Trouble rises when r/uncensorednews refugees gather at the borders of r/kotakuinaction: "We aren't here to be co-opted, we've survived the deaths of FatPeopleHate, Coontown, Incels and other subs because we enforce those rules"

44  2018-03-19 by Deity_Of_Darkness


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Was GamerGate even a blip in a /v/ mind when CoonTown and its inhabitants got smacked?

I think so? Coontown died in 2015, right? And Gamergate started around 2014.

People never get tired of banging that "Does being the destination for [latest reddit refugees] not give you folks any pause about the kind of community you have here?" drum, do they?

The fact they're all just digg refugees really makes me think 🤔

I like to think everyone in r/drama is just visiting from funnyjunk.

Ewwww no

Ah it's not bad once you get used to the funk.

Imagine what would happen in real life if the incel club got shut down and they came to your house and said "Well you're the closest thing to us incels in town so we came over."

Personally I couldn't tie the noose fast enough

I was banned from KiA because I happen TO NOT HATE coons, incels, and fats.

I haven't been banned yet, just heavily downvoted.

Not only is the mod a hypocrite, he's also lying about Reddit mods being able to edit other user's comments.

I woulda done that a long time ago if I could

I'm fine with people with different opinions existing, as long as they remain civil.

let me continue expressing how fine i am with this with many paragraphs explaining about how not-fine i am with your different opinion existing and remaining civil

lol gamergate

your sub is bad because refugees from banned subs flock to it

i guess /r/drama is horrid too then, huh?


i guess /r/drama is horrid too then, huh?


KIA is the Wakanda of right wing subs