Dylann Roof’s Sister Arrested After Bringing Weapons to School Walkout

118  2018-03-16 by WarSanchez


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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If only this bitch's dad had nailed his dick to a board

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jesus christ

knife, pepper spray and marijuana

FeAr. ShE bRoUgHt MaRiJuAnA.

Probably an automatic assault marijuana.

Unfortunately, her brother didn’t kill a bunch of churchgoers with dank bud. She’s a piece of shit.

get tinned, you fishy fuck

You'd think that the sister of Dylann Roof would try to keep a low profile. But I guess white trash runs in the family.

Ms. Roof’s Snapchat post criticized students who planned to walk out of class to protest gun violence. “I hope it’s a trap and y’all get shot,” it said. “We know it’s fixing to be nothing but black people walkin out anyway.”

She's speaking in the dialect of the master race.

How many times do you think she erased and rewrote "black people" vs what she wanted to say

I'll go with about 5.

💯 ni🅱🅱a


Haha, are there any conspiracies that roofs victims were false flag crisis actors?

For literally any mass shooting or terror attack there's a false flag conspiracy.

This is just how humans work, it's compensatory control.


Every time

Their parents must be somethin else.

This is what mayos get up to when they're not kept in check. That and rampant incest.

I sort of feel bad knowing that. Obviously there's no childhood bad enough to understand shooting up a church, but clearly these kids were not given the same bite at the apple the rest of society was.

we give the same excuse for black gangsters who grew up in bad communities. don't see why we can't do that to these two troubled kids


congrats! you're not a lefty anymore. you can now fap to bondage and torture porn without feeling bad wohoo!

what kind of cuck feels guilty watching torture porn

His Aunt and Grandfather too, since I assume those are the same in that family.

The family tree has no branches


Good. I want to die.

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I want to die too

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I want to fly

Superman and his creators love you, here's what you have to wear to fly after you jump off a sufficiently tall building.

i want you to die

this is a pro-safety subreddit gtfo

What a family.

You almost can't blame them for turning out the way they did I guess but then again you can.

Fuck both these hicks

Being trashy in the past, when there wasn't much contact with the greater world would be one thing. But to be trash and know it's possible to not be trash is either arrogant or just plain stupid.

Spoken like a limp wristed suburb boy

Pop an oxy.

It’s ok, it’s Atlanta.

Point is suburbs are having an opioid crisis.

Pop some fentanyl*


Lol you're like how white supremacists shit on blacks because they have nothing else going for them. Just replace blacks with red neck trash and being born white with being born in some trashy suburb.

Why are you commenting on a 3 day old post? You just come out of your nods?

Why are you commenting on a 3 day old post? You just come out of your nods?

You almost can't blame them for turning out the way they did I guess but then again you can.

As BLM has taught us: always blame society, not the individuals. That's how it works, right?

You can absolutely blame society for some things. I get conservatives tend to be stupid people that have a strong disdain for reality, but to claim society can't be blamed for certain things is peak absurdity.

Environmental factors are important. There's a reason nearly everyone alive adopts the religion of their parents and few leave. There's a reason kids raised by white-trash rednecks ended up being white trash rednecks.

There's a reason some black kid born in the ghetto doesn't have a very high chance of escaping said ghetto. People should be held accountable as individuals, but that doesn't mean society doesn't share some of the blame.

so why does the op end his insightful comment with "fuck both these hicks" if you two really think society is to blame?

I don't think society is completely to blame and I said, people should be held accountable.

I'm laughing at the absurd idea that society shares no blame.

they were raised poorly, they're still disgusting white trash hicks.

Just lock the up the whole family at this point.

These people are why labor camps might be a good idea

Like you’d get any decent labor out of them. They’d be fertilizer within a week.

Even in that case at least they'd be contributing more than they are now

Oh god do I have to fit gulags into my personal ethos now? Smh

Don’t think of them as gulags. They’re human mulch factories.

You've been promoted to head of the ministry of branding

Man, I would love to brand some mayos. I’d keep a fire running nonstop, do it assembly line style.

Its hard raising the roofs

Legalize Mayocide.

I'd stick my dick in her mouth ;)

hello mr pebophile how r u today?

She's 18 ;)

This somehow makes it worse.

she's legal age and able to consenttm

How is a blowjob from the opposite of a minor worse?

because she's white...

good save

Mayo mouth > Mayo Gussy

She’s 18? She looks maybe 14. Did she not get enough food growing up?

And all you have to do is give her some meth

Does your username refer to the MG87 cell line?

Wow she's fucking cute.

Hence the pepper spray.

Yeah, I'd roofie her.

Its hard raising the roofs


Youre not gonna beat that.

lol she looks just like her brother

He's going to make a sexy prison wife then.


Mayocide now?

The bananna didn't fall far from the tree here. The whole family trailer is a snake pit. Chain the doors board the windows and burn it to the frame.

Theyre probably a generation or two away from the family in the "Home" xfiles episode

Two might be a streach, but we better use extra gas and toss a bunch of wood under the trailer so its extra hot just in case.

I have been saving my cum kleenex in butterfly books for 15 years waiting for this day.

Well, that's some nostalgia I didn't expect to have at 1AM

That fuckin episode scared the shit out of me as a kid

The roly poly under the bed is what got me

them just some gud boys who luv ther mama

Speaking of children and X-files: Was everyone just OK with the episode where that deformed dude would gas womens' houses and rape + impregnate them?

And at the end of the episode they all wanted to keep the deformed babies anyway? I was only in like middleschool when I saw it and didn't yet know 100% about sex or whatever but even then I thought it was pretty fucked.

I agree sex workers are gross and pretty fucked

She's a pretty goblin.

Shes as ugly on the inside as her doofy-ass bowlcut brother is on the outside

doofy ass-bowlcut brother

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Id say hes probably ugly inside too.

Id say hes probably ugly inside too.

Well said, I am curious as to my downvotes tho.

Maybe I didn't reiterate how shit of a human being he was. We paid for a whole little show to demonstrate his guilt, but really I think the more accurate descriptor is evil/disgusting. I feel ugly doesn't really even scratch the surface for describing him, but it does fit.

However, we've not been so acquainted with her. Its interesting to see how fucked that family seems, or at least the kids.

Saddest thing I read about it was that he reconsidered killing them because of how nice they were to him, but he shot them anyway.

atleast he has determination?

he reconsidered killing them because of how nice they were to him

That. That was what he did that so disgusted me with him. It actually made me cry a lil when I first read about his interaction with them, to know people who are probably better than you as a person, but were still judged and slaughtered by a bowlcut retard.

Takes conviction

Ehh she probably gets shit on everyday of her life just because of who she is related to. I feel bad for her. She needs help hopefully this is the cathartic event that turns her life around. Also she is pretty hot I'd smash.

This shall surely end the torment.

Nah shes fucked for life socially. But she can still come out of this and make a life for herself somewhere.

I genuinely feel sorry for her.

Typical white people.

Yeah but what about all of the good things Dylann Roof did besides probably his sister.

when is the roof family reality show debuting?

To all the guys saying she is hot and you'd bang her, please remember the Hot Crazy Scale

I expected this woman to keep a low profile. Guess that didn't happen