/r/conspiracy user declares his particular conspiracy a litmus test for intelligence on a subreddit that is itself a litmus test for intelligence

35  2018-03-16 by Alexlincoln2


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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i think its time for NASA to have its budget cut

i know people with legit disabilities who can't get on disability


Did they approve your request yet?

I personally believe in the flat moon theory.

The Moon is a liberal conspiracy.

Those clearly aren't craters, they are developing holes in the moon cheese.

I'm not sure I can go back to plain old vanilla /r/conspiracy drama after CBTS. It's like going back to /r/gonewild after tasting the pleasures of tranny on twink forced insemination videos.

It's a little like watching kids cartoons after watching the Saw movies. It doesn't shock and horrify you the same way, but that's also the charm. This idiot thinks he's disproven the moon landing, isn't that cute? Nobody has ever shot up a NASA office to figure out the ((("truth"))), it's also basically harmless.

"escape velocity" is science fiction. you can't escape gravity, regardless how fast your fake space craft allegedly goes

top kekalek

/u/EnoughNoLibsSpam your ideas intrigue me. If it's impossible to escape gravity then how does GPS really work?

satellites do not escape gravity.

in fact, satellites stay in orbit precisely because of gravity

as satellites travel fast enough to "fall around" the Earth

the Moon Landing Hoax relies on the myth that if a rocket can somehow achieve 25,000 MPH, then magically gravity would cease to have any effect on the rocket, and the rocket would "coast" to the moon in what can only be described as "Flat Space", which is a fictitious space that exists between the Earth and the Moon where neither the gravity of the Earth nor the Moon affects the rocket

theres a reason you are not taught about Lagrange Points in the context of the moon landing hoax



wut? ๐Ÿคจ

It doesn't ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ

Escape velocity is science fiction.

Fucking wat. Is gravity also science fiction?

Gravity is a social construct.

How can rockets be real if our gravity isn't real


I like how he cited reddit posts as sources. Specifically, posts he had made.