/r/BeholdtheMasterRace isn't sure if they support the Allies in WWII

48  2018-03-17 by HodorTheDoorHolder


I’m saying the “greatest generation” had it’s fair share of asshole racist pieces of shit. Just because you signed up to fight in the war didn’t make you a good person. Have you ever talked to someone over 70?

Yes, I have, /u/Demshil4higher, and they're even more tired of your dumb shit than most of the rest of us and want you to get the fuck off their lawn.

and they're even more tired of your dumb shit than most of the rest of us


Their neighbor had shot Blue dead with a hunting rifle when they saw him taking their crop. Didn’t even ask him to stop. Just shot him.

I don't know u/Clocktease, he got his farm raided for three years straight and decided to take action is bad?

By 7-10 year old children, taking 4 watermelons a week, on a farm of thousands. Also shooting a child for taking a watermelon isn’t taking proper action. That’s murdering a child for doing something silly.

So they were stealing over and over on a constant basis?

I didn't know stealing was death penalty worthy

Let's just shoot all shoplifters in the head from now on

Do you have a hard time reading or do you need things spelled out for you? If that’s good enough reason for you to overlook the murder of a child, then you have other issues to need to sort through.

Why are people supposed to work to make a living and just give their money away day in and day out? I was fully aware that stealing was bad before I was even in school.

Who the hell is saying they should? Literally no one is saying they should. Why is it okay in your head to shoot a child because of it?

Literally no one is saying they should? Then why are you saying the kids should be able to? You somehow know for sure that they literally did nothing before to try to stop theft?

Quote me on that, please. And what I have to go off of is my fathers word, which I would trust more than the speculation of some deluded guy in the internet trying to justify killing kids. Get your shit straight bud.

stealing melon

"it's just kids doing something silly."

Yeah sure.

What do you even mean? 7 yr old kids don’t get shot for taking an apple from the grocery store. Wtf is wrong with you people lmao


Do it again.

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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You missed the point of the comic so much holy fuck

u/HodortheDoorHolder is either baiting or actually retarded

I will eat your soul.

If by “soul” you meant “hole” then gobble me up bb 😏😽💩

I'm strictly chickly


Look at the comments section ya dummy.

/r/beholdthemasterrace is literally doing whataboutism over WW2 soldiers not being progressive superliberals during a gat dang war.


"People who were fighting for the greater good in the past were total scumbags because they didn't conform to my progressive 21st century worldview"

Did I call anyone named?

Society in the 40’s was racist as fuck and so let’s not assume the people fighting the nazis were not racists as well. I’m old enough to know people that fought in world war 2 and not all deserve to be idolized.

You don't have to idolize them but without their sacrifices we wouldn't have the world we have today. People are a product of the times they live in, it's not their fault they were born in a society where racism was mainstream. And keep in mind that most of the desegregation and civil rights movements of the 1960s were spearheaded by people born before WW2, including veterans.

" Racism " means a lot of things

Muhammed fucked literal children, guess all the Muslims the world over are useless assholes and have to give up their beliefs

Oh wait no, that's retarded because people 2,000 years ago had very different ways of looking at the world and behaving and shit that is horrible and unacceptable now was acceptable then

Or maybe their pointing out that America in the 1940 was a pretty Fucking racist country

No one cares. Get over it you fucking losers

It's incredible watching people defend the government stealing property and putting people into concentration camps with no other impetus except race, just because it was done by FDR lmao

It's okay if the government steals property and puts people into concentration camps with no other impetus except race, but only when it's done by a man with a blue tie

lol are you comparing America's internment camps to the Nazis' concentration camps?

A concentration camp (or internment camp) is a place where a government forces many people to live.

Death camps are a separate thing from concentration camps, which were what the Nazis had. And even the Nazis mostly had concentration camps, they only had a handful of death camps which is why people would be transported by train from their labour camps into camps like Auschwitz.

Are you saying it’s okay to have those camps, as long as you don’t kill the people within them?

Yes, of the people woth8n them are mayos.

Are you saying internment camps are actually comparable to extermination camps? Both are bad but one is a whole lot worse.

They are comparable. They're both concentration camps. How are camps in West Germany different than camps in California?

If you think any camps that existed in this country were anywhere near the ones that existed in Germany you are a profoundly ignorant fucking moron and historically illiterate clown.

I would attempt to educate you here, but the fact you unironically seem to believe this it displays a level of delusion so extreme, a detachment from reality so intense that it'd be like trying to teach a sewer rat math or something.

This isn't to say that the US camps weren't fucking deplorable and a stain on this country - but to ever claim they were in any fucking way comparable to the camps in Germany is at best ignorance, at worst a severe form of mental disability.

I missed u bby. Where u been?

Gonna be honest here subputine. I started carrying retards in wow dungeons for money and it spiraled out of control and I spent way too much time doing it.

I started an organization. I had spreadsheets, I had huge client lists. Recently I've stepped back a bit and let the other guys do some without me.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Vidya Addiction Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Game Haha

Nah, I feel you. When you’re really good at something it’s tough to stop, especially if it’s social like WoW and people depend on you. I don’t have the social excuse, but I wasted the first two weeks of this quarter doing no work so I could instead spend 6 hours a day being all tunnel-visioned in eu4 on dumb achievement runs. Sometimes you just got to step away for a while because you’re out of control. 🤷‍♂️

For money.

Please tell me USA dollars and not WoW gold.

Well few things here, sport.

A) Wow Gold can be converted to bnet balance.

B) Wow gold can be sold to China farmers after a little light money laundering.

Is having money in your Battlenet balance useful if you aren't buying games? I just want to know you were getting paid with actual real money from your efforts, that is all.

I mean, I buy a lot of games and a lot of hearthstone cards. So yeah, it's real money.

And like I said, you can just sell it to China farmers. And it's just a hobby.

I didn't mean it insulting or anything. I was curious.

Listen to u/pizzashill u/glorica. If you really think our internment camp is akin to concentration camps, get a few Japanese and convice them that it is their Shoah, so they can bitch about America's oppression on them more.

That’s already the phrase used by a large number of historians to describe the camps. People use the phrase internment to dress up and defend what occurred

Please bestow your knowledge upon me, Annointed One, I am but a humble traveler in these lands. Those historians and sociologists who also use the word concentration camp and who compare West German and American camps are all pygmies compared to your vast intellect


You will find literally nobody credible, and I can not stress "nobody credible" enough ever comparing German camps to American camps because it is fucking absurd.

People were literally being beat to death and tortured in those German camps. Citizens that got anywhere near them were to be shot.

To claim anything the US did was on this level is straight up dishonest.

The only conclusion i can possibly come to is you know literally nothing about German camps, you know nothing about them on even a basic fucking level.

To be clear, I do not believe you to be anywhere near intelligent enough to even comprehend how retarded you are for believing this.

I didn’t say they were as bad. I said they were comparable, and they are compared. I would ask if you have read anything longer than a menu but based on the fact you can’t even read my posts, I venture to say that the answer is no

Check out Greg Robinson’s 2003 book “By Order if the President” which compares concentration camps early on in the book

If you have trouble reading more than 1500 words at a time you could read this transcript.

I didn’t say they were as bad. I said they were comparable

No, on no level were they comparable. That's the problem here you historically illiterate moron.

Check out Greg Robinson’s 2003 book “By Order if the President” which compares concentration camps early on in the book

Again, nothing here says that the camps in Germany were in any way comparable to the ones in the US. "concentration" camps they were, not all concentration camps are created equally.

There's a difference between locking people up for an extended period of time with no torture, or death, or goals of extermination, and locking them up, torturing them, beating them to death, with the intended goal of literal extermination.

The reason I know you to be a historically illiterate moron is because I do in fact read. I'd like to suggest a series for you, maybe you'll learn something.


Just because both camps are technically considered "concentration" camps does not mean they are the same thing.

The fact you think any camp in this country was comparable to any fucking camp in Germany is downright infuriating. It's infuriating because it downplays what happened in Germany.

To compare camps in the US is to compare assault to genocide. It is to compare a bad day to a living god damn nightmare.

You might have convinced yourself that you sound intelligent you edgy fucking mongoloid, but you don't. Stop running around the internet saying stupid shit you pseudointellectual clown.

you pseudointellectual clown

Nice projection there. You're the grandstanding doofus who thinks no one can draw comparisons. I know you might think you're a WWII expert because you listened to a podcast and watched a mockumentary on Netflix but you're taking this extremely personally. It gives me the impression that you consider yourself a personal victim, an "it was real in my mind" retard with no self awareness.

No, on no level were they comparable

So you can't draw comparisons because one thing is moderately worse? I get that you're under the impression that I'm some sort of dope who calls anyone I don't like Hitler, but it's not the case here. I hate that shit as much as anyone, but we are talking about concentration camps. That's not a loose definition, that's not a broad category, it's a very specific type of internment that both camps meet.

Read my original post. I didn't say "Japanese internment was as bad as the wholesale slaughter of millions of people". I said that people were somehow okay with concentration camps and even fucking defend it because the guy who did it is someone they liked. I'm not drawing comparisons between death camps and internment camps. I'm saying that up until the mid 40s, you would have to be a complete tool and probably a victim of a botched lobotomy to say that they were leagues apart.

There's a difference between locking people up for an extended period of time with no torture, or death, or goals of extermination, and locking them up, torturing them, beating them to death, with the intended goal of literal extermination

What is the tangible effect of intent in this case? How little have you read about these camps that you think that they were these Japanese summer camps with no physical assault or abuse of power?

Just because both camps are technically considered "concentration" camps does not mean they are the same thing

I didn't say they were the same thing, I said you can compare them, which is something you have oddly taken an issue with for reasons that remain unclear, except for a vague concept of "they were worse"

To compare camps in the US is to compare assault to genocide. It is to compare a bad day to a living god damn nightmare.

You are downplaying the horrific conditions of what the Japanese endured in US camps because you want to grandstand about concentration camps in Germany being so bad even before they implemented the Final Solution that nothing can be compared to them, not even other camps. It wasn't a bad day, you mouthbreathing cunt. Peoples lives were ruined, careers destroyed, people actually died, and if you survived you made it out with PTSD and nothing else. Fuck you.

The Third Reich Trilogy

The Third Reich Trilogy is a series of three narrative history books by the British historian Richard J. Evans covering the rise and collapse of Nazi Germany in detail, with a focus on the internal politics and the decision-making process. According to Ian Kershaw, it is "the most comprehensive history in any language of the disastrous epoch of the Third Reich", which has been hailed as a "masterpiece of historical scholarship." The three volumes of the trilogy were published between 2003 and 2008.

All of the maps were created by András Bereznay.

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They are comparable.

So is Skittles and steak.

Christ Almighty. People in the thread are fucking defending this shit. Just because one was worse doesn’t mean you need to waste your time defending the other.

For fuck's sake listen to yourself. Niklas stabbed a guy and you're over here screaming about how Jimmy slapped someone.

No one is defending the US, sweetie. These are two things that don't even belong in the same discussion.

Don't "sweetie" me, despite the fact this is the Drama sub, you don't need to be so dramatic. Nobody's "screaming" about anything. Take your goofy ass analogies and go home

despite the fact this is the Drama sub, you don't need to be so dramatic.

Get out 😡

Listen honey, if you'll stop screeching and violently shaking for one second you'll realize that was actually a spot-on analogy for your behavior in this thread.

You're a doofus, go home and make your Ken doll and Barbie doll kiss each other

Don't "sweetie" me, varmint

Well you could get fucking gassed in one set of camps but ok

Interned persons were executed in East Germany.

have your property and all your assets taken from you, lose your job

forced to bunk in a glorified A frame for years and have to shit in a hole

given no option but to go to these camps

given inadequate medical care, access to clean water, or basic supplies for hygiene

one in four families will have someone die from these conditions, racial targeting, or someone getting shot by a sentry

given little in the way of reparations and deal with the impact of this for decades thereafter

But hey it's okay because they didn't kill ALL of us

Pretty sure people talk about it poorly. I was not aware that saying it is not comparable to Nazis is saying it was great.

Read the thread. People are defending it. That's why I posted this, people think there was some sort of justification for doing the same shit Germany was doing up to the early 40s.

I was reading it. Where are you talking about?

You have to spend the extra effort to open the comments below threshold. Also the ones deeper in the comment chain.

"You would have done it too!"

Yeah, you are judging the past through the moral judgement of today. You are somehow acting like you are a special snowflake that would be automatically better than almost everyone in the past.

What makes you so unique? This is like condemning democracy movements in the 1700s for not having women voting.

At the risk of seriousposting, I'm going to take your bait.

judging the past through the moral judgment of today

I'm not looking at the use of slaves 2000 years ago, I'm talking about theft, violence, and displacement of a group of people eighty years ago. This isn't some far-gone realm of human experience.

you are acting like you're better than everyone in the past

Citation needed

what makes you so unique?

I guess I'm the only one who wouldn't want to lose all my property, my job, and have my family forced to go to a concentration camp. Thought that was pretty universal

condemning democracy movements in the 1700s for not having women voting

Democracy isn't a moral position, and the lack of suffrage isn't the initiation of violence. I want to to know how fucked up your head is that you think that there was a period of contemporary history where it was morally justified for the government to act in such an arbitrary, destructive fashion

Can't wait until I am called a Nazi every day just because I lived during a time where gay people couldn't marry. Actually I don't even need to wait because I have people haired freaks and soyboys doing it for me now for everything under the sun.

You're conflating established practice with discretionary behavior. Gay people not being able to marry is something that excludes them, it is not a deliberate use of force and it is not something that was brought before Congress, in which they voted to ban gay marriage. People being forced from their homes into camps to bunk with strangers for being Japanese is something that FDR signed into effect. So you're not raised in a society where it's accepted or the status quo, it is a new and deliberate act of violence. This is some basic Golden Rule shit. They weren't born in a world where the Japanese were already being sent to camps. If we started putting Muslims in camps because we are at war with ISIS, I'm sure you wouldn't be defending it and saying that the next generation just can't understand the reasons for it.

Why would there be 24/7 camps when there is no war? A temporary measure doesn't mean it isn't widespread.

There is also no reason to ever mention them in any conversations with Nazis in them.

We’re at war with radical Islam and it’s a temporary measure. Albeit a fucking terrible one. As I explained in the post you didn’t read.

No... my point was why would they have put Asians in camps forever? Of course they would only do it temporarily. You misunderstood comment.

And no you can't go to war with an idea. We are not in a religious war.

Internment camps were used all over the world so it actually was widespread practice.

And no you can't go to war with an idea. We are not in a religious war.

People who were born here were put into camps. For all intents and purposes we were at war with an ethnicity since it the only regard was for people who had Japanese ancestry and not for people who were necessarily found to be agents of a foreign power, or had any reason to believe they were besides their race

That is why I used the example of ISIS, they are a group few Muslims are affiliated with, much like how few Japanese-Americans were agents of the Japanese Empire. ISIS is an organization. It's not simply a concept, it has leadership and goals like a foreign country. If we are not in a religious war, you have to cede the fact that we were not in an ethnic war with Japanese people either

Internment camps were used all over the world so it actually was widespread practice.

This is what I'm fucking talking about. Why does everyone insist on normalizing and even defending this shit? Every major power committed genocide as well, that doesn't mean it's remotely justifiable. Again, you keep trying to frame it in this lens of "it was okay at the time." It certainly was not okay, this is shit that was condemned in 1492 for Christ's sake, when Muslims were kicked out of Grenada.

ISIS are fucking nobodies and it is absurd to compare that shit to the Japanese Empire.

If it was not ok at the time then why was it so widespread?


The internment camps weren't even the worst of it, African-Americans were still being publicly lynched on a regular basis.

Wait, you think there were no regular lynchings of black people in the 1930-40s?

Yes, that is what I think. By the time WWII was in full swing lynching had plummeted for already two decades. Regular occurrence is hyperbole.

Regular occurrence is hyperbole.


Looks like not even once a year in references. The country is over a 140 million people. I stand by what I said. You sound like the type of person to call Nazis murdering people a serious issue today.

You sound like the type of person to call Nazis murdering people a serious issue today.

I think Nazis, or anyone, murdering people is serious whenever it happens.

The fact that you chose that as an example of something to be dismissed explains a lot though.

Serious issue? How do you manage to leave the house with all this fear mongering?

fear mongering


Do you consider deaths from thunderstorms a serious issue too?


Not serious:

  • Being lynched
  • Getting killed by Nazis
  • Dying in natural desasters

Gotcha. Edgy, I guess.

If some Nazi kills someone, they get tried for murder and that is the end of it. This pretty much never happens. Why is this "serious" in any way?

Lol at calling a fucking lightning strike a natural disaster.

Why is this "serious" in any way?

Ask the victims.

Don't you get it... It's just the blacks that were lynched, and not as much as during slave times!!

Serious for an individual is not a fucking crisis for the entire world at large or even the country they are in. How do you not get that?

Lynching was nothing to be worried about for white people, so in a way you are right.

About 140 million people and you think lynching is a regular thing? It would happen daily if that is the case. Where are all the incidents? I guarantee you there are entire states that didn't have even a single lynching for the entire decade and that it would be the majority of states as well.

People posted sources to you several times in this thread alone. The fact that your only remaining argument is "but it wasn't daily!!" should give you pause.

The sources didn't show anything happening regularly.

The entire argument was about this happens regularly. I don't give a fuck about some one off thing like once a year. 140 million people, shit happens.

You might not "give a fuck". A black person in the South during that time would not have had that luxury.

Everyone today has to live with murder happening, they still go about their lives unless they are unhinged.

You are retarded if you think one off murders in a huge country is somehow the end of the world. Way to blow shit out of proportion, snowflake.

Using your logic black people should be fucking terrified of black people even in 2018.


SRD pls go

Imagine being so white that you are blinded by privilege that you start mocking and downplaying POC oppression. "muh slavery is over"

Wait, no, please help me. Link all the regular public lynching. I'm here. I'll read everything you link, I promise.

I want to learn.


Do you know how a time stamp works genius?

How about a easy case for stepping stone Emmett Till lynching.

Emmett Till wasn't lynched. He was beaten to death and his body was hidden in a river.

He was beaten to death and his body was hidden in a river.

Emmett Till wasn't lynched

Why you do this?

For teh Drama

Yo, do you know what "regularly" means? Do you know it is 2018? You want to soapbox on some example that happened when like 99% of the people on this website weren't even born for?

Lynching do still occur but not in the past. Today they use a militarized police to oppress and terrorize black communities which is paid by the white people.

It just industrialized oppression against poc for the behalf of the White people

Oh, I see. So police never do anything to white people? It isn't because black people are on average more criminal and violent? That would have nothing to do with how they end up in more police altercations?

Police are right wing death squads that hunt down black people to kill on white people's behalf? This is your alternative reality?

lol "alternative reality" . You should stop listening to daddy drumpf.

White people don't need to pay police to do anything to black people. Black people kill each other way more than police could ever pull off and they do it for free.

Thinking police are the equivalent to the KKK is the shit crazy whack job BLM scumbags rant about. You don't need to be a Trump supporter to think BLM is a joke. Even Democrats can easily agree on that one.

Do you go by a list of dog whistle words?

"I don't hate blacks only BLM"

"Blacks on black crime"

What did I say that was inaccurate?

You're swallowing b8. Look at his flair.

What can I say. I like to argue.

It is racist misinformation meant to hurt and justify miss treatment of the Afro-Americans.

Failing for obvious bait

What the fuck circo

I don't care enough. It takes zero energy on my part to call BLM retarded.

Caring about POC constitutes trolling these days , eyy.


You should have been swallowed by your mother instead of deposited in her cunt to fester and grow into a human

Be useful and suck a KSG.

Annnnd we're done.

Shut up negro

Stop being such a whiny nigger and go back to collecting your welfare checks, jigaboo.

It's old soviet propaganda

Time-traveling Russian bots

More like OG Russian bots. This supposed new breed couldn't cook up a masterpiece like this, guaranteeing the demoralization of the black soldier.

The reality has been pointed out to you in that very thread. Trying your luck again here instead, hm?

It will stick somewhere

u/Demshil4higher I'm sorry that your grandparents were racist white trash, but mine weren't. Believe it or not, a lot of Americans back then actually had class. Maybe instead of trying to imagine everyone back then were as bad as your people, you should try to learn from your betters.


My grandma's husband is black. Now she could still hate black people, having a black husband doesn't make that impossible, but she'd be quite the masochist after being married for 40 or so years.

Just because your ancestors were trash the grew up in an Alabama gas station doesn't mean everyone else's were.


Yeah interracial couples, that's some pretty crazy shit m8!