MGTOW and Pussypassdenied types descend on Publicfreakout when a woman ineffectually punches and kicks a man twice her size and weight. Does this bitch need to be slammed into the ground like a sack of meat? For equality, the answer has to be yes.

14  2018-03-17 by Time_to_Drink


You know it's a good thread when controversial and best are exactly the same.

I didn’t realise /r/drama had become so deeply infested with such simpering, ball-less faggots until this thread. You aren’t even trying anymore.

Maybe you should go and beat the shit out of a little girl or something, make yourself feel like a big man.

Yes, that’s why I’m here.

Girl, we know

Are you two people?

does plebbit not understand use of reasonable force?

Do you think this line is clever or funny? Parroting some stupid shit like this just makes you look like an unoriginal fuckwit with a 12 year old's sense of humor.

New snappy quote?

People need to accept that women are biologically inferior to men

Men should have the right to beat up women in self-defense, it's equality after all

Kind of interesting how these types tend to hold both those views simultaneously 🤔

Jesus, I can't believe that den of nitwits is the only sub I've been banned from.

You too, eh? I was banned for calling someone a bitch.

Is that all? I got banned because they thought I was being racist. They are apparently very anti-mayocide over there.

That was the excuse.... it may have really been because I kept posting drama from it in Drama. The mods are sensitive to how they’re perceived in the rest of reddit

They are apparently very anti-mayocide over there.

That's the true racism there.


Those must be the soyboys ive heard so much about