T_D is going places

103  2018-03-18 by throwaway_999912


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Praise Kek on this beautiful Sunday Morning. AMEN.

You know how when you pop a pimple it forces the pus and bacteria back into the skin? That's what banning CBTS did. They didn't go away, they just all went back to T_D.

I'm ok with this. Now they have to tame the monster they created or be consumed by it.

"And that is when Jesus proclaimed 'grab them by the pussy, and you be granted entry to heaven', and adulterers came and listened and to learn"

The Book of Trump 23:15

They’ve got these guys in the temple, moneychangers, you know what that is, that’s where they take the money and they change it for people and it’s just a great deal, really tremendous, we’re going to be getting rid of the regulations that are killing the moneychanging, believe me

HAHAHAHHA Do u rly think jeebz wuz such a CUCK tht when he dined wit hos nd leopords he nvr "accidntally" " spilled sum figz on da floor nd eat pussy when he dwn there?????? NAh he had a scnd suppr nd ATE PUSS ND ASS UNDR TABLE ND SUED WHEN HOS SNITCH!!!! DUHHHHHHH!!!!!!TWO CORINTHIANS 69:420!!! Read bible u NAZI ATHEIST!!!!


420!!! = 8.435010925527459e+307

good bot

Good bot

69! Dudes!

Here is an example of a retard from daddy's force pretending to be a retarded liberal. He probably thinks it's 4D chess though. His post history shows like 4 comments with his most recent comment being last month.

This is the sort of thing r/drama would understand if it weren't a faithless shithive of bussylovers.

I'd put money on a lot of the posters in that subreddit being larpers.

Christcucks, smh.

I see they’ve taken in the /r/cbts_stream refugees

they’ve been there for almost two years lol

This is actually retarded.

Literally and unironically

So, it's 2018. How come it's totally taboo to make fun of the retarded shit other religions (especially Muslims) do, but you get a free pass for making fun of Christianity?

Muslims are functionally retarded and their prophet raped 9 year olds.


This idea that it's totally taboo to make fun of Islam actually comes from the mental caricature right wingers paint in their heads of liberals, 99.98% of liberals aren't ultra SJWs trying to stop you from mocking religions, hell there's more right wingers out there trying to stop you from making fun of any religions(Islam included) than there are left leaning SJWs by like a factor of 1000, but you idiots believe Fox News and Brietbart when they say "millions of SJWs coming to get you!!!" because you're fucking retarded.

I'm not American, not a right winger, don't watch Fox News and never visited Brietbart.

I mean holy shit, you couldn't be more wrong about your assumptions here. And you didn't even try to answer the question, instead went to attack this strawman that doesn't even apply to someone like me lmao.

He was right about you being retarded

"Did this retard really just joke out loud about Mohammed raping a kid?"

Yeah no they just don't get your sense of humor.

Other than the number of children though different mothers the similarity is uncanny.

So racially, he's pretty cool?

are u talkin bout the


More evangelicals blaspheming their god by saying Trump is Jesus 2.0. I guess all that fire and brimstone shit didn't scare the retardation out of them.

"There is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing."

As a fellow brother in Christ, I offer you a deep and meaningful hug.

Ooh, did T_D get overrun by the refugees of the CBTS_Stream ban?

Literally a personality cult

This is why we need mayocide

Technically the Bible says all rulers are appointmented by God. Sure that includes Trump, but also Obama. And Hitler I guess.

/u/FollowJesus2Live can you show me the part in Luke where Jesus pays out six figures of hush money to the washed up pornstar he fucked while his wife was in the hospital?

Another person that has never read the Bible lol.

Read up on Paul (Saul). He was the modern day equivalent of an ISIS member before his conversion.

Another person that has never read the Bible lol.

Motherfukker, I was raised Catholic. Not only have I read the Bible, I've read more Bible than you Protestant retards think exists. S/Paul wasn't ancient ISIS, he was more like a particularly zealous bureaucrat that wanted to fuck up heretics. Come to think of it, he was a perfect candidate for Catholicism.

Jesus is the only way to salvation.

Peace, and God bless

So long as I go to Wednesday confession and get somebody to do my last rites I'm good to fornicate, blaspheme, and cheat at cards to my heart's content. I'll see you in purgatory you filthy heathen.

(((powers that be)))

White people fucking crack me up.

☑️ Skinny

☑️ Long, luscious hair

☑️ Fair skinned

☑️ Good orator

☑️ Friend to virginal women


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