And I looked at the shitpost and thought to myself "I am become Poe, destroyer of boomers"

49  2018-03-19 by ConfusedBoomer


Have you posted bussy yet?


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My grandson is autistic. When he's focusing on something, like that kid is doing, it appears he's oblivious to what 's going on around him. But that's not true. He knows when I'm paying attention, and it hurts his feelings if I let my attention drift away. At some point he'll redirect his focus to me, and smile at me in delight when I tell him he's doing a good job. Trump seems to 'get' this...perhaps intuitively. That look on his face says he understands, and cares. This is one of the reasons I love my president. Obama was always thinking about himself...and it showed. Trump is always thinking about others...and it shows.

It's beautiful. Simply beautiful

u/lurking4trump ru4realz?????

How retarded do you have to be to think this is a real picture?

My grandson

Oh, that makes sense.

Trump is always thinking about others...and it shows

Jesus, they're not even making remotely plausible or self-consistent lies

Donald Trump cured my son's autism.

When my wife was 19, she was in a very serious car accident. Along with a broken hip and series of fractures, she had significant nerve damage. Thankfully, she wasn't paralyzed in any way, but she does have nerve issues on the left half of her body, not unlike a stroke victim. Being so young, she was able to adapt very well, and you can’t tell anything’s wrong by looking at her. However, along with a litany of lifelong medication, she was told she could never bear a child. Now, this happened before I met her, so I was aware and accepting of the fact when we got married. In 2008, after three years of marriage, we were shocked when some routine blood work came back showing that she was pregnant. Her periods were always very irregular due to her health issues, but she was already three months along. The doctors were very careful not to be optimistic, and prepared us for the worst, but my wife carried to term and we had a healthy baby boy, who we named Donald. Donald's physical development was ahead of schedule, but mentally, he seemed to develop slowly, and he spoke his first word much later than most. By age three, Donald was diagnosed with autism. I won't sugar coat anything: it was very difficult and frustrating to raise a child with autism. Donald never spoke more than a few words a day, and would often seem to be in his own bubble apart from our universe. One thing Donald loved was frogs. He stared at pictures of frogs all day, played with frog toys, and filled notebooks with drawings of frog after frog. We eventually got a glass aquarium with a few different frogs for his room. Donald loved his frogs and played with them very well. Donald became "The Frog Whisperer" in our home and I know every parent makes outlandish claims about their children, but Don really could issue a few single-word commands to his pets. When I first showed Don a picture of Pepe on my iPad, he immediately began jumping up and down. He ran to the dining room table, and with a pencil and pad, drew a Pepe freehand. He only looked at Pepe for a second on the screen, but the recreation was eerily perfect, in that way that only autistics can sometimes seem to perform superhuman feats. I showed Donald a few more pictures of Pepe over the next couples months, but I needn't had, because he was taking it upon himself to draw rare Pepes every day. Last year, Little Don changed again. When Donald Trump would come on the TV, Little Don would focus all his attention on the man, even if he were in the middle of doodling. This had happened before, usually with people that had very commanding voices, but Donny seemed to hear Trump in a way that he couldn't hear anybody else. When I would stream Trump rallies, Little Don would come into the den and watch with me in silence, leaving when the rally finished. As I said before, Donny never spoke much. He'd occasionally get a slogan or catchphase in his head, telling my wife and me for weeks on end that everyone loved McDonald's. So it was amusing, but not out of the ordinary, when he shouted "Make America Great Again!" when Trump came on the news. His infatuation with Trump was more extreme than any of his previous episodes, as he started rattling other phrases like "Build the Wall," "Mexico is going to pay," and "China is ripping us off in trade." In six months, he'd spoken more than he had in his entire life. We sat down with his special education teacher to talk about it. While Mrs. Tyson was telling us that anything that got him to come out of his shell should be encouraged, he approached us and said that we will no longer surrender our country to the false song of globalism. From that day, Donny began progressing dramatically. We watched every Donald Trump video, and my son would always ask me follow-up questions, showing that he was actually comprehending the content. He still drew Pepes incessantly, but the other symptoms of his autism shrunk away. When Trump accepted the GOP nomination at the convention in July, Donny seemed completely normal. His teachers had never seen anything like it, and after much debate, we decided to enroll Donald in a regular class this year. It's only been two weeks, but he is doing wonderfully. And despite our biggest concern, Donald is socializing and interacting with the other children very well. My wife actually burst into tears when Donald told us he made a friend at school. So, Mr. Trump, I don't know what you did, but I know I owe you so much more than my vote in November. You've given my son a chance at a normal childhood, and you've given me a sense of control in my life once again. And I while he can't vote, I know Donny supports you with all his heart. Thanks for listening, everybody. Make America Great Again!

I remember the first day I applied the therapeutic masturbation to my son. It felt completely natural as I already had a deep sense of intimacy with my son’s body through the process of massaging him, bathing him, changing his diapers and cleaning and touching his genitals and other private parts. The therapeutic masturbation was a natural extension of what I was already doing in taking care of my son’s body. I also remember how my son expressed a sense of relief, delight and happiness with a smile followed by laughter and other sounds of contentment when I applied the therapeutic masturbation. His body also succumb through orgasm to indicate his enjoyment of the masturbation. The reaction indicated a positive acceptance of the therapeutic masturbation by my son, both physically and emotionally. The therapeutic masturbation also led to a calmness in my son’s behaviour and he continues to show his contentment and happiness to all around him.

This but unironically

Clearly Trump is considering this kid for his cabinet.

Daddy looks way too interested in the potato’s toy.

I love the Don's expression. Can't quite put my finger on what he's thinking. I agree. I think it's emotional in nature. He's giving that kid his undivided attention, which is a sign of interest and respect...but it seems to be tinged with sadness and compassion. This is a guy who truly cares about people.

Sometimes I can't even tell

I want to fucking beat to death the hillbilly/Russian who wrote this retarded sentence

Thank god for krokodil

The globalists thought that poisoning our vaccines and water supply would cause a dumbed down public. Little did they know that autists would become their worst nightmare.


it’s fucking BEAUTIFUL