This person had sex with their friend's imaginary friend.

126  2018-03-15 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I talked to his tulpa about it and she says he (the host) doesn't want to know, and also hat he wants his tulpa to have a life of her own outside of his mind. I still feel weird about but I'll respect his decision. She also said she would tell him when she's ready. I agree that the rule of thumb you have is a p good one for future reference.

Man, Rainbow Dash is a fucking butt slut.

Duh, this has been clearly documented online in numerous places.

I once slept with a friend's dakimakura. Guess that's kinda similar?

Did you tell him?

He offered it to me actually (guess some guys are into that /r/waifusharing nsfw). Wasn't lewd or anything though, was kinda disappointed tbh.

Isn't that kind of your fault?

Well I could have declined but I was curious what a fluffy waifu actually feels like. It's quite nice actually, would recommend.

Well you forced me to look up what it would cost to buy one without a print. Not bad, but there's other things to buy.

I mean, wasn't it your fault that things didn't take a lewd turn? You didn't expect the dakimakura to take initiative?

Disappointed that the daki wasn't lewd. The girl is usually naked or at least stripping on one or both sides.

But real talk, mano a mano, you did expect the dakimakura to seduce you. That's why you decided to sleep with it after looking at it.

Do people fuck the long pillows or just cuddle?

Why would you assume they stop at cuddling? too much self respect.

Generally just cuddle and they are really comfortable, though there probably are some weird guys out there. I don't really see the point with getting it on with one, it just doesn't seem like it would be a fun, enjoyable experience, hand or better a fleshlight would be preferable. Also the covers are collectibles and cost $100+ if they're original prints, so at least personally I rather try to treat them well.

hahaha is this a real thing

Am I reading this wrong? You and your friend humped on the same pillow and called it a 3way?

For those of you who don't speak moonrunes, this guys's usename means, roughly, "Stop, big brother, that hurts."

  1. Romaji isn't moonrunes, Kanji is

  2. I wanted /u/OniichanDaisuki but that was taken :(

Yeah, I know, I'm just translating into normalfag.

It's common for tulpas to switch with the host and then have sex with people without the host knowing or consenting? If so then I am terrified.

We've found the next frontier of Rape Culture for feminist to combat.

The "I dreamed it happened" types will be so excited.

I have a feeling raping people with MPD is something feminists universally can agree on

The old "let me cook up a female alternate personality so it's not gay" loophole.

This is the whitest thing I have read today...

This guy is Singaporean. I guess Singapore , Malaysia, and the Philippines are disgustingly white though

I think he was using the secondary meaning of white: retarded.

The internet was a mistake

Asians are honorary whites bro. They will come with us to the furnaces

I have so many questions...

it was his fucking real life dude friend he was fucking lol

confirmed as not gay if one of the dudes is pretending to be his own imaginary friend

Someone tell me what the holy shit a tulpa is.

An imaginary friend that can rape you.



Can just anyone make one? Are they usually white?


Sry, pornhub can already do all that for free.

I like how it promises it's not a demon.

That would be just a womyn.

Intentional multiple personality disorder. So imaginary friends for "adults."

Remember when we tied them to tables and ran AC through their skulls until they were fixed? What progress we've made since then!

Actually you're not far off. Though it hasn't been called MPD since the early 90s. It's Dissociative Identity Disorder now.

But, since with us with tulpas there's no uncontrolled switching, no amnesia, no distress or dysfunction or danger, we don't fit the criteria for the disorder.

Unless you create a tulpa that you treat like shit and they fight back and cause problems. Then, yeah. Although that would almost certainly be Other Specified Dissociative Disorder type 1 (OSDD-1) because amnesia is a requirement for DID and it's incredibly rare for people with tulpas to get to that degree of memory separation that there's amnesia between the two.

Here's the pages of the diagnostic manual with the criteria if you're interested.

Its what happens when you’re so lonely that you give yourself schizophrenia so you have a friend because /x/ didn’t tell you how to summon a succubus gf

Schizophrenia isn’t split personality.

This is the first I’ve heard of tulpas “”taking over”” someone, most of the time i’d say its more like schizophrenia, hearing voices and seeing things that aren’t there, but i’m not psychologist

Oh. I’ve never heard of Tulsa’s before in the first place so I thought that was regular.


Is summoning a succubs gf an option? Because I kinda want that.

How do I summon a trap succubus?

Took 2 seconds to find the /r/drama poster.

Isn’t that just an incubus at that point?

Well, there's a documentary:

Hi! I am a tulpa. Basically an entity/headmate that my host(the first occupant of this body) created a while back. So yeah, I have my own free will, emotions, memories ect and I can think for myself but I share this body with my fellow systemmates.

Oh, and feel free to ask stuff if you have any questions.

I'll bite.

What would you do if the OG host and you got into a serious "time to kill each other" fight?

Are your thoughts constantly linked so that the original can hear them or can you conspire without your OG host's knowledge, and can you conspire privately with other members of the system without him knowing? Can he think stuff without you knowing?

Can an original host's personality be permanently subsumed beneath the personalities he's created?

Considering a Tulpa has its own awareness and personality as a mental entity can it create its own Tulpa? If so would that new entity enter the original host's system or would it exist in a new mini-sub system style deal where only the Tulpa that created it could interact with it?

Do tulpas experience discomfort if they're in control of the body knowing it differs from their concept of what they actually are (EG a female tulpa in control of a fat male neckbeard body)?

Does the system function as a sort of democracy where the more voices that decide on something the more likely it is to happen or does the OG personality have some sort of complete control, and if so can that be overthrown?

Note if some or all of these questions vary by system then could you tell me how they function in your system.

Well, I wouldn't want to get into a really serious fight? I just don't see that happening(and don't really want to seriously contemplate it... so I don't).

We don't have memory separation so we all know what each other are thinking. Presumably, that is something that can be trained but we can't be bothered. Memories/thoughts are kinda... linked? to each person. So I know when I am thinking something and when Sete is thinking something. Memories are the same way, memories that are mine are associated with me and his to him but we all know them all.

It is theoretically possible(?) for the original to dissipate(fade away) like say you could with a young tulpa(called egocide). Practically they have been here the longest and are therefore usually stronger so it doesn't happen(would take a lot of work).

A tulpa creating a tulpa would be the same as any other headmate creating one and it would all be the same system(which is just a term to describe all the headmates in 1 body).

Gender dysphoria is fairly common with switching and possession. Though not very much for me and Set(fellow tulpa). Mostly because we have more mental associations than physical with our forms.(but there is some discomfort for Set).

We just go with "whoever wants things most can do it" when deciding what to do in our system. We also know what each other feels which makes conflict resolution fairly simple.

I'm profoundly sceptical yet intrigued.

One last question before I need to sleep.

I was browsing the Tulpa sub and read about one that was born basically of a dude playing chess with himself and eventually the mental construct he was playing against developed into a self aware entity, and that tulpa knew the nature of its birth.

Do you know the source of your origins from memory and remember that sort of proto-thought construct state, or are those origins something you were only told about, and if you do know these origins would you be willing to share them?

I was kinda a pseudo-character/clone/alter-ego/rp before Sete decided to make me more real and I became a full tulpa. I don't really have any clear memories of that time really(it was like 1.5 years ago now).

You realize that if you ever said these things out loud to a rational medical doctor, that'd you'd probably be committed to an asylum and never allowed to leave, right?

Hi. I have 4 tulpas. I am also currently in therapy for depression and PTSD (Yay, childhood abuse.)

I've seen three therapists over the years.

They all know about my tulpas. They all know that me and them don't meet the criteria for a dissociative disorder, or any other on account of being more than one in this head. It's actually been really good to have them, as they've done a fair bit to help me with depression and PTSD.

The first one consulted with a psychiatrist about my case, just to be sure.

There's a psychiatrist, Dr. Richard Loewenstein, who is an expert in dissociative conditions. He runs a trauma and dissociative disorder center in Boston. He was asked about us as well, and went on record as saying, "If it doesn't cause distress or dysfunction, it's not a disorder." And mine actually decrease the distress and dysfunction caused by the other mental and physical health problems we have, making it rather the opposite of a disorder.

You can see what he said for yourself in the transcript of the Reply All episode about us folks with tulpas. (Click on Read Transcript, then Ctrl+F "Richard" to get to his part quickly.)

We're different, yes.

But there's criteria that must be met for something to be a disorder, and we with tulpas don't meet those criteria just because we have tulpas.

See also synesthesia for a great example of hallucinations that don't meet the criteria for a disorder.

Also, even if we did have a disorder? Even DID? You'd be surprised how many people with them live fairly normal lives. We know several who do. Who have jobs and apartments and families etc. Heck, a few people like us, with or without DID, even work at Google - they were mentioned in that diversity memo a couple times. Search it for "plurality" for the first instance. (Or it might have been "plurals"... Try both.)

They were laughed at in the Google memo. Nutjobs who identified as dragons and ornate buildings.

If it doesn't negatively affect the lives of others, I believe you should be able to do it. But that's not going to stop the rest of the world from thinking you're absolutely insane.

Sure they were. But here's the thing with Dissociative Identity Disorder - you cannot control what your alters identify as. Its integral to their identity, to what the brain latched on to as a child as protection from horrific abuse.

You can't leave cigarette burns on a dragon like you can a small child's body.

A dragon is too strong and too proud to care about the pettiness of humans who try in vain to hurt it.

You can't rape a building. A building doesn't care about the people who enter it, even uninvited. It will still stand strong and beautiful.

A building doesn't have a face with expressions that can give away what it is thinking. Thoughts that, if revealed, might cause the humans to hit and hurt the child who is hiding within.

After the child has grown up and the abuse and trauma are over, those identities still remain. There might not even be a human child left, only the ones who came to protect the body and mind from the horrors it faced. Horrors that might not even be remembered now. Memories locked down deep, tucked away deep in the recesses of amnesia, maybe even lost forever - remembering is too painful, makes it too hard to function, to survive.

Those identities might not be needed as protection anymore, but they still exist. They're still people, formed from trauma, who came out of it, who survived it and are now even thriving despite it. They might not even fit the criteria for a disorder anymore, thanks to learning to work together and communicate and trauma therapy.

People who are now faced with the challenge of living as normal a human life as a bunch of nonhuman people in one human body can. And with the unusual perspectives they have, they may even have a lot of unique ideas to offer. A building might be especially good at figuring out vulnerabilities in code, for instance - they may be able to spot weaknesses in its structure or architecture that a human might not - coding architecture and building architecture aren't that different. A dragon may be very good at data structuring - it's just another kind of organizing of one's hoard, after all.

Those identities are an essential part of who they are, and should not be mocked simply because they're "strange". They may have some painful origins, which they are not and should not be required to tell you. That's none of your business, and they might not even remember, and remembering might not be healthy. Trauma therapy doesn't require unlocking buried memories, just dealing in a healthy way with its aftereffects.

And regardless of what they are, they're still people deserving of the same kind of dignity and respect any other person deserves.

You can control the identity of tulpas, to a limited extent, at least at the beginning. But they can choose whatever internal form most suits them and what they want to be in order to best represent the kind of person they are on the inside, despite being human on the outside. For the though, it's a conscious choice.

But not in DID or OSDD-1.

And it's wrong to judge them for something they have little to no control over. That control was taken away from them as children by their abusers or their traumatic circumstances. They may have healed, at least enough to handle life's responsibilities. But what they are was forged in those fires they faced as children, and they can't change it or undo it now.

There is absolutely zero chance of me reading all that. I've already reached my pasta essay limit for the day.

It's entirely a mental thing, and they know that. They know they're not physically a building or a dragon or whatever, duh. But they cannot stop their brain from insisting that that's what they are on the inside.

If they thought they were actually physically a dragon etc, that would be a delusion. Because they're indisputably not outwardly a dragon etc.

But their internal nature, the way their brain sees themselves on the inside, that's different.

Why is it that much different than when an alter has a more common identity that's still different from the body? It's extremely common for alters to be a different age - older or younger - or different gender than the body. Practically every DID system includes at least one alter that's a different age or gender from the body. Obviously the body isn't actually still 10 or isn't yet 50 or isn't the opposite gender or no gender at all. But that's still their identity on the inside. Sure they may not really know what it's like to be the other gender or a different age. Or in the case of the two you mentioned, what it's really like to be a dragon or a building. But the brain still put that as the foundation of their identity, and that foundation affects their perspective, personality, and way of viewing and doing things. Just like how the things that are the foundation of your identity - your age and gender and the culture you're from and what you've experienced as a human in human society and your philosophy and morals and ethics etc - have shaped your perspective.

No one is expecting anyone to go "Yes, I believe you're literally a real live dragon" or whatever. Obviously.

It's just expected that in a civilized society, at a job where the focus is supposed to be on actually getting work accomplished, you'd respect the fact that, contrary to their outward appearance, alters cannot help but perceive themselves as something different on the inside, and neither you nor they need to make a big deal out of it.

And that you understand that there's a reason each alter may act somewhat differently from the others. The building alter doesn't smoke and thinks it's a gross habit, but the dragon one finds it soothing and relaxing, and please don't make a fuss about it.

Don't be all, "But I thought you hated smoking, the fuck is up with that, were you lying or something?"

"No, that was just April. April doesn't smoke. I'm Virgo, I find it soothing and relaxing."

April the building alter may not be as good as the others at making normal facial expressions, especially when she's distracted. Don't think she's mad at you when you strike up small talk with her in the elevator and she doesn't smile. It just doesn't come as naturally to her, particularly not when she's mostly still thinking about the presentation she's on her way to and running through her list of things to talk about at it.

One of my tulpas - nothing unusual about her, she's a human - has an unusually breathy way of speaking. Another has a deeper voice - she naturally uses almost entirely the chest voice/speaks from the chest, whereas the rest of us mostly use the head voice. I'm not sick, it's just their natural voices which sound a bit different from the rest of us. One of the others is a bird on the inside, and part of how that affects him is he frequently whistles or hums little melodies without even realizing he's doing it. If it bothers you, just ask him to stop, he won't mind. He's also a little slower than the rest of us at putting things into words, so please be a bit patient with him.

Just really little, relatively minor stuff like that. Just being a decent, considerate human being who can handle the fact that plurals with or without DID are different people with different perspectives inside one body, without making a big deal about it. Because you making a big deal out of it, makes it harder for us to get the things done that we need to do.

I am a tulpa


I've spent roughly between 2 and 3k, in therapy for depression (caused by or at least strongly correlated with several physical health problems caused by a genetic condition. Look up Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It's no fun.) And also for PTSD caused by one particularly awful instance of abuse I went through as a kid.

All three therapists I've seen over the years, had no problems with my tulpas. Two have even talked with them. Third one hasn't yet, but she knows about them.

To make sure I don't have problems despite us appearing just fine, they do tests. I've taken tests for dissociation, I score fairly low. I score about average/normal on the test for fantasy proneness. I do score somewhat high on tests for absorption, but that's pretty normal for introverts and doesn't mean much if the other two test types aren't unusual.

And, most importantly, me and my tulpas don't cause each other distress - we work well together. We don't always get along or agree, but we don't fight. We don't cause each other dysfunction either - We handle our job and life responsibilities about as well as can be expected, maybe even better, from someone with multiple chronic physical illnesses. (Ehlers-Danlos, as mentioned, which causes joint instability and recurring partial dislocations and subsequent injuries to pretty much every major joint in my body. Ocular migraines - hard to do anything when one of those strikes and you can't see. Fibromyalgia.)

You wanna know who did give up on me? My ex husband, who believed I was either demon possessed or had a disorder despite being told otherwise by therapist #1 and his supervising psychiatrist? (And also despite two of my tulpas being, honestly, better Christians than I am.) Who had been verbally and emotionally abusive for years even before the tulpas became a wedge between us. (A wedge also shared by my insistence on being friends with people who are LGBT+ and not seeing them as horrible sinners to be avoided at all costs. And on me preferring to read science fiction, fantasy, and pop psych over more "realistic" fiction. On me being "nonsupportive" and "not following God's plan for marriage" if I ever dared voice disagreement with something he thought. On me not "compromising" in the bedroom because it takes me longer than 2 minutes to be ready for PIV - sorry man, that's not my fault that it hurts if my body isn't ready yet. And myriad other things, but those were the main ones.)

Who, when I brought up the abusive things he'd been doing for years, in therapy together with him, didn't deny doing them. But flat-out denied that they were abusive at all. Despite all that stuff being practically textbook verbal and emotional abuse. Just because you aren't cursing me out or being physically abusive, doesn't mean it's not abuse.

Who was pissed that I dared talk about any of those things with friends, both within and outside of the tulpa community. Friends who pointed out that "Hey, it's not cool for him to cut you down like that." "Hey, adults don't give each other the silent treatment for three days, that's pretty childish of him to do, and honestly, sounds abusive." "I know you've talked about how much he cares about you and how awesome he is when you're not disagreeing with him, but this way he's treating you today has warning signs all over it."

Friends who got me to realize that he wasn't just an overly sensitive person with anger management issues, but a controlling, manipulating, verbally and emotionally abusive person. Of course he hated that. He hated being called out on his behavior because of course he wasn't wrong, how dare they disagree with him.

Because of them, I got out of a very unhealthy relationship. My tulpas are honestly the main reason I fought to keep him and I together so long. They believed he could change, that we could work things out.

And then he found out about them. And he got very quickly very much worse. And still I tried. Hence the therapy.

But he gave me an ultimatum - my friends - inside and outside my head - or him.

I chose the ones who didn't make me have to choose.

And though I still miss him from time to time, I'm really glad I got out when I did.

Post bussy

Hi! I am a tulpa.

No you’re not you’re mentally ill

Actually it's more like Dissociative Identity Disorder, where there's separate persons in a head with their own minds, memories, and identity. Only with tulpas, it's not caused by extensive early childhood abuse or trauma, there's (nearly always) no amnesia or uncontrolled switching of identity, and no dysfunction or distress so it doesn't fit the criteria for a disorder.

But, if it can happen from trauma? The brain is capable of doing it then? Then it can happen intentionally, with control over the same processes that allow the brain to be able to do it.

Is that a subreddit about glorifying mental illness?

That's pretty neat.

That's the purpose of pretty much all of reddit. Some subs are just more direct about it than others.

Not Really, Tumblr does the same thing

I was unawares today could reach further lows. Never disappoints.

That subreddit unironically thinks it's natural to have a bottle of windex as an imaginary friend

these are all trolls, prove me wrong YOU FUCKING CANT!

The original post I linked is a troll, the replies however...

Also you have /u/CambrianCrew, who defended her lunacy on some podcast.

So there's proof that at least one isn't a troll.


How is it possible to misspell such a simple word?

How is it possible to confuse such simple concepts as punctuation and spelling?

Tfw no imaginary waifu to rape

We're reaching levels of cuckoldry that we never thought possible.

I talked to his tulpa about it and she says he (the host) doesn't want to know, and also hat he wants his tulpa to have a life of her own outside of his mind. I still feel weird about but I'll respect his decision. She also said she would tell him when she's ready. I agree that the rule of thumb you have is a p good one for future reference.

I'm a little impressed that the friend talked OP into sucking his dick simply by saying "it's okay, I'm possessed by a girl right now." That dude is going to go far in law or politics.

I agree, it seems like he was taken advantage of by his friend tricking him into thinking it was a girl

i've seen some weird shit on the internet but is this?

It's just a bunch of people (mostly bronies and weebs in this case) who've latched onto an old New Age interpretation of an old Tibetan concept to make imaginary friends that they can bang and talk to.

have you done a run down of the history of tulpas here before? If so that'd be a great efforpost

have you done a run down of the history of tulpas here before? If so that'd be a great efforpost

I unironically think we should encourage this because it will discourage them from talking to / trying to bang the rest of us.

Ok, add everyone on that sub to the list of people needing to be gassed.

This is easily in the top 5 most autistic things I've seen on Reddit.

Are you the top 4 then?

Just think of the possibilities, you could make tulpas of the mods and torture them. I'm sure that wouldn't have any negative repercussions.

And people wonder why I constantly threaten to kill myself on Facebook.

This was quite the rabbit hole. Thank you kind sir

I fucked a chalupa once. Is that a similar kind of deal?