Looks like Comey ain't the only one bout it🀘😈🀘

10  2018-03-17 by Starship_Litterbox_B


A fucking CIA man talking about moral turpitude, fuck me

Tbh, if anyone knows about moral turpitude, it’s a career CIA guy.

not only that, he literally voted for a communist in 1980

by GOD

the harrer

Jones is already making a video about this I bet

If I were Brennan I don't think I'd be making sweeping declarations about anything until all games are done and the chips in. There are still a lot of unanswered questions about unmasking, and he was in that loop.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions about unmasking


Seriously, anyone who says this needs to end their worthless motherfucking existence.

Even though he had cracked open his thesaurus to hurt the president's feelings, no word could hurt like the way writing "former" hurt when he put it into his Twitter bio.

same tbh