Where's /u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu these days? New account? Gone fishing? Can't handle being "cucked 'n chucked" by spez?

9  2018-03-16 by Ed_ButteredToast


/ourgirl/ 🐍 TayTay™ 🐍 on jury duty 🔥🇺🇸


lol u/IvankaTrumpLsMyWaifu got suspended too



rip in piss

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a fan of this Swift pic.

lol dude looks like the ultimate cuck

He got banned and then was too stupid to make an alt that didn't obviously stand out as him.

My money is on /u/annoysthesoyboys being his new alt

I feel like I was posting on here before his primary got banned. And this may come as a huge shock, but I think Trump is a giant retard and his supporters are a fucking joke. I was a Kasich man myself.

dubya bush third term when?

Oh come on, he was a better opition than dubya, Jeb! would have been the 3rd term. I was ok with Hillary, but man are her supporters insufferable. Worse than Trumptards by a large margin.

Fair enough

Can't be, that account hasn't been IP banned/chucked yet
