daddy proposes a stably genius reform to solve the opioid crisis: kill the drug dealers.

113  2018-03-19 by herecomesthatgoy


When I first saw this article from BBC, its title was:

Trump urges death penalty for drug dealers

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This would also help combat double-parking. Let's petition Daddy!

It worked in chile and china. Just saying

Philippines as well

isn’t China making the fentanyl now

But do they have an opioid problem now? Nope! checkmate liberal.

Dude trolled that liberal snowflake LE EPIC STYLE!!! *high five*

Revenge for the Opium Wars is a dish best served cold.

At this point it's frozen.

but we're not brits

we weren't even brits during the Opium War

Americans, especially Philadelphia traders, shipped the cut-rate Turkish opium, instead of the quality British Indian opium, to China. It was about 10% of the Chinese opium market at one point.

youre confusing china with singapore

Does China have some massive drug epidemic they're hiding from the rest of the world or...?

Nope the Chinese had an opiod epidemic and they basically just killed everyone who was involved. Addicts and dealers alike. Drug them out in the streets and shotem.

Its working in the Philippines, im here right now and Duterte is very popular.

yeah, but you know how ISIS started ramping up the attacks right when it was implemented? They need something to take the edge off

It was the Maute who "pledged" themselves to ISIS they have been here for like 20 years and extremist Moro Muslims for much longer. I can form a baseball team and start saying we are the Yankees but doesnt make it true.

fine, the “Maute” ramped up their attacks then

isn't duterte hooked on fentanyl

Because anyone who speaks out against him gets moidahed. Jazakallah for being a dictator sympathizer though. Shariah when?

Did he kill is drug baron son yet?

Fake news

Guess if killing people works it must be worth the effort.

I'm on board with this unironically. Not the guy on the street but the people moving weight across borders, especially heroin and fentanyl.

Most drug mules are Mexican

Hence Daddy wants to literally kill Mexicans

Drumpf is Hitler reeeeeeEEEE

Mexican, Chinese, Irish, Jewish, who cares.

No, just ban guns drugs and the problem goes away! Stop gun Drug Violence!


across borders


i think they might be going the other way

A huge portion of it is coming from China through Canada, Mexico, and our own postal service. Google: fentanyl from China.

oh i forgot things can go to mexico/CA FROM china

You could just not do fentanyl

Well I don't, but other people do. Bringing it into a society, in my view, is tacit support of the epidemic and the overdoses that come with it. Let em hang, I'll kick the stool personally.

I like your style

In a liberal society any person of legal age should be free to consume any sort of substance including fentanyl.

Yeah, just don’t do too much. If you do, buh bye!

A lot (most? I dont have stats, just based off my time working at the Poison and Control Center) of fentanyl and its cousins: sufentanil and carfentanil are cut into heroin. So it's really like saying 'Dont do heroin'

Except Daddy’s talking about street dealers (he praised Duterte, who goes explicitly for low-level dealers). It’s more about killing black/brown guys to get his base hyped for midterms than it is about curing an epidemic

But wouldn't that excite the black/brown vote more? They love killing each other.

I don't see where he says street dealers though, got a link

Sorry he was saying we should do what Duterte does. He didn’t say an explicit strategy. Duterte can’t kill kingpins because he’s an addict himself and there’s presumably a fair amount of bribery going on

He didn’t say an explicit strategy.

I think this is because he's literally incapable of articulating a specific strategy.

They're also the ones who have to live in the same neighborhoods as all the drug dealers, I don't think it's surprising they'd be more supportive of levying harsh penalties against drug dealing.

The VAST majority of people moving drugs across the country are just dirt poor middlemen just trying to make enough money to keep their family from starving. That's why they're already desperate enough to risk life in prison for it. Giving them the death penalty won't do shit because the stakes are already so high for them, and yet they do it anyway.

I'm past the point of caring tbh, my community has been devastated by it and I lost a loved one to it. I'm out of sympathy for the "poor folks killing our kids".

Do you really think mules are the reason people are hooked on opioids

I think people are stupid and can make bad decisions if they're put into a position to make them, one of which is being offered opioids. Can't use opioids if none are present though. Of course the higher ups are far more responsible, and the drug companies share some of the burden as well, but it'll he a cold day in hell when the US actively crosses borders to kill drug kingpins or takes on the pharmaceutical industry.

Do you think mules are in short supply? Killing them won't change shit.

No I don't think they are in short supply, but we can work on making that a reality.

Yeah, and I'm going to fight corporate greed by being mean to the minimum wage employees at my local McDonald's.

During prohibition border agents would ambush smugglers bringing booze in from Mexico in the night and shoot them as they crossed the border.

How much of a deterrent did that prove to be?

Probably a pretty huge deterrent for those smugglers, but considering people were making all types of alcohol at home it was literally impossible to stop.

Probably a pretty huge deterrent for those smugglers, but considering people were making all types of alcohol at home it was literally impossible to stop.

Christ you're so close to reaching the logical conclusion. Now think hard and extrapolate...if there was a strong enough market for alcohol then it didn't matter where police focused on or what they did to stop it, it would just be brought in or made somewhere else therefore trying to stop it via law enforcement was futile.. replace the word "alcohol" with a different possibly related to the conversation at hand...

I believe in you, think hard

It's not the same. Though alcohol isn't necessarily healthy it's nowhere near as harmful as opioids. Nobody is growing poppy or coca at home either. This isn't some silver bullet that I was talking about either, it's one arrow in the quiver among many others to solve this situation.

Ultimately we need to either make them more afraid to bring it into our country than to say no to the cartels or we need to kill off the cartels. What we're doing now is falling pathetically short

It's not the same. Though alcohol isn't necessarily healthy it's nowhere near as harmful as opioids. We need to take it much more seriously than we ever did alcohol.

88,000 people die a year from excessive alcohol use, which means alcohol use is the 3rd largest killer of Americans every year. Another 100,000 die a year from alcohol such as drunk driving, other drunk accidents such as falls and fires, from drunken homicides and suicides etc. Of the aprox 4 million people in this country who receive substance abuse treatment every year 2.5 million of them are for alcohol abuse. Alcohol use costs the government over 200 billion dollars a year.


You're right that alcohol and opiates aren't the same. Alcohol is by every objective measure far far worse.

Nobody is growing poppy or coca at home either.

Nobody was processing cane sugar at home during prohibition.

This isn't some silver bullet that I was talking about either, it's one arrow in the quiver among many others to solve this situation.

Which is why wasting money and resourcrs on counter-productive and destructive law enforcement methods is fucking retarded

Ridiculous comparison considering everyone and their mother drinks alcohol but relatively few use opiates and we still lost 58k to 65k in 2016 alone.

Again, you're terrible at comparisons. Sugar is a common household material used in countless foods, opiates aren't.

It's not a waste of resources whatsoever if we save lives and keep this shit off the street. Thankfully we will be strengthening our approach to this plague both in enforcement and treatment.

Ridiculous comparison considering everyone and their mother drinks alcohol

So what you're saying is that we have more alcohol abusers than opiate abusers and somehow that makes alcohol the smaller problem...huh....

but relatively few use opiates and we still lost 58k to 65k in 2016 alone.

And yet it's still less than half of the number alcohol kills year in and year out for decades and decades

Again, you're terrible at comparisons. Sugar is a common household material used in countless foods, opiates aren't.

lol you can't use table sugar to make molasses to make rum you dumb fuck

It's not a waste of resources whatsoever if we save lives and keep this shit off the street. Thankfully we will be strengthening our approach to this plague both in enforcement and treatment.

Damn did fentanyl fuck your girlfriend or something? Hey dipshit like we've already gone through, law enforcement doesn't work when it comes to drug use. It objectively makes the problem worse.

Holy shit how are you this retarded? If the same amount of people used opiates as do alcohol the deaths would likely be in the millions. Do you understand what ratios are? It's far more dangerous.

Are you really of the belief you can't make alcohol with table sugar and that people weren't doing exactly that? Or are you just being intentionally dense because you know these items are in no way comparable to opiates?

The best part about this last sentence is it doesn't matter, the wheels are already in motion for more enforcement and treatment.

Or we could provide the social safety nets that keep drug use from becoming an epidemic in other countries. Instead of murdering poor people, which is what capital punishment is.

Why not both?

cuz that's COMMUNISM

Or much easier and cheaper exterminate the drug dealer. Can't get high without a supply

Except you're not going after the supply. But hey, murdering poor people is a method too

Then just use chemical weapons on poppy fields and farmers or send military raids to destroy agriculture or chemical production in areas effected

I love how you would declare war on enslaved farmers in another country than build rehab clinics or better education systems

A clinic doesn't solve the problem

Tell it to all the other western countries in the world that have stuff like universal healthcare

Yet still have drug addicts

Not nearly as bad as ours is. I wonder why?

No Mexicans on their border

Oh no it's retarded.

If it was then we should follow the policy

So you're for increased education, universal healthcare, and only letting Putin in if he uses a condom?

Yes education

Yes Health-care

No condoms should ever be used

Also Putin mixes with Muslims

Maybe your wretched community deserves it too along with the mules and street dealers. Might as well take out the entire chain of distribution (except for the top, I guess).

Perfectly acceptable point of view, you don't give a flying fuck about my community just as I don't give a flying fuck about Miguel trying to feed his kids at the expense of American citizens.

The best sum games are zero sum games.

You honestly think that targeting the people who are crossing the border to keep their family from starving are the issue here? Or that much more potent and easier to hide drugs won't flood the market if classic mules are targeted? Hope you like carfentanil because that's what you'll get.

I'm not hearing the starving family stuff, I've seen plenty of the grief on the other side where the drugs they smuggle end up. If some poor American was smuggling drugs into another country that was experiencing an epidemic to feed his family I wouldn't take that excuse either.

Of course they're not the only issue. Mexico is a failed state whose government benefits greatly from both legal and illegal remittances into the country and a huge part of their economy is propped up by the drug trade. They have taken no concrete steps towards ending this and the results are tens of thousands of deaths yearly from their products.

There are other things we can do as well. More and better treatment facilities here in the USA, try to destigmatize addiction so people will come forward for help more often, refigure certain laws that send addicts to jail rather than treatment facilities, etc. I can't take the attitude you have though of "if we fight back it gets worse".

What do you think we can do to stem the tide? Should we send forces into Mexico or something and go after the big guys rather than their fodder?

I'm not hearing the starving family stuff, I've seen plenty of the grief on the other side where the drugs they smuggle end up.

So why is it you don't care about the lives of the mules but you care about the lives of the trailer trash buying and using the shit?

I didn't say I don't care about their suffering in Mexico, it's a shitshow and must be terrible. Once you decide the fix to your shitty situation is bringing poison across our border you lose my sympathy though.

Their families should starve and be charged for us executing their friends.

It will if the death penalty is carried out within 2 weeks of capture.

It will if the death penalty is carried out within 2 weeks of capture.


It's a lot like what Reagan did with the war on drugs. It didn't prevent people from being crack addicts, it just made the dealers more wealthy. Less competition, more profit.

Fentanyl is solving the redneck problem tho :(

A lot of times the fentanyl is here. The heroin is brought across the border very pure (space issues) and then given to large scale distributers who cut the shit out of it to make more money. It's either them or the guy (or Trap) they give it to who cuts it with fentanyl.

I doubt the supreme court is going to accept it. Just going to be a huge waste of money.

I believe you'd be foiled by that pesky constitution

Of course. I don't actually expect this to happen and I doubt Trump or anyone in the WH does either, but we've gotta do more than we've been doing.

i was thinking pharma executives but ur idea is good too

oh good, nice to see him tripling down on that one

Again, I’m just waiting for those Boss uniforms and SS 2.0: kill all drug lords.

“hitler had a million jews” -“Rowdy Rodry” Duterte

Targetting distribution just works.

I think we should just kill all white people, that will solve the opioid crisis and make sure a democrat wins next time!

Just give them some fentanyl and they'll do it themselves!

Or send them to South Africa

Poor whites do methamphetamines not opioids. We need to kill off the rich white people to fix the opiod epidemic. But we should also kill the poor ones too for good measure.

lol you really think white trash is still on meth? You're a few years behind fam.

Oh they are. It just goes in spurts. The guys who make it get locked up and people do other things then they get out and it's back to the good old times.

heh..... does that... include....


pharmaceutical executives, drompf?

I’m not going to lie, death sentence for pedophiles might be something Daddy supporters and most of America would vote for.

but then what would happen to all ofDaddy’s friends

I’m not saying a brass encased chunk of lead flying at Mach 2.

I’m just saying Daddy will be short a few friends!

"You're fire!" would take on a new meaning.

Also Daddy himself

Daddy only admitted to walking into miss teen USA but that's okay cuz it was locker room talk!

well, yeah, obviously. those are two of daddy's oldest & dearest friends

He finally listened to Duterte.

bout DAMN time

With all the civilian guns in America you just need to declare hunting season on dealers and you solve the opioid crisis in two weeks.

lots of other problems would be solved too! problems we don’t even have to know about

And it would cost virtually nothing to the state. Very fiscally conservative.

Two whole weeks? That seems pessimistic, especially since most of the opioid epidemic is going on where most of the guns are

u/Honk4tits is this a good thing?

Yes, unless you prefer heroin addicts to kill theirselves and steal from their family and oher innocent people.

Can we making cuckolding illegal too while we're at it. That'd be the biggest reddit meltdown ever.

"Trump declares traps are in fact gay"

"Trump backtracks and says not all traps are gay, but anime traps are super gay".

Wtf I hate trump now

That's one way to lock up Trump

damn if we make being a faggot illegal you'll be the first one in jail


The Daddy Drug Dealer Defense Force is here


This is all King Daddy's plan to get people on his side.

The drug dealers will kill all the cops who try to kill them so angry Twitterers will side with Trump de-escalating the militarized police state!

12.5D Hackeysak pedes!!!

Mr Trump said his administration was attempting to change the law to execute drug dealers, but it will face stiff political and judicial headwinds.


I guess we better listen to the BBC, the official news outlet for a country that gives out the death penalty for putting bacon sandwiches outside a mosque.


The crazy thing is absolutely nobody saw this coming. Dementia is a hell of a drug

Guessing high school kids get culled too.

wtf I love Duterte now

I mean it'll solve the problem but it should be expanded to more dealers

The minor dealers are such complete garbage that they are unable to do useful work even if you directly threaten them with death. Put them to work digging their own graves and they'll still end up getting eaten by birds.

Drug War II, the sequel we deserve