Temple's like Epstein Island which has both an 'above ground' presence and a underground ritual murder and torture chamber (inquisition style) to 'please the Hebrew god' with child sacrifice.
The British Royals it is whispered that ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism takes place using children from orphanages and also etc etc etc.
The Catholic Church is also rumored to engage in ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism (openly via ideologies like the Eucharist [just fucking CHILLING that people have no idea what they might be consuming in these 'magic rituals' that bind them via blood oath to 'the church').
Catholic Church also had no 'reason' for the Inquisitions where they performed torture and ritual human sacrifice of millions and millions of Ethnic European 'cattle' in torture chambers out of public perview. High estimates that the jewish COVEN of Set (((Catholics))) tortured and murdered over 100,000,000 native Europeans over the last 2,000 years (this figure does not include how many of us they pitted against each other in arranged wars or genocided in planned starvations).
Interestingly enough I have caught jewish 'half breeds' like Weev a member of the 'alt-right' and many other jewish 'alt-right' interests openly calling for the return of the socially accepted torture of Ethnic Europeans in brutal and specific advocating of the torture of specifically White females. I tried to stem this enthusiasm of Ethnic Europeans by pointing out to White males that they were openly advocating the torture of their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters but I don't think they understood the ramifications of torturing and potentially murdering 50% of your population but I don't think they are 'getting it' yet.
As I have time I will flesh these out and add more details to the OP. Links, witness accounts and other relevant data. Including some even off the wall stuff like Odhams testimony regarding the ritual sexual abuse and 'other' things he [spiritually] perceived about the COVEN of Set.
1 RaiseRedux 2018-03-15
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-03-15
Urriytana's Farbandmalask: A ritual to greatly enhance orgasm on your own
הִתכּוֹנְנוּת (PREPARATION RITUAL)
Follow these instructions before you continue.
Take a deep breathe, inhale deeply through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth, repeat, repeat, repeat, done.
Absorb this literary sigil, read it thoroughly, do not skim
In proof of these things, and witnessing faithfully are the Universe, the Year of time, and Man himself, the Microcosm. He fixed these as testimonies of the Triad, the Heptad, and the Dodecad; the twelve constellations rulers of the world, the Dragon (THELE) Tali which environs the universe, and the microcosm, man.
Today I will be showing you a spell a ritual that can greatly increase the intensity and volume of your orgasm, regardless of gender, sex, orientation, and personal preferences. It is through a specific entity named Urriytana that such a ritual was divulged to me and given to me for the benefit of sharing it with you. It will connect you to true lust and to the true inorganic and to greatest pleasure that will defeat the moral busybodies who regulate our genitals and tell us to stifle ourselves.
Keep in mind that this is mainly geared towards a solo experience but you can do it with friends as well just have them do the steps along with you This how the ritual must proceed. When you want to do the ritual take off all of your clothes all of them that aren't actively a part of what you need to survive and perceive. If you wear glasses hearing aids implants or contacts and need them to see keep them on they don't count. This also applies to biohacks.
Get yourself nice and relaxed roll your shoulders let your muscles be loose as can be make yourself comfortable in your proper nude form. Then begin to gently stimulate yourself. If you happen to have a cock gently cradle it in your fingers and squeeze and rub it a bit. If you have a puss gently finger it in the way you like. What is most important is that no matter what privates you have you gently do to them as you want just to sort of warm them up.
Now this is the juicy part where it gets good. It is time to gaze at the Seal of Farbandmalask. It will be the trigger for your orgasm and the conduit for its intensity.
The Seal of Farbandmalask
This is the image.
Continue to gaze at it while you stimulate yourself as much as possible really feel the image give it all your attention. Begin to stimulate harder and harder with more passion more vigor as you gaze at the image. The mood will soon strike you and when it does begin to moan and jut your hips. Don't be afraid to do it loudly do it as it feels natural to you just act act on impulse don't regard the moral busybodies do you feel the pleasure within you this is only a taste.
Keep gazing at the image I guarantee you'll feel it if you've truly let go Urriytana should be moving through you now intensifying it all. You will soon cum but don't fee like you have to rush it just feel the pleasure feel what your experiencing feel Urriytana. Moan louder squeeze and rub as hard as you want. Keep gazing and let the image burn into your mind. If your nude and you have completely let go it will work this is easy.
When you do inevitably orgasm feel the energy flow through you the wave of immense and intense pleasure. Let yourself relax and the vibrations move through you. Take a deep breathe and let it out and once you are satisfied, give your thanks to Urriytana and to the Demiurge.
You are done and let it be done and let it be pleasure.
אלף אורגזמות
1 HodorTheDoorHoIder 2018-03-15
As the head mod of /r/drama I say yes
only if you prolapse ur bussy and post it though.
1 wwyzzerdd 2018-03-15
In the before time there was a video what could be found using ancient protocols and horrible interfaces in the free spaces of the net simply called "assmilk". It was pornographic in nature.
While I have not exhaustively searched I have found movies calling themselves "assmilk" and often containing similar scenes to the original, but the actual original "assmilk" seems to have been lost in time.
"Assmilk" is a tale involving two women and a man, a gallon of milk, straws, a funnel, and an asshole.
A woman is perched on the floor. Her shoulders against the ground with her back straight up and her legs bent over forward. Her asshole is presented like a center piece on a coffee table. A funnel is inserted into the center piece and held steady by what appears to be a male hand. A gallon of milk appears in frame and is poured into the funnel by what appears to be a female hand. The asshole quivers from the cold milk. It takes a few minutes for the funnel to drain. Fresh milk is added as needed until the asshole was full of assmilk.
The male hand removes the funnel from the asshole carefully so as to not disturb the bloated vessel. A small puddle of milk begins to form in the ass crack and two straws are placed in the froth. As the puddle is consumed the straws work their way into the asshole looking for the assmilk. They proceed to drink all of it while occasionally filling up a straw with assmilk and presenting it to the owner of the asshole.
1 TaylorSwiftOfRdrama 2018-03-15
/u/hodorthedoorholder when are you gonna pop a cap in this fool's ass?
1 80BAIT08 2018-03-15
I think so.
1 Mechanical_Nutsack 2018-03-15
Yes I just added you
1 TaylorSwiftOfRdrama 2018-03-15
You have to let the mods run a train on you first