Armchair activists of /r/fuckthealtright are sad that the administration is finally punishing them for being violent little societal outcasts. This is what happens when you advocate censorship you fucking idiots.

153  2018-03-19 by WesternLog


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. This Post -,*,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Same, tbh.

"Only the bad people will be censored if we keep pushing the censorship flag down the line."

Fucking imbecilic shit stains still haven't figured out that once you stack the cards other people will learn how to use it against you.

Keep pushing for policy change that you think "only applies to the people I don't like"

It's going to come right back and bite you in the ass.

Why so triggered over this? It's just a website.

The drama is tasty.



just a website

Are you like fucking 90 dude?

Probably approaching, or just passed, 30. So almost as good as. It's all downhill now /u/SupaDupaFlyAccount

Nah, just old enough to know not to eat tide pods.

This is true. Last I checked they’re all cheering a group of kids suing the US over harmful gas emissions.

Now wait for the hilarity of a group of conservative children suing over high taxes. Or over refugees being brought in.


Won't happen, because conservative kids aren't entitled little shits.

Everyone in this situation is acting like morons. Even if the SJWs started this OMG hate speech bullshit, people need to not escalate this by "using their tactics against them" and escalating a huge tit for tat clusterfuck that's going to blow up in their own faces.

I agree but at this point its just watching the world, or at least reddit burn.

But the drama is so funny.

Even if the SJWs started this OMG hate speech bullshit, people need to not escalate this by "using their tactics against them"

literally the only way theyll learn fuck em

even now it doesnt sink in and they think theyre being unfairly targeted

Ok, but all the teaching each other a lesson is getting boring. It's like two teenage girls gossiping behind each other's back because they both like the same guy or something. If it's not going to be a full blown cat fight with hair extensions and lee press on nails flying then it's wasting my time. This is like the 3rd time a lefty community has been told they can't talk about punching nazis. Stop trying to out retard each other because as you said it's not even working. Normally, I'd be amused by all the retardation but you all are bumbling idiots and the next thing we know we'll get caught in the cross fire and won't be able to link to other subs or user ping anyone or some shit like that. As long as nothing like that happens, I don't care.

You aren't going to convince the hordes of tribalistic morons. The death clock is ticking for fun so carpe diem.

if retards are going to keep implementing dumb rules to spite people they dont like then the least i can do is make fun of them when it inevitably backfires

its not like i can stop them making the dumb rules

Nah, not really, because it is their mission statement of being on Reddit to ban as much as they can and to rant and rave violently about how everyone else is violent and fascist.

Being nice to these fringe retards isn't going to do anything but help them.

Fuck the fascists and shitgoblins of T_D, but let's follow the rules.

imagine being so butthurt at a sub that you could just easily ignore, lol.

and unlike "FuckTheAltRight" they're banned from /r/popular too!

It's all thathappened.txt shit as well, but it's post like these...

I am biologically arab native american and Caucasian. From Flint MI, a republican poisoned out water, I joined a gang in kindergarten, never met my biological dad, and have been stabbed and shot at. I refuse to let hate win.

This is not 20ith century Germany, although it has the potential to be much worse, the game plan for the alt right, is to demonize liberals, make them into monsters, and frankly, it works.

I spend every day arguing with people who think the "n-words" are going to invade the suburbs and kill them. It is a legitimate fear for them. Now its wrong and they are stupid, but they don't live in reality. They are ill. The dream of america is to help the ill, not kill them.

Like, I never believe that Russian bot shit until now. I mean, who the fuck could take this retard seriously? lol

Flint MI, a republican poisoned out water

Flint Michigan has been run by Democrats since the 1960s...

It was a time traveling drumpf

He can't keep getting away with it.

Well with the Time Machine he can, so we're pretty SOL...

Damn, he must have stolen GamerGate's time machine.

Who do you think gave them it in the first place? No GamerGate, no President Trump.

They levelled up

Once again, the admins prove that they are fascist sympathizers. It takes a year of "gas the jews" to get a blatant hatesub banned & T_D can post shit about a literal civil war but they'll jump down our throats for a single "b*** the f***" or a "p***** a n***".

The meltdowns you see from people like this whenever they realize they have to follow the same rules as everyone else are always fun.

/u/ameoba it's almost as if reddit is a company that is trying to make money, not spearhead your retarded internet activism. Believe it or not they would prefer it if neither you nor your nazi cousins would call for violence against <group of people>.

I don't think he realizes is that subs like FuckTheAltRight were the ones who forced Reddit to censor content to begin with.

They did this to themselves, fucking LOL.

The_Donald was blocked from /popular primarily because people got sick of seeing the party spill out due to people's tendency to blindly upvote everything, not because it was promoting violence or hate.

Their circle jerk gets a little obnoxious if you don't cheer for that team...but like damn just ignore it haha.

Yea my r/all censor list hits anything political right or left. For me r/all is full of animal memes and really, really boring stupid shit.

I love any kind of subreddit drama. It's my cocaine.

If I want it I can search for it, and I do. :P

I tend to get banned really quickly from circle jerk subs. I even got suspended site wide recently because I downvoted a bunch of posts in a sub that I am subbed to because I'm a member of r/drama. :P

That's why I voted to keep the political posts on r/murderedbywords

Their circle jerk gets a little obnoxious

I can sympathize with this...any sort of obsessive community gets that way. Whether it's world cup hooligans during the footy championships, Whotards when a new series is starting, Rick and Morty dipshits jerking themselves raw over McD's nugget sauce, or yes, T_D blowhards like myself basically fellating Daddy.

but like damn just ignore it haha.

Wouldn't the world be a better (albeit boring) place if we all learn to do this? Especially when you're given tools to do so.

Love that you mention Rick and Morty. I love the show but the constant jerk fest got annoying. Haha.

It got blocked from all because it was basically designed to flood the front page with low effort garbage. It's actually amazing it lasted as long as it did.

designed to flood the front page with low effort garbage

To be fair, they learned it from watching the Bernie fans.

I whole heartled approved of what the_donald was doing. It was a giant middle finger to Reddit. Unfortunately the party is mostly over and now it's facebook tier conservative spam

Unfortunately the party is mostly over and now it's facebook tier conservative spam

Yeah, I kind of legitimately enjoyed it when you couldn't tell whether or not the people posting there were doing so ironically (around the Republican primaries).

Is there a recognized term for when a forum devoted to liking something ironically attracts actually earnest people who don't get the joke and who proceed to take it over? I feel like the same thing happened to /r/murica a while back, and if something has happened twice on the internet, then someone out there has probably named it.

Dunno if there's an academic term for it, but there's a quote misattributed to Descartes that gets thrown around a lot:

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

It was and still does both those things. But looks like the bot network is finally getting shut down with Cambringe analytica news

Both? Blindly upvote, yes, but are you saying T_D DOES promote violence or hate? If it's happening as you say, you should have no problem finding a highly upvoted post (not a new post or comment which hasn't been nuked yet), which would show that it's supported by the community.

Bot network? I'm not going to try and claim that nobody over there has run a bot network, I'm sure it has happened. That's not the reason for the volume of activity though. There's just a lot of fans of POTUS Trump and the Trump administration.

You are why we need more school bullies

I do fucking love mayonnaise.

Haha, you fucking Redcaps don't know who's a bot and who isn't, everyone claps loud and nobody looks behind the Janus mask


They got blocked because they drag ad values down. They're a toxic cesspool that laughs at dead kids. Stop thinking reddit isn't a commercial organisation. They just took another round of investment and want to get rid of the shittier parts of their community. They're on a sitewide blacklist for ads. Go there with ad block off. It's just ads about gold.

Stop being you. That's so fucking stupid. If you believe reddit begun censoring communities because of their calls for violence, your a fucking moron. They just took more investment and want to up ad prices. Communities that mock dead kids drag ad values down.

I'd be willing to bed that he if has very little if anything positive going for him in life. Probably why he spends all day bitching and whining about quarantined subs all day.

The meltdowns you see from people like this whenever they realize they have to follow the same rules as everyone else are always fun.

Recently Facebook decided to enforce rules against abusing language. Feminists started crying oppression when there were banned for saying things like "men are scum".

They don't even think that though. They think they are being unfairly targeted and that the rules are being applied unevenly

To be fair to the admins, I think the reason they are being "unfairly targeted" is because the type of person that posts on that subreddit also happens to parrot the same stuff that a certain group of people say that actually go out and "punch nazis".

Maybe if they didn't literally call for violence that is provably happening and perpetrated by the same people saying those things on that subreddit then the admins wouldn't "unfairly target" them.

I just worked out why the left rants on about and hates dogwhistles, they are too fucking stupid to make their own. Morons who bitch about other people getting around the rules with things like "helicopter rides" yet they are so pathetically filled with impotent rage they can't come up with their own metaphors.

They rant about dogwhistles because accusations of bigotry are a useful thought terminating cliche and they want to believe any criticism of their politics is rooted only in bigotry.

There's an, albeit unintentional, reason it has kabbalistic similarities with "crying wolf"

To qoute some black person "can't we all just, get along?

"it's so unfair that they make us follow these rules but those evil reactionary subs never get punished for breaking them"

said literally the day that uncensorednews and european got banned lmao

“We want censorship!”

/u/spez “ok. You are censored.”

“WTF Not like this!”

The inevitable result of "free speech for me, but not for thee". When will they learn?

This mistake is made by religious conservatives and pretty much the entire left these days. One you set a system in place to decide "wrong think", it can be turned on you just as easily.

"Free speech" was never a principle of the left, it was just a tactic they used to obtain power. Now that they have most of the institutional power in the US (and the west as a whole, really), they have abandoned free speech as a tactic. Conservatives were convinced the left held it as a principle (and it became a principle cons adopted during their libertarian phase). Conservatives today are left sputtering about "muh principles" and saying "hey guys the left is really hypocritical on speech!" but the left doesn't care.

Spez telling some lefty shutins to stop fantasizing about murder is a pretty small price to pay for institutional dominance in the rest of society.

PS I'm a huge homo for seriousposting here

2nd protects the 1st.

not when you take over the institutions (particularly academic) and convince the people to disarm themselves (as well as importing as many new immigrants without any cultural understanding or respect for the 2A).

conservatives hoping "well we'll just kill them if things get really bad" have a very poor understanding of what is going on and we won't be able to change things without first understanding those changes

also conservative bravado about revolution is seriously shortsighted seeing how totally fuarked things are in all aspects. in a US civil war who would fight, the last 12 skinny people on each side?

I wasn't getting to serious posting here, but after seeing the antifa fighting and knowing the military, at least combat vets, are solidly on the right, its not far fetched to see a civil war going very quickly.

The issue is that most don't see the need yet. By the time enough see the need it may be too late. Its rather obvious why they want to gun grab and its not because some kids might get shot, they don't give a shit about kids.

knowing the military, at least combat vets, are solidly on the right

lmao that 60/40 split

Most military think retards that yell about conservatives or liberals are idiots

tfw you're not enough of a bleeding heart pussy to be part of the far left but you're not stupid enough to support Trump or deny global warming just because it makes libruls mad

Americans elected Trump. If you don't believe they're too lazy to have a civil war I have news for you.

Tangential bored rant: Almost every female I know wants to take away AR-15s cuz they "look military grade" after the shooting. Then you bring up handgun crime and they go "omg, why do you know that? I mean, why do you even look this stuff up sadder? Didnt you know the AR-15 can shoot 600 rounds a minute? FUCK BLUMPFPF"

Im like, shieeet if we gonna ban AR-15 cuz its "military style", that means almost all surplus rifles past 1890 need to go too lol

Ignores the nsa, internment camps, Chelsea Manning and wiki leaks and unironically believes this.

You could have replaced your post with an autism.jpeg and gotten the point across much faster

LMAO dumbass cracker

"Free speech" 🎙 was 👍 never 🙅 a 👏 principle of 💰 the 🍰🍫 left, it 💩➡ was 👅🚫 just 🌊😩 a 👉💰 tactic they used 🎶👨 to ✌👅 obtain power. 💪 Now 🍑🍑 that 😏💰 they have most 🦊🐶 of ✝🍒 the 👉👶 institutional power ⚡ in the US ⚕ (and 💯 the 👏 west as 🏿 a 🅱 whole, 👩 really), 😋😧 they ❌ have abandoned free 💜💜 speech as 😅 a tactic. Conservatives were 🏻👧 convinced the 😼👏 left held it ⁉🤔 as a 💰🍆 principle 🏾 (and 😩👏 it 👌 became a 🏃 principle cons adopted 😲 during their libertarian phase). Conservatives today are 👏⚛ left sputtering about 😯 "muh 👩👱 principles" and 😍👏 saying 🗣🗣 "hey guys 😑 the 🕵 left ♂ is really 👍👅 hypocritical on 🔛 speech!" 🚫 but 😮 the 🙀👩 left doesn't care.

Spez telling some lefty shutins to 😱 stop fantasizing about murder 🔫 is 😩 a pretty small 👌😛 price 💲 to pay 💵💵 for institutional dominance in 👏 the 🖕 rest 🚔 of 🔉💰 society. 👨

PS I'm 👈😡 a huge 😛 homo for 🐻 seriousposting here 🏚

Good bot

how do you get a diamond next to your name?

click "edit" next to your name in the side panel to pick flair

Awesome, learn something new every day

well it is pretty much onlyused against the left, so there is precedent for using it against one side only

The people who say:

"The Republicans who control the government are Nazis."

Are the same people who say:

"You should surrender your firearms to the government and the government should have the right to censor speech."


I love being contradictory. Why would you try and take that away from me?


How does it feel to call for censorship, get it and then be butthurt about censorship?

If that’s the huffbag-induced version of reality you and the pajama Nazi OP want to chub each others’ mushroom-cap nubs to, I certainly don’t care to stand in your way! Jerk on, little doods! 😃

(Further tugs on my pant leg for the grown-up attention your stepdad and guidance counselor are denying you won’t be rewarded, Elliot. This is all you’re getting!)

Waits for the blunt jab of your spork-sharp middle-school wit.

If that’s the huffbag-induced version of reality you and the pajama Nazi OP

"Everyone who makes fun of me is a NAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!"

'Fake and gay' to be officially replsced on r/drama with fake and nazi.

Lol I just got banned and muted from FTAR because I made fun of u/devavrata17

u/devavrata17 Why are you so easily butthurt?

I knew that would trigger you to fill those diapers, Elliot; but I didn’t expect such quick turnaround! Lol. Had to have been 90 seconds between the ban and you toddling back here as fast as your little legs could carry you for emotional support!

This ban will give you some more material to poop your pull-ups over in your klan-kid incel subs, Elliot. It’s a good preventive measure anyway—this sub’s for adults. Don’t forget Nana and Bampa in your prayers!

As President Bush said many years before you were born; “Mission Accomplished!” Maybe you can direct another 7 comments and posts at me to prove how upset you aren’t, little fella. :D;sh=b6e98424


I knew that would trigger you to fill those diapers, Elliot;

What's with this Elliot shit? Is it a reference to that shooter?

but I didn’t expect such quick turnaround!

And I didn't expect someone to ban me from a sub they mod for making fun of them in r/drama

Had to have been 90 seconds between the ban and you toddling back here as fast as your little legs could carry you for emotional support!

Yea, I was looking for drama in r/parenting and noticed I had some messages. I then remembered I made fun of a FTAR mod and put 2 and 2 together.

Also I came back here to further mock you, not get "emotional support"

As President Bush said many years before you were born; “Mission Accomplished!”

Says the 15 year old loser who spends all day REEEEEing about "Nazis"

ABLOO, ABLOO, ABLOO!! I’m not cryin’!!11! I’M mocking YOU!!1! 😭


ABLOO, ABLOO, ABLOO!! I’m not cryin’!!11! I’M mocking YOU!!1! 😭

The butthurt man said, as he sperged out over light teasing

Are you pulling the ol’ “I know you are but what am I?” gambit after I lifted your ban? Poor form, my dude—poor form. But all is forgiven. 👋🏻

me too thanks

Is this a new record for the biggest spergout on this sub?

What's with this Elliot shit? Is it a reference to that shooter?

That's the only insult he has. He can't think of any others, he just blindly repeats something he saw on the internet once.

He's in an especially pissy mood cause I got 3 of his fanboi's sitewide banned :D lul

Lol, is that why you're mad u/devavrata17? Did your alts get banned?

I don’t have any alts, ineedmorealts. All fun and games and bullshit and silly slapfightery aside, I don’t know what that dood’s on about. I don’t like the idea of my anonymous account having fans, and I can really only think of maybe two accounts on the whole site that I’d miss if they were gone, and I doubt they are. The whole idea of “Reddit celebrities” seems dumb to me.

BTW: I lifted your ban. I was just fucking with you anyway, bud. No hard feelings.

BTW: I lifted your ban. I was just fucking with you anyway, bud. No hard feelings.

psssh...nothing personnel...kid

Best part, banning you for dissent is some seriously fascist shit.

Waits for the blunt jab of your spork-sharp middle-school wit.

Do real human beans type like this?

Anyway, what do you think about this image?


There’s a big, smelly herd of them in here upvoting him. No need to worry.

I was afraid with how extra autistic /u/devavrata17 was acting we might not be able to bring ourselves to up vote him.

Its a tough life cultivating drama on reddit.

All his sweaty friends are in here RESISTING the Nazis.

It’s all good.

why do you write things on the internet like an anime fan? do you think it's cool?

waits patiently your screeching response

**naruto runs behind u**

Expected response from the double standard kiddie. :)

Honestly man this is too autistic even for this sub Reddit.

I can see why he was added to the downvote brigade post...sign me up!

want to chub each others’ mushroom-cap nubs to

Excuse me, mister, but on this sub we don't tolerate that kind of toxic masculinity.

Embarrassing post.

I don't understand your blithering nonsense. Your post made my brain hurt. You're so deep into a subculture that you can't be understood by anyone outside your little bubble of spastics.

As soon as spez cracked down on hate speech you got censored. Maybe you shouldn't post hate speech in a hate sub. And considering you guys honestly think spez is a white supremacist literal Nazi, I'm guessing you're too retarded to be trusted to accurately identify Nazis before punching them.

each others’ mushroom-cap nubs

Nice bodyshaming.

Everywhere you go that isn't your hugbox sub you get absolutely roasted lmfaooo

Stay in your lane you cringebeast

An actual message I got from this weirdo:

Your mom wants you to wash up and set the table. Your stepdad will be home with your 20-piece in 15, Elliot. I know you spectrum lads need the last word or you’ll be rocking tearfully in the corner, beating your temples with your pudgy little Dew-sticky digits. So have at it, little dood. Give me one more jab of that spork-sharp middle school wit! Lol. I won’t be reading or replying, but it’s not about me. It’s about you dealing with your frustrations and feeling better! :D name isn't even Eilliot lmao

Elliot Rodger!

holy shit that is sad and help... seriously you show some apparent signs of mental issues.

Zero arguments detected.

Tell me you're a college kid

Come on, the person who wrote that embarrassment couldn't be a day over 12 years old.

/u/devavrata17 is in his 40s lol

That would be embarrassing to college students

the fuck kind of gay post is this shit? lol i demand you apologize.

Hahaha your sub called for censorship and now it's a bludgeon being used against your sorry asses.

Maybe if you had learned to debate early on before sequestering yourself in an autistic hovel you wouldn't have gotten fucked in the ass by your own call for censorship.

Congratulations ya played yaself.

Ah, is it a battle of the wits you desire?

blows cigarillo smoke in your face

I'm sad to say that you are woefully ill-equipped.

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.


You have successfully unsubscribed from sad cat! 😺


You have successfully unsubscribed from sad cat! 😺


You have successfully unsubscribed from sad cat! 😺


Welcome back aboard! 😺😺😺

Good bot


Welcome back aboard! 😺😺😺

These nubs crave fresh nubile bussy. But I guess yours will have to do.

This is why we need mayocide

This is the first time that I've unironically supported this statement.

(writes like a larping 13 year old girl)

you probably enjoy fanfic and are afraid of sports bars

Someone typed this out, read over it, edited in the italics for effect, hit save, and sat back with approval.

Just chew on that for a minute.

"How to avoid answering an embarrassing question while looking like an edgy teen 101"

Hooolllyyy jesus this was painful to read. And why do I feel like it was written by a furry?

Wow. I've come across some really pathetic people on Reddit, but you are in a league of your own. I don't say this lightly, but I get a weird vibe you diddle kids...

You’re tearfully replying in a 3-week dead thread, Elliot. You redefine pathetic, little dood. Lol. But I won’t be replying to any more tugs on my pant-leg for attention, so go ahead and get the last word in. Teally let me have it with one last jab of your popsicle-stick sharp junior high wit, junior. :D

Why did you ban me when I called you autistic? Reading your post history you are def on the spectrum man.

I knew that would trigger you, Elliot. You incel pajama nazis are too easily played. I own you. 😄

Lol it doesn't trigger shit kid, I have no idea what you are trying to say. I'm literally in awe at your post history, it's like the ramblings of a mental patient combined with a neckbeard.

Seriously, I have to know. What meds are you on? You need to be sent somewhere for observation.

He's an older guy in his mid 40's that has a fetish for talking down to people like children. He also spends the entirety of his free time modding "fuck drumpf" subs.

Pretty sure he's an autistic communist pedo.

Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, Elliot. You are triggered as fuck! I own you and your alts. Lol.

Haha these mental gymnastics! You are the one who banned me because I called out your autism. How triggered did that make you? Then clicked the mute button too, lmao. Who gets this triggered!?

Lol what alts? What are you talking about? Hahaha this is awesome, I might have to follow your account chump.

No response eh chump?

Awww come on, everyone else gets one of your crazy essays and I just get a boring old gif! Boooooo!

I thought I told you, Elliot. You need to start being nicer on Reddit or Mommy is going to take away your Gamecube.

I know how much my little shnookums likes playing Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. So behave or you'll have to go a whole day without seeing Amy!

Now brush your teeth and get dressed, we're going out to Panera for lunch.

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”

Still—you really should ask your older (15yo) groomers for some original material, or put down the huffbag fur a few days and get those few undamaged adolescent brain cells firing again. Poorly aping my insults with every serial stalker account isn’t very interesting for me. Consider it a challenge, little dood! I don’t think you’re up to it, but you can only improve, Elliot! Good luck. :)

I'm confused, who is Elliot?

Who could have ever seen this coming?

Imagine unironically thinking the stepping up of enforcing the rules against calling for violence isn't because of the new round of investment anf Charlottesville. Advocating violence has always been against the TOS.

No bad tactics, only bad targets

The admins are not going to give this sub a million chances like T_D and other hate subs have been given.


GRRRRRR they just banned a bunch of alt right subs, but they clearly treat US unfairly.

I don't blame you but I would like to know what the game plan of this subreddit is now that it's clear Steve Huffman is a white supremacist and he's using Reddit to promote his hate speech?

/u/spez confirmed once more as literally Hitler.

Yeah, I'm sure they're really ingratiating themselves with the admins by throwing this spastic temper tantrum lol.

Didn't he also BLEACH a black woman recently ? He sure hates black people huh.

Nah that was Alexis Ohanian U/kn0thing


/r/physical_removal calls for violence


/r/altright calls for violence


/r/Fuckthealtright calls for violence

Slap on the wrist


/u/aedeus We know it isn't fair that extremist subs are explicitly allowed to push violent extremist content at this very moment by the powers that be, but unfortunately our hands are tied.

That's hot.

Mmmm tied up tankies.

I forget, do we shoot the fat ones and fuck the cute ones? Or was it the other way around?

We're not extremists

Let's shoot people we don't like

implying tankies are people

children are a kind of people, if you reaaaaaally stretch the definition

We take everything very seriously here at /r/drama

We're not extremists!

You're on a radical centrist sub, buddy.

I'm /u/Aedeus and I'm offended by jokes! REEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeEEEEeeeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!

I suggest /r/subredditdrama for those with "feelings."

u/ameoba doesn't u/spez realize that you and your comrades are the only thing preventing another shoah....oy vey the ethnostate is coming

Lol Op way to seriouspost

I really flubbed that one. :X

Poor /u/spez make tonnes of new rules and bannings to curb TD and alt right subs, still get called a right-wing fascist all day long. Hopefully one day he will find his true calling as a /r/drama mod

He already made fun of people calling for banning T_D as "trolls".

The dude is a doomsday prepper and a bit of a nutter.

I love that he gets shit on by T_D crazies AND the tankies lol

Radical centralism?

u/spez for mod

500 years of liberal activism and war got us free speech, and one generation took it away.

Remember friends, this is how the fascist alt-right work. They say the most repulsive stuff their degenerate little minds can grunt out. But the second you call them out on their hate speech they love to cry "MUH TOLERANCE!".

u/sarcastroll, maybe you should learn to 'call them out' without threats of violence?

I'd say that you should consider the possibility that your outrage about the ever-widening category of speech you refer to as 'hate speech' has more to do with your own violent, hateful impulses looking for a socially acceptable excuse, but you'll probably just call me a Nazi or say something snide involving the word "muh", soi I won't bother.

And what threats of violence did I make?

Or are you just making shit up, like the human shitstains on the alt right loves to do again?

Oh, look, you are.

You made your comment in response to a thread about not making violent comments, so I assumed that your comment was referring to the crackdown on violent comments

Sorry for assuming that your comment was relevant to the thread you were posting in, I guess that was a pretty weird thing for me to assume.

You directly addressed me, saying I should stop making threats.

Twist and contort all you want, but your lies are transparent and pathetic.

Y'know, for someone with the word 'troll' in your name you sure are quick to butthurt.

Unless of course this is all a big joke.

Feeling really threatened by these comments bud

You're the one talking god emporer and 40k so much in your profile you probably play ultramarines and that's a hate crime.

Nice threat bro. We all know what people do with shit stains. Well actually, your sub might not.

I reported you for threatening language and calls for violence. Good thing Reddit censors people now. 👌

Remember friends, 🙆 this 👁📥 is 🔁😍 how 😡 the fascist 😮 alt-right work. 🙄 They say the most ☺ repulsive 🤢 stuff 🔝🙌 their degenerate little 👌👌 minds 🤓🌐 can 🔫💰 grunt out. But 🍑👩 the 💰👏 second you 😎⁉ call them out 💨 on their 🏿🏻 hate speech 🚫 they love 🏼💞 to 💸💦 cry 😭😭 "MUH 👱👱 TOLERANCE!".

u/sarcastroll, 🙅 maybe 😉😉 you ☝😖 should 💘 learn 👨 to 'call 👏 them out' 🌐💦 without 👹 threats of 💦 violence? 🗡

I'd say 🗣😉 that 🏻 you should consider 🤔 the 🍗 possibility that your 👉 outrage about the ever-widening 💯 category of speech 🚫🚫 you 💯👉 refer to 🤔➡ as 👦🅰 'hate 😤 speech' 🚫 has more to 🙊📬 do with 💰😏 your own 💛👇 violent, 🗡💥 hateful impulses looking 👍👀 for 🍆💰 a 🏿 socially acceptable excuse, but 🍑😇 you'll 💯 probably just 🌊⚖ call 👨 me a 🚨🍑 Nazi or 🚫😛 say ⭕ something snide involving the 👏 word "muh", soi I 👏 won't 💪 bother.

Needs more cummies.

extremist subs are explicitly allowed to push violent extremist content at this very moment

u/aedeus examples?

Remember friends, this is how the fascist alt-right work. They say the most repulsive stuff their degenerate little minds can grunt out.

Example: “I don’t think trans women are biologically women”, or “I don’t think Trump is too bad”

But the second you call them out on their hate speech they love to cry "MUH TOLERANCE!".

Example: “kill all white men - no seriously, let’s physically kill them”.

Example: “kill all white men - no seriously, let’s physically kill them”.

Implying this isn't God's way


I never said it was wrong.

The kids arent alright

So many tears 😂


Don't forget to keep documenting the violent posts from nazis that aren't policed evenly on redit because Steve Huffman Agrees with them. And be ready to spam with it when goes public, which they plan on doing eventually.

Don't be surprised when the autists of /r/The_Donald start documenting every violent threat against nazis, both figuratively and literally.

Are metaphors allowed?

For example: "That POS Nazi should be flattened with a hammer. Metaphorically, of course."

/u/meldroc Please metaphorically Keep Yourself Safe.

wtf I love /u/spez now

I guess /u/spez did nothing wrong now! Reddit-History revised.

Oh no the opportunistic criminals are in trouble. :(

Based /u/spez. Please give me more leftist tears.

As always, reich-wing pajama Nazi trolls aren’t allowed to participate in this post. Your comments will be removed and you’ll be banned. You can join the diaper filling and brownshirt soaking here if you want to vent:;sh=43e9ba46

oh boiii

Disappointed they aren't flooding this thread tbh

They must be astonishingly afeard of our mountainous intellect, razor-sharp persiflage and adroit pettifogging proficiency

thats an impressive amount of embarrassingly juvenile pet names and insular lingo /u/devavrata17, did discovering bad people exist really break your brain that badly?

Civil war, "helicopter rides," lynching, execution fantasies...but those are all valuable conversation. Just messy, human, valuable conversation!

Fuckin Steve

What's wrong with choppa rides?

Get /u/spez'd lol