Some of the most offensive, degrading, pathologizing labels for human diversity originated as “medical terms”. IE a fatty is triggered by “overweight.”

77  2018-03-16 by Dontfuqfatties


This is why we need mayocide.


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The term I censored literally means that certain bodies are wrong because of their weights.

Well......if you’re 5’ 6” and weigh in at 400 pounds, maybe that’s a bit wrong.

That’s a BMI of 64.6 - for reference, obesity is a BMI >= 30.

But what is superfat?

I think being over double the threshold for obesity counts as superfat.

Real talk - feeling like your disgusting or getting shit on by people about your weight usually doesn’t make people lose weight. But being overweight isn’t good for you, and you’re less healthy than you’d be if you weighed less. Certainly, getting regular exercise and eating well and not smoking, etc. all help, but you’re still at risk for worse health outcomes overall.

There’s got to be some reasonable place between FPH and folks who pretend being fat has no negative consequences.

I agree to all this. CICO is possibly the ultimate in weight control for the average person. Obese individuals tend to eat whatever they want when they should be backing off.

FPH could’ve had a sweet spot. Their main issue seemed to be invading IG, tumblr, and the fat acceptance groups and dozing people. There was a bit of a mysoginistic tilt but that could be partially due to women (feminists) are loud and outspoken on fat positivity, with few fat men also lecturing us on the joys of obesity. Sadly the closest thing to it is /r/fatlogic which just isn’t the same.

FPH probably couldn’t have had a sweet spot because they were fundamentally dishonest about their intent. They didn’t give a shit about the health of fat people, they just liked making fun on them (and probably making themselves feel less disgusting by comparison). If we’re being real, mocking fat people and making them feel like shit about their bodies hasn’t been shown to make them more likely to lose weight. If you care about health, then weight loss/maintenance is the main concern.

Yes, fat positivity is dumb, but FPH’s userbase was only tangentially interested in addressing that. Mostly they were into making fun of fat people, which might be satisfying but doesn’t actually help.

Dishonest about intent

literally called fatpeoplehate

Repeatedly stated they didn't care about the health of fat people

As for shaming not helping wait loss, that's iffy. In a mostly thin society it probably is an effective method. In mostly fat countries, not so much because fat is the norm. On that same token coddling will put most in a perpetual cycle of "working on it" like we have in the U.S

There’s got to be some reasonable place between FPH and folks who pretend being fat has no negative consequences.

Shame the action, not the individual? Don't shame someone for being fat but have activities like not working out, being sedentary, and eating junk all the time seen like smoking or drunk driving are.

I imagine someone my height, 5'2" , but weighing 500 pounds.

What's it like going even further beyond?

I think the term "deathfat" applies to people over a BMI of 50.

Morbidly obese is bmi > 40. So is this super-duper extra morbidly obese?

His fat level is over 9000!


Pretty sure morbid is 35 and over.

Morbid Obesity is a Serious Health Condition. ... An individual is considered morbidly obese if he or she is 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight, has a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

I never read that before. I always went with 35.

Giga-fat and uberfat both sound pretty good imo, especially uberfat because it sounds like the best thing to call sepos under the misapprehension they're the 56 percent master race.

BMI is shit though, it lets skinnyfats off the hook.


🚨🚨🚨does push ups......flexes.....kisses his biceps🚨🚨🚨

U ok?

Tell me fam, have you ever heard about Big Bad Booty Daddy - Scott Steiner?

I have not, I think i need to be enlightened


In the interest of keepimg you safe, I advise that you lose some weight before a myriad of obesity related diseases hit you like a truck in your 30s. Trust me, you'll feel so much better.

She’s kind of a lost cause. Looking at her post history I see a lot of complaining that men won’t change their anti-fat biases.

Hopefully one day she looks to lose it and get healthy.

I think it's too late

God, I feel bad for her. Wish she would realise that being obese puts a huge strain on your body and that she'd also have a easier time finding a partner if she got to a more healthy weight. No one who's not a fat-fetishist wants to date a very heavy person.

encouraging’ them by commenting on imagined changes to their body size, or just making assumptions that they’re interested in shrinking themselves.


So this overweight guy started going to the gym. He was doing some sort of routine and clearly didn’t know how to do...anything. A couple of the regulars helped him out, worked with him on nutrition, getting a plan together, showing him technique, etc. the other day I said he’d come along way because he’s visibly lost a fuckton of fat. Base on that, am I a bully? 🤔

you're a nazi

This is the correct insult deduction in CURRENT_YEAR

You were basically trying to get him to kill himself based on your story. I've contacted the internet police

I’m in this situation right now. A friend and I are in a relationship so close that it resembles a marriage to many observers. We are compatible in pretty much every way. But he can’t bring himself to have “those kind of feelings” for someone who looks like me. I’m not angry with him, exactly, for not working harder to change his own biases, but it is still heartbreaking - we’re both losing out on the chance at a wonderful relationship.

That's really sad. She has no idea how much better her life would be in every aspect if she just lost some weight.

Yep. She faults him for not changing his biases but doesn’t bother to consider maybe it’s her.

She's in deep denial.

She calls her self "super fat," but also says "I’m already pretty fit."

There's no way she's fit in any possible definition of the word. She's over 400 lbs, that's a BMI of over 60, that's not even morbidly obese anymore, it's like super duper hyper morbidly obese. She probably can't walk a mile without breaking down. Like I'm pretty fit and have strong legs but I doubt I could wear a 250 lbs fatsuit for that long.

This is really sad, in a sense it's too late because she has already completely destroyed her body, however she can still try to minimize damage and lose weight now if she doesn't want to die in the next decade.

I spend time on /r/keto and they regularly post those kind of losses.

But she's "vegan" so. . .

It's definitely possible, but considering how her healthy weight is probably almost only 1/3 of her current weight she'll be left with a wrecked body. Skin would have to be fixed with multiple operations. Stretchmarks probably look terrible and won't ever go away. I can't imagine how bad those must be at 400 lbs, I was 240 and that already left some "remarkable" ones ... at 160 lbs more it must be so much worse.

She could do keto or just watch her calories, both approaches work. Even if she eats 2000 daily she'd still lose roughly 2 lbs per week at her current weight. And later women can go as low as 1200.

I really wonder how heavy she is though. Like if you call yourself super-fat you're probably way into morbidly obese territory. Chances are that even if she loses the weight now she'll end up with skin problems which would require operations to be fixed ... It's really sad and a reminder why the body acceptance and haes movements are so dangerous. In fact I find it worrying that reddit gives them a platform at all, they basically promote slow suicide.

Jesus. "Health orientated" by making sure they never ever lose weight while being incredibly morbidly obese.

Claims to be intelligent and want the same in a guy.

Wonder why that isn't working out.

I’m fine if they assume it’s for health reasons - that’s why most people go! But assuming it’s to lose weight is really shitty and bigoted.

This comment gave me cancer tbh.

Under? She sounds like she's the blue moon in question.

I've talked to this user before. She doesn't believe weight loss is possible and she thinks she's fit at 400+ pounds. She's also a female incel. Her post history is incredibly depressing.

I think she knows it's possible, it's just that being this obese for such a long time has completely destroyed her skin and body, ruined her life, and it's just too hard mentally to accept that that was all unnecessary and could have been avoided.

Her post history is incredibly depressing.

Damn ... that's just sad. I feel like it should be archieved and be shown to obese teenagers, these things are way more terrifying than maybe getting diabetes or joint pain in the future. Or she could do a tour to schools "scared thin" where she tells them about her experiences.

before a myriad of obesity related diseases hit you like a truck in your 30s

She's in her 40s.

Fat is apparently less offensive than overweight lol

Fat is fluffy!

You're not fluffy, you're just a fat Mexican.

Can’t speak Mexican. Therefor can’t be Mexican.

Honestly, are we supposed to call them "extra eaters"?

Fuck those people, seriously. I do kinda feel bad for them but they're just trying to drag others down with them. Just because they ruined their bodies by being morbidly obese doesn't mean it's even remotely okay to force this as an acceptable beauty standard on others and to promote obesity and make others think that slowly killing yourself and destroying your body is fine.

I'm sorry for them, I really am, but stuff like this is completely disgusting and their subreddits really need to be banned asap.

We need a subreddit that can discuss the horrors of fat positivity and HAES. Maybe share some examples of people who are morbidly obese to show each other how repulsive the obesity epidemic is. A place where we can have a brutally honest and frank discussion on what too much blubber does to the body.

Tess Munster can be the mascot

So basically r/fatlogic ?

Naw they’re not brutal. And you can’t post pics of fat people and discuss their less awesome attributes.

And eventually have the imgur admins on the side bar as icing on the cake(heh).


Your username just a coincydink?

I'm a very very passionate intersectional feminist, and proud of it. I'm also Non-binary and male.

Wtf. That boy ain’t right.

Well if you’re a soyboy you need to let the local wild life know you aren’t a male rapist. 😉

I'm also Non-binary and male.

that isnt even how that works, its one or the other by definition

like its one or the other by definition

Xey just said xe is non-binary, so stop trying to make xem pick one!

Please don't use the term o********t. It's really offensive to larger persons.

Here, you missed some letters: O V E R W E I G H T



Honestly I applaud their mindset. Personally I want them to push human bodies to the limits. See exactly how fat we can make a "human."

Yeah that's already happened.

This guy got so fucking huge that his skin couldn't stretch any more and actually started tearing.

See if we had FPH this would be top material. 😪

How the fuck did his parents let it get that bad? He weighed 6 stone at 4 years old and his mom says "he didn't eat more, he just gained weight faster." Like bitch that's not how it works and you killed your son by not encouraging healthy eating habits.

How can someone who weighed 1000 lb angrily claim that they never ate more than a normal person?

You see when they don't leave their house, how are they suppossed to know how much a normal person eats? (:

You know how cartoon characters often eat an inordinate ridiculous amount of food because it's all exaggerated?

Maybe that's how they see the average person.

I'm 13 seconds in and they've already talked about having to knock down a wall to get this guy out of the house. I'm not sure if I want to see how big this dude is or not.

These people have never heard of the euphemism treadmill. Or just treadmills in general.

i can't tell if this is satire or mental illness

Can’t we have both?

Can we please nuke the whole earth?

Invert actually sounds like a word gay culture would want to reclaim, that sounds way more dope than gay.

> username is Dontfuqfatties

> four day old account

> only posts about fatties

OP is a chubby chaser in denial

Naw, it's a meme account. There's a certain individual who spazzed out over "brigading" (can't tell a linked post from a brigade, smh). As a result, this account links to the fatty entertainment and the other account links to normal drama.

That's retarded.

I'm also Non-binary and male.

How the fuck are you both non-binary and male?

Is there a reason we're going in hard on fatties right now?

I don't give a shit about a fat chick's feelings, I just find it weird we all picked this as a target out of the blue recently?

I just find it weird we all picked this as a target out of the blue recently?

/u/InsaneHuckleberry (formerly known as /u/Lawgustmarck) was posting a bunch of threads from /r/BodyAcceptance before he was suspended. I'm guessing that /u/Dontfuqfatties is his new account.

I plead the fifth of Jack.


Bitch you are the blue moon.