Just another Tay Tay post

88  2018-03-16 by Su_ButteredScone


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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God I fucking hate this tay tay shit! Bring back the cute animal posts ffs. No one gives a fuck about Taylor "My ex-boyfriend killed my mom" Swift.

Rude tbh

Some stay dry and others feel the Tay

Hey?! You shut your whore mouth you dumb motherfucker! Don't talk shit about my boo TayTay 😡

Your waifu is more retarded than you lol

Pls try drinking bleach to remove all that shit from you mouth 🤢🤮😏😣

keep yourself very safe

vvv rood 😡😡😡

u/the_rachel's first post was 27 minutes ago, your reply was 18 minutes ago, xer reply was 12 minutes ago and the comment I'm commenting on was 9 minutes ago. What kind of Illuminati shit are you pulling?

bob n vagene

Someone needs a trip to /r/TaylorSwiftsArmpit

I'm down tbh

Tay Zonday? Has he been relevant since 2005?

He’s relevant now!

He has a twitch stream where he's absolutely awful at video games

Isn't that like most twitch streamers?

Thats.a male?

do u even chocolate rain?

Wtf I love tayposting now

zay zay <3

Now Tay I can get into!