"I voted for Donald Trump.", says u/Tinypeepee123, as r/fakehistoryporn boils over

25  2018-03-16 by AchtungMaybe


Grug no like Drongle Gropmmmmhhh >:(

Holy shit this is a gold mine.

u/GumbyTheGremlin why do you think you're so much better than anyone else when you're insulting people in a meme subreddit for children? Just embrace your lack of future and stop blaming it on Grimald Drumpf and his retard crew and instead put the blame where it really lies your lack of talent and motivation to do anything but bitch with the hope that someone will be tricked into thinking you're not a loser.

probably because he didn't vote for an actual retard

Voting at all is pretty cucked imo. Imagine writing down the person you want to tell you what to do and decide things for you. Might as well put your balls in a jar.


A relevant username indeed;

President Donald Trump mourns the loss of Stephen Hawking (2018)

I laughed out loud at this.