Can I jump to a dimension where my boobs are bigger?

43  2018-03-19 by mukumukum


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Can I jump to a dimension where OP gets banned for abusing Snappy?

Imagine treating Snappy with anything less than reverence

Snappy is our god, and we are its faithful children.

/u/bouncebounceboobies, great name btw. Best of luck on your crazy ass plan.

...what the fuck is this witchcraft?

Can I jump to a dimension where all women have small breasts?

What about a dimension where my waifu is real, single, and ready to mingle?

Can I jump to a dimension where all women have small breasts?


I think I watched that anime before.

/u/bouncebounceboobies you could always get knocked up. If you don't want the kid just about it.

Finding niche cultist subreddits is starting to become a personal hobby. Thanks for this one OP 😉


The (Male) Masturbation Method of Dimensional Jumping

Choose a specific situation that you want to change, but one that you don't necessarily have much influence over.

Pause for a moment, and contemplate how you are surrounded by that present situation. Picture the Imagination Room or a Star Trek Holodeck. Your situation is part of a persistent illusion surrounding you.

Gently cup your testicles. Feel them, fondle them. As you do that, vividly imagine the new situation. Imagine sending the energy of that new situation into your testicles. The sperm you are about to eject is being "programmed" with your desired reality shift.

Stimulate yourself to the point of orgasm.

As you are cumming, envision yourself "impregnating" the surrounding reality with your new vision.

Enjoy the satisfaction of the orgasm and of having made the desired change.

Clean up and carry on with your life.

>Chestlets are this obsessed

Just eat more greasy food. Boobs are fat, the fatter you get the more your man-boobs grow.

That's just science.