Daddy's suing mean porn lady [that he totally didn't have sex with!] for $20 million for breaking their agreement to not talk about the sex they never had.

360  2018-03-17 by UnluckyImp22


Going rate to fuck Stormy Daniels on film: $1500.

Trump's price: $130,000+. Art of the deal!

Cooked 'em.

For what he paid he should have had a threesome with Brittney and Lindsay Lohan while Miley watched in a corner.

Imagine not putting lindsay in the corner

Tig ol Bitties don't go in the corner

Imagine typing "Tig ol Bitties" in 2018

I'm old, fuck off

Go back to watching old All in the Family reruns, gramps

Not that old. More like was almost done highschool when the first Jackass came out old.

Damn that's old

How does it feel to be part of the least interesting generation?

I can skateboard better than most kids these days and I didn't make my friends on discord so I'm happy.

Well technically Trump is going to get paid 20M (maybe more if she doesn't keep her mouth shut) to have fucked her. #winning

By suing someone who's not even worth 1 million.

Yea she's totally fucked. Gonna lose everything then he can put a judgment out on her for the rest of her life. She's gonna be sucking a lot of cock to pay off that debt.

Why not just sue her for a bazillion dollars?

Because the non disclosure agreement said she would pay $1M per disclosure and she's opened her mouth 20 times about it. Do you bother thinking or you too busy felching while listening to CNN?

Was this before or after he threatened to beat her down?

He's upset, just let him vent.

Then he got Trumpgret and deleted all his comments.

No one threataned her ever.

Punch her right in the pussy!

I'm not disappointed by Trump fucking a porn star and cheating on his wife, I'm disappointed by his absolute shit taste in women.

yeah if you are gonna fuck some louisiana white trash whore at least have the decency to fuck britney

This happened in 2006.

Not even daddy would fuck with 2006 britney

Britney is a high-class hoe tho

You're assuming he actually has sex with them and not making them hold him while he cries.

You must be thinking about when an SRD user pays for a prostitute.

I was talking about trump, not /u/wil


> this guy wasn't here for /u/masterlawlz one shining moment





just go die


and pees

There's that smoking hot playboy model of the year who claims she had an extramarital affair with Trump at literally the same time as Stormy. I've yet to figure out why the news doesn't care at all about her and only focuses on skanky mc-honeycomb tits.

There aren’t any weird legal wrinkles in that one.

Nobody gives a shit about the legal wrinkles, Trump's been in like 3000 lawsuits. There's been lots of legal wrinkles. It's about smearing Trump with gossipy drama stories filled with extramarital affairs. Both women's stories accomplish that. A media company bought Mcdougal's story rights so that would mean no NDA from Trump. It's just weird he'd make an NDA with one woman but not the other when they're both saying the same thing and havn't offered any proof. Maybe Stormy really does have pictures or letters. But that would be worth way more than $130k.

Like it or not, the very fact that there was a pay-off, with the much talked about possibility that it came from campaign funds, gave this thing a real kick in the ass, news-cycle wise.

There was a payoff with the other one too, by Trump's friend, and there are also legal questions revolving around campaign finance laws. News wise it should be just as big but it's not.



She's prohibited from talking, although the New Yorker got its hands on a handwritten recollection that she didn't deny writing. Beautiful high school penmanship:,c_limit/Farrow-McDougal-Secondary-1.jpg

Not prohibited by Trump though. The the parent company of the National Enquirer, a tabloid, paid her $150k in 2016 for the rights to the story so she can't talk about it. But the company never published her story. It's bizarre that they would just throw money away like that.

Yeah, that's called "catch & kill." The publisher of the National Enquirer is buddies with Trump.

Ah I see. But that raises the question why they didn't do it with Stormy. The national enquirer is probably the first place she'd go and I don't think the idea of the enquirer pulling a "catch and kill" for Trump was known in 2016 so she'd have no excuse.

Can someone translate that into adult for me.

(He always ordered steak & mashed potatoes - He never drank). We talked for a couple hours - then it was "On"! We got naked and had sex. After, we got dressed (to leave). He offered me money - I looked at him fjcdgbx* said, "No thanks - I'm Not that girl". "I slept w/u because I like you - Not for money" - He told me "You are special"

*TN: wtf

The part you couldn't translate says "(& felt sad)"

Ok lady

She needs to be tried for the suffering she puts others through.

not thanks

So to be clear people are upset Trump the millionaire playboy didn't pay a hooker for sex because he's literally that Kid from Game of Thrones who had sex with the prostitutes?

This is the best President ever.

Apparently that's just a snippet out of eight pages. Abd it was already translated on The New Yorker. 😡

What's next stories about how he was so good at driving a Yacht he stole the guy gave the Yacht and his daughter to him?

He probably had to settle. Fake wealth only goes so far for a fat fucking orange with alzheimers. This is why he had to marry third world.

And being such a bitch about it after the fact

I assume Melania is at this moment working on an Excel spreadsheet to figure out if $20 million really is the going rate for talking about having sex with Donald.

Seriously, if Trump tried his usual tactic of drown with litigation and sue for ridiculous amounts of money as intimidation techniques so as to raise court costs. we should open a go fund me for storms court costs....

At this point, every American should see it as a matter of national security

Edit she has one

She has a go fund me for it she raised over 100,000 dollars in a day

How is it a matter of national security if the president banged a porn star or not? Tbh i dont even really give a shit

Well you see, if someone is placed in a position of national security, it is important to know if they are subject to coercion. This is national security 101 and its funny you trumptards are so clueless.

He said on tape he grabs women by the pussy and he still got elected. Salacious blackmail against Trump bounces right off. There's no reason to think Trump could actually get coerced in exchange for hushing up some sex story.

Except that he mentally cannot accept negative news coverage. When something like pussygate is already out of the barn, he calls it fake. When it's in the barn, he pays it 130k or becomes Putin's bitch. edit a grammar

Yes, the electorate is full of retards who want someone to be their alpha. But we're talking about Trump's mind and they don't figure much into it.

And, well, when you're talking national security, you're supposed to play it safe.

become's Putin's bitch.

How explicit are your sexual fantasies involving Trump?

None, my scrote hibernates for hours after the mere mention of him.

The bitch thing wasn't like s&m, but like subserviant housepet.

I love the fact you said these words. But are you sure these sex fantasies are not S&M based? Because walking somone around the house on a leash like a subservient housepet is basically textbook definition of an S&M fetish.

walking somone around the house on a leash like a subservient housepet is basically textbook definition of an S&M fetish.

Imagine being this much of a square.

Lmao! Right?

Because walking somone around the house on a leash like a subservient housepet is basically textbook definition of an S&M fetish.

Damn, you must have no fun whatsoever in the bedroom to think just that is S&M.

I never said just that. That's kind of like, the starting point...

Sorry I fell asleep reading your comment, bore

Well then sir I hope you were driving in a remote area and read it on mobile. Good day.

Good day.

Imagine being such a straighjacket bore that you use "good day" on r/drama


Fake wealth

This is national security 101 and its funny you trumptards

We should go fund a pornstar

Man the President really blasts your booty


I did not bring this up.

This is national security 101 and its funny you trumptards

I am bootyblasted by the right claiming a monopoly on national security just because they memorized the Schleiffen plan and many semen-covered lugers.

We should go fund a pornstar

When you think this is /r/nofap.

When something like pussygate is already out of the barn, he calls it fake

I did not bring this up

Man you're a retard no wonder you manage to type out "pussygate" without killing yourself

One comment above:

He said on tape he grabs women by the pussy

Wow you're actually so dumb you still haven't figured i'm making fun of you for using the term Pussygate. You know the word I quoted for you TWICE?

It's amazing how all the people who REEE about the President are fucking retards like yourself.


So upset you can't even play along now, tell me more about how you can't figure out why the Democrats lost National Security as a talking point to Republicans you mong.

You're awful wound up.


Eh who cares. You didn't throw this big fit when Clinton used Monica as an ash tray. This is selective moral outrage. There are plenty of things to criticize Trump for other than who he fucked 12 years ago.



What happened to you?

I've got a 3 day temp suspension.

I didn't?

Ayyyy the whattaboutisms. I was freaking twelve when that happened, I'm an adult now.

i think you're 12 now tbh

Fortunately my age is not decided by your perception.

Still under the age of consent even if mommy and daddy give you permission so no touchy.


Believe me I like Bill more than Donald

Yeah but Trump shouldnt give a shit either. Literally no one should care if he fucked a pornstar; that way it has no blackmail power

One nation under God.

Liberals hate that phrase so that kinda points out how liberals shouldn't care if Trump bangs a pornstar which means it's not blackmail.

Because unless you believe in theocracy, you can't believe infidelity is wrong.

Wow strawman alert... But the point is when half the country hates the phrase "one nation under God" it's bizarre you'd say that in the context of reaffirming blackmail power.

It's exactly your argument which, yes, is made of straw.

WTF look up the meaning of strawman fallacy. It's not just a retort you can make when your fee fees are hurt.

Imagine being so retarded you don't get a play on words.

A large percentage of Trumps base ran around for the last 8 years screeching about "family values" and pretending Obama, a devout Christian and family man was somehow anti-family values for no reason other than he was black.

They absolutely fucking care about this even if they pretend they don't. There's a limit, white evangelicals are very dumb people, but they aren't dumb enough to keep blindly supporting him as they're confronted with more and more reality in relation to the fact Trump is a degenerate.

There is a limit, Trump is not immune to the laws of politics. Trump himself cares which is why he keeps trying throw his learning disabled base bullshit-covered bones.

but they aren't dumb enough to keep blindly supporting him


Yeah it’s really incredible how they hold people on their side to a totally different standard than people who aren’t on their side. This is a type of thinking exclusive to the religious right. Hence why the sex-positive left is so forgiving toward our President’s sexual escapades.

Holding people to their own standards does not a double standard make.

“Holding people to their own standards” is a retarded waste of time because it will never satisfy you.

But it does. Because I get to mock them. 2016 was the year that proved every single argument white evangelicals ever make again can be completely dismissed.

Yea it should also have been the year you realized that fact doesn’t matter

Wow it's almost like only fucking retards like you and pizzashill think Republicans are a monolith and ignored the entire Republican Primaries because you are uninformed fucking morons who screech about evil republicans because Daddy makes you go to church on sundays.

I’m a Republican

im just shitposting man but I appear to have missed some of your sarcasm like

Hence why the sex-positive left is so forgiving toward our President’s sexual escapades.

a devout Christian and family man was somehow anti-family values for no reason other than he was black.

ROFL a pro baby murdering muslim sympathizer who encourages policies that break apart families and who never mentioned his "faith" outside vague ecumenical platitudes is not a "devout Christian family man." I guarantee you he would never in a million years say Jesus is the only way like every devout Christian believes.. However, they specifically didn't like Obama because he's a globalist who hates Israel and was friends with white-hating scumbags like Farrakhan.

They absolutely fucking care about this even if they pretend they don't. There's a limit, white evangelicals are very dumb people, but they aren't dumb enough to keep blindly supporting him as they're confronted with more and more reality in relation to the fact Trump is a degenerate.

Betraying your own morals has absolutely, unequivocally, 0% anything to do with intelligence. If you're going to make up reasons Trump is suddenly going to lose his base support at least don't make them utterly self-defeating contradictory nonsense. Try a different more believable angle shill.

tell me where the statement is wrong. I'll wait.

Are you unironically incapable of seeing how absurdly stupid what you typed was?

A) Anyone calling someone a "baby killer" because they support bodily autonomy and don't want to force women to birth children they don't want automatically reveals themselves as an irrational, stupid, and delusional person.

B) What in the fuck makes someone a "Muslim sympathizer" and what policies did Obama support that "break families apart." I'm actually curious to see how absurdly stupid your reasoning for this one is.

No it's the exact opposite. Believing theres nothing wrong with murdering unborn people, a biological fact, makes you the delusional person.

He supports the Muslim brotherhood. A terrorist organization full stop. Ergo he's a muslim sympathizer who thinks they can't do any wrong. He even had the absurdity to tell the world he won't use the word "islamic terroism"... He's delusional.

Socialist policies that break apart the nuclear family in exchange for dependence on the state is the more specific explanation, and Obama was just a puppet towards that end. These videos/articles should clear it up for you:

I was going to spend a bunch of time asking for citations for your bullshit and picking apart your dipshit links but it wouldn’t make a difference because if you’re too goddamn stupid to see the problem already then explaining it to you won’t matter. In conclusion: drink bleach.

don't lie. You never were intending to rationally discuss words you don't like. Just like every other liberal.

I’m not a liberal. Teams are stupid. You’re a retarded faggot like every other retarded faggot on your retarded faggot team.

not a liberal

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Whatever you say MR. Super Centrist.

Sure thing, Mr. Retarded Faggot.

No it's the exact opposite. Believing theres nothing wrong with murdering unborn people, a biological fact, makes you the delusional person.


He supports the Muslim brotherhood

And dismissed.

thinking murdering people is ok is your prerogative. Nothing to argue thier because it's pointless... And duh the muslim brotherhood is a terrorist organization and thinking it's ok to support them makes you a sympathizer yourself shilly.

He cares so little he had his lawyer pay her hush money lmao

For him to be subject to coercion via the threat of blackmail, he would need to have even a nanogram of shame somewhere inside that flabby orange body. Checkmate libruls!

Hey could you delete this comment? It makes us magapedes look bad.

I bet you have to say that a lot.

Do you want your president to have as much blackmail material out there as he does?

blackmail material

what blackmail material?

the blackmail material that you just read about on the news and his lawyers are publicly suing over?

He's been an icky person for decades. This can't be the only thing under wraps.

Almost as if this isn't under wraps at all.



Do you also say Gross, sweetie and problematic?

Is this some kind of next level bait

Just avoiding being accused of an ad hominem attack for saying what kind of person I really think he is. :)

lmao welcome to Drama, don't be so upset everyone says something mean to you that you go muh fallacies you'll get exhausted



It's not the sex, it's the cover-up. (According to the court documents, if he really is the man in question, which as the OP points out if not then what's his beef) Trump had his lawyer/fixer form an illegal corporation for the purposes of paying her hush money not to disclose their relationship in the days before the election (also illegal as it was undeclared). Also according her to lawyer (i.e. totally unverified but would destroy his career and reputation if untrue) she was threatened with physical harm to keep quiet, probably one of the reasons why the hush money ($130k) was comparatively so little. The president cheating on his wife is one thing, the president engaging in criminal behaviour to influence the outcome of an election is another.

form an illegal corporation

> I don't actually know what illegal means

>Also unlegal because it was undeclared

> I don't actuall know what illegal means and think a lawyer is the same as a campaign because i'm a retard

"Illegal" because the corporation was created to do something illegal, which is itself illegal.

"Undeclared" because the payoff would need to have been declared as a campaign contribution, which it was not.

"Physical harm" as in the lawyer said she was threatened with physical harm, I was very clear that this claim is as yet unverified.

the corporation was created to do something illegal, which is itself illegal.

No, who taught you about the law /r/legaladvice jez


Yes tell me more about how a lawyer who wasn't a part of the campaign paying a hoooker was a campaign contribution you idiot.

Physical harm

> I think people on the internet saying mean words actually matters because I unironcally think gamergate neets threatened Physical harm

No, who taught you about the law /r/legaladvice jez

Actually, that assessment comes from a Harvard trained corporate lawyer. You may well have a better understanding of US corporate law than I do but I'm 99.9% person he has a better understanding than you.

Yes tell me more about how a lawyer who wasn't a part of the campaign paying a hoooker was a campaign contribution you idiot.

Right so you're going with the argument that a lawyer paid $130k out of his own pocket to silence her, it didn't come from his client? Interesting tactic, let's see how that plays out.

I think people on the internet saying mean words actually matters because I unironcally think gamergate neets threatened Physical harm

lolwut who mentioned gamergate? No, I think an attorney with a good reputation and career going on TV and making a falsifiable statement such as this is highly suggestive that he's telling the truth, but, again, as I've said repeatedly, this hasn't been verified. More to the point, even if it were untrue, on the other facts of the case it would still be criminal conduct intended to influence an election.

> I think Campaign Finance law is Corporate Law

Jesus Christ you're a fucking idiot aren't you.

Interesting tactic, let's see how that plays out.

You actually have no idea how the law works do you?

Are you even American?

people going on TV means it's more likely they are trustworthy and telling the truth, whores and lawyers especially


I think Campaign Finance law is Corporate Law

Jesus Christ you're a fucking idiot aren't you.

Thinking corporate law doesn't encompass whether or not it's legal to form a corporation for the sole purpose of breaking the law.

Nope I'm not American, but still capable - amazingly - of processing what is said by American lawyers. See, I'm not blinded by having a horse in the race, not emotionally invested in Trump being (or not being) a criminal. You should try it sometime! I think you'll find that when you're emotionally neutral about things you have a much better evaluating and processing the opinions of people more educated than yourself.

American lawyers

Quick what's the reputation of American Lawyers who go on MSNBC to speculate widely about cases they aren't involved in at all.

See, I'm not blinded

So you're just totally ignorant of how American law works then.

evaluating and processing the opinions of people more educated than yourself.

Try paying attention to the guy telling you if how the Law worked like your ignorant ass thought it did we'd have to spend a fortune of tax payer money chasing shell companies uselessly.

What's the legal reason the Laywer payed off the whore btw? Want to explain your knowledge of NDA and the reasons they are sooo very hard to create ( not even enforce just fucking create rofl) like you think they are?

Given that 98% of Americans can't tell their elbow from their arsehole or find their own country on a map, I actually think not being American should, if anything, bolster my argument.

Want to explain your knowledge of NDA

My knowledge in this situation is that only <<maybe Trump's>> alias signed the NDA so going to court to defend it would involve <<maybe Trump>> owning up to the fact that Stormy Daniel's has incriminating text messages from him.

I wonder what could possibly be incriminating about the text messages Trump sent a porn star? Or why he would be so invested in this if the man in question isn't actually him? Interesting times ahead!

Think not being American should,

Yes that sure helps your argument about American Law where you said "well a Lawyer on TV said it so it must be true" completely unironcally


> I don't know who aliases work

I wonder what could possibly be incriminating about the text messages Trump sent a porn star?

Yea this is completely illegal and will surely be the thing that ends President Trump said the dumbass britbong

Yes that sure helps your argument about American Law where you said "well a Lawyer on TV said it so it must be true" completely unironcally

By this logic no one involved in this, Trump, anyone at the White House, Stormy Daniels, her lawyer, or you are equipped to comment. As I say though, 2% of Americans are capable of discerning their assholes from their elbows - graduates of Ivy League universities who didn't buy their way in, e.g. the lawyer I'm referencing and Daniels' attorney, probably belong to that 2% imo. Anyway, as I've repeatedly said but you keep ignoring (cos I guess it's convenient and you have nothing else of value to base your arguments on), none of what I've said actually hinges on Avenatti telling the truth.

Yea this is completely illegal and will surely be the thing that ends President Trump said the dumbass britbong

There are more countries in the world than the US and the UK, but don't worry I wouldn't expect a merkin to know that. And - again as I've said before but you are ignoring cos you don't have any actual leg to stand on here - adultery isn't the thing that will cost Trump here, criminal activity to conceal that adultery will.

I'm interested concede they were Trump's text messages apparently but not that the payoff came from him? How do you figure? That his lawyer was so madly in love with him he was willing to pony up $130k of his own money to protect him? You're aware the White House has already admitted to Trump being involved in arbitration over this - which he couldn't be if he weren't the other party to the NDA - right?

probably belong to that 2%

You're a fucking idiot, too bad you are so ignorant of American Law you don't know how short the statute of limitations is on paying off whores.

Keep smug posting about how you are smarter then random numbers you pull out of your asshole it doesn't make you sound like a complete idiot at all.

but not that the payoff came from him?

Wow you actually know literally nothing about the Law do you?

You're aware the White House has already admitted to Trump being involved in arbitration over this

What a falsefaced and nonsensical way of saying suing a hooker for slander, tell me more about how your judgement from the mount are so great because of how unemotional you are.

hat his lawyer was so madly in love with him he was willing to pony up $130k of his own money

Again because I know you know comically less about the law then a child.

The Money belongs to who?

The Lawyer

Who paid off the Hooker then?

Explain what the fuck the lawyer has to do with The Trump 2016 election campagin rofl

At this point, every American should see it as a matter of national security

Please let this be a joke lmao

This is so fucking stupid at this point. Can trump just KHS already? I'm bored of the stupid. Its like a TV where the only show is beavis and butthead.

Imagine trying to bang a shit ton of women from all over the globe and somehow ended up knocking up a relative every time. Like for real if they were not born with tails and webbed feet I'd be absolutely shocked. They look like they each absorbed a parasitic twin that became their face.

the only show is beavis and butthead.

net positive

I love how butthurt Hillary supporters are. Your queen Hillary will never be president

Lol, are you really this stupid?


No one said anything about Hillary lol. Has she left psychological scars with you lads or something that you keep thinking about her?

Repressed emotions. They all want to bang her.

ur flair is gay

unironically post bussy

Seriously, why are you so obsessed with Hilary? No one cares about her except Trumptards.

This is a sardine thread now

Oh, i get it. That's your alt.

I wish I was that good at upsetting Sardines who serious post about Drumph in /r/Drama.

You guys wanna fuck already? Or will poppa 'Drumph' get upset?

Why do so many people think I pay enough attention to know who any user here is, do you people actually like post on Reddit sober ew

So, poppa will be mad? How sad, your throbbing loins will never touch, not that they could, with the bloated man-mons you have, but you know...


Fuck hillary. She's the worst the left has to offer and can suck-a-fuck.

Welcome to r/southparkcentrist, u/dicksack__86.

It's more like a circus where the ringmaster's drunk and the sword swallower takes his job literally.

Imagine have so much agenda that you demonstrate a fallacy in a /r/Drama post.

Imagine being such a cuck you unironically bring up MUH LOGIKUL PHALLUS in an /r/Drama post.

Imagine getting triggered by Trump so much you post unironically about him in Drama.

Imagine getting so triggered by /r/drama that you seriouspost all over a thread about the biggest idiot in American history

Imagine being stupid enough to think I'm serious posting. Oh wait you don't have to imagine that. You already think Trump is stupid. You are well on your way to full retard! :)

Imagine being someone who eats shit and sticks his dick into his own mouth. Oh wait, you don't have to


I am slain

literally zero people that don't work in some sort of Anti-Trump television/fake-news environment (the times, CNN, Kimmel, etc.) care about this shitty story.

the fact that they're pushing so hard on it, in the middle of all the Korea de-nuclearization stuff and it's easy to see why their ratings just keep tanking.

Looks like milk's back on the menu boys!

Oh I was going for lolcow but this works too.

But you don't care.

TIL rush limbaugh, who has been REEEEEEEEing about this for weeks, is in some sort of anti-trump television and fake-news environment

Rush has been making fun of the media for covering it.

While covering it himself? I’ve always though of Rush Limbaugh as a pork sausage granted the power to speak by an evil witch with the downside that he could only say stupid things

If you think he's stupid then you are just loudly proclaiming your own ignorance. He does troll and not everything he says is true but he's not stupid at all.



Rush is a dumbass with a cult of dumbasses that silently fist pump when he says brown people bad

Have you ever listened to him? Doubtful. Just another tankie.


Did it accidentally on a really long trip was flipping through stations on the AM radio and I began listening to this clearly obese man suck off trump for about 30 minutes, was giggling because I thought it was some dumb local idiot saying absurd things trying to play radio until I heard the station advertisement for his show

until I heard the station advertisement for his show

That's announcement since he was on the air. You really are stupid arentcha?


If you think rush limbaugh's stupid then you are just loudly proclaiming your own ignorance.

lmfao this is your brain on american conservatism

I'm not a conservative. ;)

Your just salty he makes over 40M a year talking shit.

unironically thinking Rush Limbaugh isn't stupid

Shouldn't you be living in a trailer-park with no internet? How did you make your way to reddit?

TIL Donald trumps father is a time traveler and met with a future clones and attempted cloning but because of an andromeda strain malfunction they all became fat conservative angry men such as rush Limbaugh Alex Jones and Donald Trump. He used his influence to separate his failed progeny while ensuring their future success but they all gravitated towards extreme yelling. Donald Trump looked like his father the most having been the first with the most serum so older Trump would show up in his place periodically which explains his moments of lucidity. Through constant contact, unending funds and a secret cabal of immortals he roughshod Trump intonpresidency but rush and Jones madness took a hold of them. Just smart enough to distrust their forebearer, but not enough to realize he could propel them into never-ending dystopic nightmare.

I've never heard of a pork sausage getting railed by Dominican boys and developing a Xanax habit

railed by Dominican boys

Please let me in on this joke

Uh he got caught with Viagra on the flight back. I don't know how true the rumor was but come on pay attention to events.


Korea de-nuclearization

aww, what a cute fantasy youve concocted for yourself

no its totally gonna happen this time you guys

Reminds me of that feminist who Lauren Southern triggered by pointing out she's legally a man.

"D-do your viewers know this!?"

She thought Laurens fans would get upset about it. It's hilarious.

literally zero people that don't work in some sort of Anti-Trump television/fake-news environment (the times, CNN, Kimmel, etc.) care about this shitty story.

"people who are blindly pro trump are ignoring this story"

Gee you don't say

Nah apolitical normies literally don't give a shit either.

You'd know if you ever talked to them instead of staying in and collecting them sorosbux

If you actually read the legal jargon regarding this none of it actually says anything about Daniels being prevented from saying anything. She can literally reveal what happened whenever she wants. It's obvious she's dragging this out to get attention. Not that I care either way, but if you read between the lines this is just a big publicity stunt.

The NDA says she has to pay 1 million for each detail she reveals. So 2 photos would be 2 milion. Plus they have threatened her physically.

Breaking an NDA is a civil matter. It's not like she'd go to jail. You don't think every crazy liberal lawyer in the country wouldn't rush to her defense pro bono if she broke the NDA? If she had something she'd have revealed it by now.

More like pro boner amirite?

(because it's about sex)


So tja1478 said that lawyers would be willing to represent Stormy Daniels 'pro bono', which is short for 'pro bono publico'--latin for 'for the public good.' These are traditionally cases that lawyers take not for personal enrichment (often times because the clients could not pay them), but for setting a legal precedent in the interest of SOCIAL JUSTICE.

This meaning has somewhat shifted in modern times to mean any legal representation in which a client would normally have to pay a lawyer, and they accept being retained without compensation.

Boners are a slang term for erect penises, because of the fairly unique property (in human anatomomy) of penises to be normally flaccid, but extremely stiff when aroused. They seem to acquire a bone-like property, hence 'boner.'

So when tja1478 mentioned that every crazy liberal lawyer would be willing to defender a sex worker pro bono, I made the pun (or pune, a play on words) that the work would pro boner, ie 'for the public erection'. Because prostitutes sell sex to the public, which usually results in erections.

Now fite me IRL fag

Can you dumb it down for me, doc?

It's free cause it's about the peepee

How can I fite you with this raging bono?

Implying that there's any other way to fight.

I think she's waiting for the big pay out. Some news company offering her a couple million for some photos.

If she gets rid of the NDA that's profit for her.

Who threatened her physically? Do you not understand how high profile case lawyers work? Why would you believe what he says to the media.

He/she/it wants it to be true that's why.



I highly, highly doubt she's been threatened physically. Trump has absolutely no reason to do that. This is all just BS. More drama faggots biting at stupid shit. This sub needs to be renamed to WAAAAAAA WE CAN'T STAND TRUMP SUB #500 because that's what it's turning into.

It's gonna be ok, sugartits.

Yea I know it is. Trump's gonna be your daddy till 2024. The salt will continue to flow. :)

You guys are chumps for laughing at trump. Seriously.

I'm not laughing at him. I'm laughing at people who think he's stupid. Also laughing at people who think he's the end of the world. So if you are either of those then I am def laughing at you.

God gave us trump and he made him a buffoon so we could laugh at him. Are you gonna tell me this isnt funny?

The laugh track is funny in a "wow I can't believe stupid people are really that dumb and laugh at this shit" kinda way I guess. It's SNL level which is bottom of the barrel.

I didnt realize there was a laugh track in that clip. Lol, thats all you noticed? You didnt listen to trump? That performance was hysterical, totally didnt need a laugh track. "It wasnt very stupid" Priceless.

I didn't vote for Trump because I don't consider there to be a difference between the two party system. I just laugh at people who do.

I didn't vote for Trump because I don't consider there to be a difference between the two party system.

Had i known his administration was gonna be this much of a train wreck i wouldve voted for him.

Why would I bother listening to him?

For the pure comedy and joy of laughing at such a fantastic buffoon. Youre really missing out.

He's not stupid though so I would literally have to be lowering my intelligence to make believe that someone is stupid which is just a pathetic way of going about life.

He's not stupid though so I would literally have to be lowering my intelligence to make believe that someone is stupid which is just a pathetic way of going about life.

When did i call him stupid? Who are you talking to, lol?

The NDA says she has to pay 1 million for each detail she reveals.

Also every detail she lies about and claims is part of the deal too.

People forget this. Especially those who don't understand how NDA's work.

Yes I'm sure they are just interested in the truth.

Just keep repeating that to yourself for the next couple weeks, buddy. It'll all be ok

Lol what? I literally don't care either way. She can break the NDA whenever she wants, it's civil court. I'm pretty sure he did bang her anyways, but if she wanted to say something she would have.

Just keep repeating that to yourself for the next couple weeks, buddy.

Said the people claiming "Drumfpsf will be impeached any day now!" for the last year and still can't provide any actual evidence.

He should have filmed it, would have been cheaper and all legal wrapped in a bow. He coulda pissed in her prolapse if it was in the film contract! Meh, doesn't matter shes gonna end up hotdosed in a hotel room in Atlantic City.

I hope he wins and she goes $20M in the hole. I'm sure Soros will pay for it.

What if it came out that Clinton had paid Ron Jeremy off, fucked him and threatened to sue him ect? There would be civil war in the fucking streets if that was the case

If Clinton has a cold it's front page news on fox for a week.

That you compare falling down a bunch of times and throwing up green flem while every media outlet is screaming she's not sick to "omg she had a cold" is pretty transparent.

It's hilarious how easy it is to spot politician dick riders.

That your entire comment history is right wing conspiracy tantrum is telling.

How's Clinton vs a Flight of Stairs going since she's so healthy and not a old person who does normal old person things?

I don't know because I'm not obsessed with Hilary Clinton

right wing conspiracy

You are tho

p r o j e c t i n g

Glad you had to stoop through his comment history in order to invalidate his argument

I'll believe the allegations when there's evidence behind them

I wonder how much extra trump had to pay her for her to put on a strap on and fuck his asshole until he bleeds and shits everywhere

Representing Mr. Trump in his case was a new lawyer, Charles Harder, who is best known for bringing the Hulk Hogan sex tape case that effectively put the gossip news site Gawker out of business roughly two years ago

RIP Stormy Daniels

Hopefully he will win. Traitorous whores need to be put in their place.

Did she give away the location of US troops or something?

If you want to live in a world where the whores you sleep with eventually completely turn and try to exploit you when it becomes fashionable or financially convenient that's on you. I for one dream of a better world. A world where hoes are loyal.

Imagine wanting to live in a world with paradoxes.

Some may say you’re a dreamer but your not the only one.

hoes ain’t loyal, that’s why they hoes nigga

She did that whole Hanoi Jane thing and sat on whatever the ISIS equivalent of an artillery piece is.

A 13 year old boy?

I was going to say a goat, but sure, your thing works too.

Heard she liked rick and morty on facebook

Do... you... not see how calling Trump "daddy" is hugely problematic in and of itself? It's alt-right lingo.

If I say I'm not a Nazi and then walk around saying "heil Hitler", preeeeeetty sure I'm a Nazi.

Try better baits, newfag

Low effort but it looks like it paid off

You made me hope for a sperg out. Now I am sad.

Heil Hitler

Try better baits, newfag

>implying it's bait

Try better baits, newfag

>still implying it's bait

Try better baits, newfag

Try better baits, newfag

Samsara is considered to be dukkha, unsatisfactory and painful, perpetuated by desire and avidya (ignorance).

>Buddhist shit

Follow your priests, be lit af.

Be lit af when you're burned on a stake with the rest of your kiddie diddling congregation.

no u


fuck off pedo

no u

get better bai

Shit, I got cyberbullied


Soros is daddy for me. Your daddy can be trump if you want. I don't kink-shame.

unless your a furry. Then KYS.

At least Soros pays well. Bought a new iPad when the first check came in the mail.

My Soros bux are still "in the mail". Typical (((bait and switch))).

Am plushie (animals only). Instructions unclear, keep myself safe?

boil dripping beef, fart-sniffing bubble-butt.

Hi 👋

Don't tip the lolcows please.



5h old account 🙄

Where the fuck did you wander in from

We were on Vice, we famous now


You're a fucking retard.

no bully

says the one biting obvious bait. Smh