They targeted baristas. Baristas.

29  2018-03-19 by smokedetective


Anyone who chooses to be a barista is living a life of sacrifice for their craft and are deserving of respect.

Anyone who chooses to study feminism and women’s literature is choosing to be a barista.

Wait, you can study women's literature? Like literature but only female authors?

Yes we ameriburgers have universities that offer such a degree.

It’s cancer.

My gf has a degree in... feminist studies? I forget the exact name of the degree.

Point is, I am now sitting at home unemployed while she rakes in more than double the most I've ever made in my life in the drug industry.

That makes you smart.

Only mayos could make coffee a fucking 'lifestyle'. I hate these people more than anything else.

Starbucks to that ☕️

Eh, a study of history easily refutes that.

Let's not forget that for a long time, coffee shops were illegal in Muslim countries because the people who gathered there were literally plotting to overthrow the government.

Pike's Place

/u/I-need-MAYO if that's pasta, well played. If not, you should keep yourself safe and never leave whatever flyover trash heap you call home.

I found it while looking for u/serialflamingo 's pasta. It was too good not to share.

Nicely done. I almost had to go lie down in traffic on the 5, my jimmies got so rustled.

flyover trash heap

like thats any worse than whatever coastal city cluster fuck you got going on

You don't have to tell me, I live in JunkieTown Portland.

Barista seems like a pretty chill job though. Probably a nice change of pace for the veterans.

They should order in the military code speak

Callsign, Barista Cowboy 9, Barista Cowboy 9, we need a ALHPA MURRAY ECHO RODEO INDIA CHARLIE OREO, STAT! Thats an order damnit!

u/serialflamingo pours coffee for a """""""living"""""" lol

Heh, enjoy those "things" your "money" from your fancy "job" gets you. Just know that I am doing what I love and I am damn good at it.

Wait are you actually a barista coffee goblin?

Crushed more bean than any other gay man alive.

Also, your whole account is pretending you voted for Trump.

Imagine going to get coffee and the hot barista is replaced with a dude.

My girlfriend is a barista and I’m constantly surprised how awful and socially retarded customers can be