Drama occurs after disgraced former admin of Encyclopedia Dramatica tries to wipe the entire forum of threads using another admin's account.

138  2018-03-17 by snallygaster


Also he immediately changed Likeicare's password and logged into his account. If you shared nudes with Likeicare, it is possible that Zaiger is now fapping to them.

Why would these people be exchanging nudes?

People become part of online groups, people flirt back and forth, meet up and hook up, and exchange pics. Pretty common, strange to think about, but people straight up send dick and tit pics to people they just met off hookup apps.

I've seen people that frequent the internet.


In the mirror everyday


Almost everytime I've met a person from the internet, dissapointment follows.

I've had a ton of fun with everyone I've met from the internet. Probably depends on the communities you're hanging out in and who you meet up with.

Yeah but you just go to /r/drama meetups. Of course you're going to have a good time.

/r/drama meetups

christ, imagine the smell



It wouldn't even be a smell, it would be those overpowering presence you could literally taste.

Does autism have a smell?

Cheese and crusty cum.

I've only met one person from /r/drama. I actually met a few from ED/troll groups a while ago and it was a great time.

I've only met one person from /r/drama.


I met someone from drama, and he was cool as f... But, he wasn't from drama at the time. Still love the cat. If you read this you short fuck, I have love for you.

had a ton of fun with everyone

Riding that carousel.... I thought you were different snally. Well that's me done with 3d.


I've had a ton of fun with everyone I've met from the internet. Probably depends on the communities you're hanging out in and who you meet up with.

You hang out here.

there are some kool people here.

Literally who?

U look liek a chimichonga irl

I sound tasty

Ugly as fuck still.


Surprisingly, almost all my online friends are super hot. I think that might be a lesbian-on-the-internet thing tho.

any /r/drama cuties wanna pm me pics of ur feet?

Oh yes baby

Pm me your left pinkie nail. ;)

People become part of online groups, people flirt back and forth, meet up and hook up, and exchange pics. Pretty common

This is only common in the backwater shallow-end of the gene pool that find their central-source of social interaction to be online.

Exactly. Online groups.

people straight up send dick and tit pics to people they just met off hookup apps.

Doubt it.

I have friends who have their favorite most flattering pics saved especially for it. And, it works for them at times. And I know of several people in some of the subs I am party of having personal drama for sending them to other users... I've seen some. I personally wouldn't want those of me out there forever.

I doubt anyone actually sends nudes on a hookup app.

user reports: 1: lol virgin


Ah, you got me. Here you go

I falpped 2 this

You're welcome

Can you bench more when not on incline? Tbh I've never really tried incline bench, and am still only doing sets of 155x3 max regular. Seriously impressive though.

Very much so. My incline is 255x2 while my straight bench is 275x5. I've maxed 315 but many injuries since.

Nice, man. I'll start working incline and overhead, appreciate it.

Slower progress, really requires accessory muscles but it will help normal bench.

Nah I send nudes sometimes depending on the level of degeneracy going on

I don't believe you

It's an incestuous community filled with a bunch of people who have little to no social life outside of EDF and treat it like an irl social circle.

You don't share noodz with random roleplayers on degenerate irc networks?

Can you be more disgraced than being a current ED admin?

Came here to say this. I can only imagine that he turned his life around, started a homeless shelter, adopted some orphans, and cured cancer, thus becoming anathema to all that is ED.

No, from what I hear he stole money meant to manage the site and used it to buy heroin.

Eh, those are almost the same thing

idk why this is a surprise to anyone given that he was a known junkie/alcoholic trainwreck well before he took over ED. I'm just surprised he lasted so long.

I think I remember you, didn't you used to go by the handle negispringfield on the old IRC?

that's literally the biggest insult I've ever gotten in my life.

Why? I'm just stating my honest opinion B|

negi's a hapa NEET superweeb who couldn't even make friends out of fellow social rejects on irc.

I'm struggling to see the differences between that and you tbqh.

So what handle did you use? Are you emilyplays, sherrod, tamara?


damn, haven't seen that name in a while. what ever happened to her? last time I knew she was in a relationship with wit, but i'm sure that crashed and burned.

Uh... I'm sure she's moving from man to man, I also think she had a kid taken away by CPS. I don't really keep up with that.

when's the last you heard from her? i used to talk to her a lot, but that was a long time ago.

Years ago, years and years.

I'm guessing snally is ed 1.0 though I highly doubt she is sherrod.

Pretty sure negispringfield.

R u sure u arnt hepkitten snally 😎

jesus christ, no!

I was just going for a bigger insult it was hep or Randi I went with hep. TBH I don't care who you are I know your OG ed though.

Wasn't he actively begging for money for an internetlolsuit (cough cough smack)

yeah lol. i'm sure he's been using donation money for his habits since he took over.

used it to buy heroin.

Was it heroin or meth? Or both?

Also, wasn't there some shit where he was taking money for hosting CP or some shit?

I have no idea what was in those needles, only that he was shooting them into his penis.

Nothing would surprise me at this point.

Meth and heroin at different stages. They were running anonimgur which was hosting cp. Zaiger has always been a pedo I've still got a picture someplace from when he was in his 20s when sherrod banned him for cp the caption was something along the lines of lol banned pedo fgt it was on his talk page.

He was a alcoholic/methhead

Well, you could be posting here

Are you implying Weev is not a prince and a scholar?

Weev was actually a p cool guy up untill his Nazi role-playing stopped being role-playing.

His politics are dogshit, but I have to admit he's pretty good value.

ex /r/drama mod?

so wait.. snally is zaiger out?? I haven't been following this shit


last time I was hanging aroudn there on Dec 12 there seemed to be something going on.. I left their discord because I wasn't getting any answers and asked on the irc channel what was all this about a coup... I was immediately kicked.. I thought it was just people fucking about though 🤔 /u/bussysundae you remember this??

Here's a good video for anyone else looking for a rundown:


I'm deeply disappointed that that video wasn't the bogpill.

i need a QUICK rundown dammit

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs

-In contact with aliens

-Possess psychic-like abilities

-Control france with an iron but fair fist

-Own castles & banks globally

-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line

-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth

-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies

-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51

-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them

-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?

-They learned fluent French in under a week

-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.


fucking hell are we just apart of some sort of greater drama community? it seems we share many of the lingo and inside jokes and these people

You mean you haven't ever clicked Next Page on the Drama Webring?!


Why the fuck does anyone still use forums? I'll never understand, mainly because I didn't get into many before the Great Death that came around 2007-2011. It's a slow arduous way to chat, but I guess I see when draw where you comment, fuck off for a few hours, and come back so you don't need to sit there and nurse the thread.

Besides being a normie repellent, is there any good to forums (besides the drama they once provided)?

I mean, reddit is basically a forum.

Why the fuck does anyone still use forums?

...he asked, unironically, posting to an online forum.

Here are some reasons:

  • content contains subject matter that would get users banned or ostracized on most content sharing/social media websites
  • the forum's been around for so long that the members have built a connection to it/its members and don't want to leave
  • the admins and members want to keep the forum away from prying eyes
  • the forum subject matter does better under a forum format
  • forums foster an actual community, which doesn't really happen very often on content-sharing websites and social media

ffs, people still use The Well and pay money to use it.

Why the fuck does anyone still use forums?

I dunno, you tell us why you still use reddit.


I'm talking more tradition forums, not this Python half-breex

Idk, m8. Spacebattles tends to get replies pretty quickly, as does Sufficient Velocity.

Also, Candlekeep is straight up the best site for Forgotten Realms lore, with novel authors posting there and receptive to setting-related questions. The Bolthole, meanwhile, has excellent WH40k fanfiction. For many niche topics, the related forums are the best place to discuss them.

Seriously, who uses forums for chat instead of just general discussion regarding the relevant topics? Generally, people use forums like they do Reddit, not like they do Discord or IRC.

You said this on Reddit.

idk i enjoyed offtopic and somethingawful... and still use warez-bb

The Ed forums were specifically set up to herd the users onto a platform where they could foster a "community" who would then be much more inclined to hand over money when begging happened at least more so than irc.

ED has a forum? Haha oh wow!


expecting anything less from an ED admin

Oh Internet 2?

Kind of except this time it seems that ED landed in the hands of somebody who's actually competent.

Who is running it now?

I'm not sure, but they seem much more level-headed.

Hahahaahaha based zaiger he was always both good at harvesting lolcows and a lolcow himself.

How ed has changed

The TL;DR is he wasn't managing his assets or his team properly. He has virtually no technical knowledge, which lead to other problems. If he was actually around, he was dangerously drunk at all times. He gave privs to unproven people who treated the production equipment like a classroom lab, breaking things in the process. He approved ridiculous work to be done that got the domain on a spam blacklist and exposed the userbase email list. There was drama regarding anonmgur which almost lead to several admins quitting.

Psh kids thinking there is any other way to admin ED.