TwoX attention magnet posts victim status story, top comment calls her out for being an overbearing borderline psycho, accusations of abuse both domestic and karmic soon follow

82  2018-03-19 by youngjusticeperv


/u/milsworstnightmare can you please go into intricate detail on how literally everyone on Earth is wrong about everthing except for yourself?

She deleted her account.

/r/drama successfully bullies another cat lady in to an heroing.

I fear the worst, given that it was /u/OniTan who pointed that out in his usual dry manner. Maybe it was not her who deleted her account.

I hope this is a cat lady otherwise her husband is gonna get Bobbitted one day.

> Implying someone in TwoX gets laid.

You new here?

Copy of comment that got deleted

Probably being abused by OP, given that he’s not even allowed to have a female acquaintance’s phone number so that he and OP can pick her up. She was probably the abuser in this case, too.

Holy fuck, those comments. I had no idea about these subs. Think of all drama we can harvest from now on

justnomil is sometimes fucking amazing. It's like if one of the nutjobs from "Idontworkherelady" stayed in your life ... forever.

It's almost evenly split between actually deranged mothers-in-law and obvious BPD cases projecting their insecurities onto their husband and mother-in-law.

Holy mother of neurotic SO's. This woman is straight up crazy and her husband needs to GTFO before his dick gets chopped off.

I noticed in a different thread that ceddit was able to retrieve a post, but then later on when I tried to show it to a friend, ceddit only showed [removed] and so did all of snappy's archive links... any idea why that happens?

Come on worthless OP

Lol her rationalization when she says she has male friends is ridiculously deluded. Apparently men only befriend hot women, which means by extension that she's really hot. Lmao imagine being that defensive and neurotic over who your spouse talks to. I bet she's an uggo who's terrified of competition.

/u/B-Va why do you think the TwoX mods deleted your comment? It didn't break any rules AFAIK

It’s not gone on my end. Is it actually deleted?

don't feel too bad. their mods banned me for having this username

Kinkshaming is a serious offense but admins let these mods run wild.

I am baffled we are in 2018 and kink shaming it's rampant on Reddit. I'm gonna write an article on vice rn about this subject. Expect a few subs banned

They like doing that, so people don't even realize that they've been shat on.

I’m guessing their mods love abusive women.

Well, duh. What else did you expect from such a staunchly feminist sub?

Women's spaces tend to love abusive women.

TrollX saying you can't just call people abusive , oh I'm laffin

Post is deleted. Why didn't you copy paste it here?

Because OP is a faggot.

This was the OP:

Ladies, I didn’t know you, but you heard my husband’s best friend drunkenly getting in my face in the middle of the sidewalk and you stopped to check on me and tell him to fuck off. You even asked if I needed a cab called.

Thank you. It meant the world to me to have someone recognize that it wasn’t okay what he was saying to me and to point it out. I’ll probably never see you again, but you were my hero in that moment and you are my hero still today.


Women were a mistake.