I'm glad that the MLP fandom has basically recontained itself back to /mlp/ now so most of the tumblrfaggots fucked off. Going to EqD a few years ago was fucking unbearable because of them.
Am I the only one who's really pissed off that Applejack doesn't have a Pacific Northwest accent despite our region being the best in the world for ACTUALLY GROWING FUCKING APPLES???
5 KnotAFurfag 2018-03-17
I'm glad that the MLP fandom has basically recontained itself back to /mlp/ now so most of the tumblrfaggots fucked off. Going to EqD a few years ago was fucking unbearable because of them.
4 Redactor0 2018-03-17
Am I the only one who's really pissed off that Applejack doesn't have a Pacific Northwest accent despite our region being the best in the world for ACTUALLY GROWING FUCKING APPLES???
1 SnapshillBot 2018-03-17
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