Wimpy mods removed my post yesterday because they're afraid of (((Vice writers)))

47  2018-03-16 by Starship_Litterbox_B


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The link from the post was this image of the Vice writer, publicly available information from his Twitter: https://i.imgur.com/DcDmRFe.jpg

That is the exact same kind of shit that got fph banned.


Oh I didn't know pointing out a journalist's mistakes in a humorous manner was the same as harassing fat people, my bad.

Tbf he is fat.


Even his dog is fat.


If you want to pull this off you're gonna have to get better a lying.

Lol the post is literally right there for you to see with your own eyes though.

Is that guy not a public figure? We make fun of retarded journalists all the time.

FPH got banned for mass brigading and stalking users.

Also, weren't those pics of the Imgur team not even accurate? Like there were a bunch of normal sized noon-fatties on the team?

FPH got banned because imgur told Reddit that they would ban Reddit links unless FPH got banned for posting their publicly available staff photo in their side bar.

Reddit doesn't give a shit what you do until it becomes public and potentially hurts Reddit.

Nobody is insulting him, I fully respect his soy lifestyle and Jewish heritage.

If you want to do the sub a favor then unmod yourself.

Who the fuck are you? Livestream your suicide, loser.

Actually they got banned because the mods were idiots and never cooperated with the admins.

Some harassed suicidal people.

Some made ill-advised jokes about a mod passing away.

After the mods were salmon'd again and again it only made sense to shut it all down.

wow i didn't know that dogs could use the internet.

Antisemetic as fuck bro!🤘😈🤘

wow i didn't know that dogs could use the internet.

who do you think writes his articles?

The joos

his dog is a joo?

(((They))) went trans-species nearly 80 years ago

it's a good thing I keep cats then.

Was Maus that difficult for you to follow?

Maus is a Jewish propaganda

eh, what isn't

Modcide when?

Full overlap with the mayocide

Everyone knows the mods are 1/32 Jewish so they're safe

For now

The Day of the Canning will soon be upon us, brother. No need to be impatient.

This politically biased censorship is unacceptable