/r/offmychest mod doesn't like confession, rampant cencorship ensues

36  2018-03-18 by Smoothieshakes


Fuck all the "good for you responses".


/u/Mach-2 since this thread was made approximately a day ago, I can't believe you are suggesting that people have intercourse with responses that are at the very least 6,753 days away from being 18 years of age.

Is he the token guy from srd or am I thinking of someone else?

It is absolutely the token guy from SRD.

u/Mach-2, how does it feel to be the mandatory black sardine in the tin?


pretty sure he is banned there.

imagine being so retardedly """"WOKE"""" even srdines won't deal with you

He got banned from SRD for being (((WOKE))). For exmaple, here he went full fukishima at the metareddit folk.

The mod team on OffMyChest looks the tribal council in Wakanda. Is there a single mayo on it?

hah, of course it's Mach-2, the guy who was too retarded even for GamerGhazi.

Most the removed comments are just people saying "in most of the world the age of consent is 16", which is true. I'm glad those /r/offmychest mods hate it, because that means they're less likely to come to Europe and bother us/


Retards, I should get myself a 14 yo German girlfriend just to spite them ...

My country's age of consent is 16 so I don't even understand this confession.

/r/offmychest is a hole and I don't know why anyone would go there lmao, you're just asking to get bitched at by cuckolds and wOkE ass spherical singl ewomen in their late 20s to mid 30s who live alone and post vice articles unironically on their facebook feed

anyone have the deleted post?