Just wanna point out something I noticed. People of Reddit often think everyone else online is underage fucks, bunch of preteens posting shitty memes during "summer leddit heyho!" yet when a younger booty gets posted everyones up in arms about how disgusting every 50 year old redditor is for finding it sexy.
Did anyone ever stop to wonder if it's just a bunch of thirsty 15-20 year olds?
1 SnapshillBot 2018-03-19
You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 incineratechicken 2018-03-19
u/incites is a halfhearted troll acct at best, imo. 4/10
1 ProMeleePlayer2 2018-03-19
Eww she’s all mature-looking and shit, gross.
1 AlveolarPressure 2018-03-19
Miss me with that 3D shit.
1 ineedmorealts 2018-03-19
1) You have any proof?
2) Who the fuck cares?
1 broden 2018-03-19
2) Who the fuck cares?
Older women
1 Bucklar 2018-03-19
Show me a woman who isn’t jealous of another woman, and I’ll show you a man.
1 SoberProfessionally 2018-03-19
Well thats a nice ass
1 htmlcoderexe 2018-03-19
1 JTBebe2 2018-03-19
Just wanna point out something I noticed. People of Reddit often think everyone else online is underage fucks, bunch of preteens posting shitty memes during "summer leddit heyho!" yet when a younger booty gets posted everyones up in arms about how disgusting every 50 year old redditor is for finding it sexy.
Did anyone ever stop to wonder if it's just a bunch of thirsty 15-20 year olds?
1 Bucklar 2018-03-19
It’s both.