Grandpa ๐Ÿ•ŸTick ๐Ÿ•คTock's ๐Ÿ•‘ Manifesto

100  2018-03-19 by Ed_ButteredToast



You may all remember our beloved elderly (55yo) daddy loving grandpa, /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu. He was recently cucked and chucked (IP banned) by the [{(Admins)}] for reasons i'm not sure of. Well, guess what, Grandpa is in denial and claims he "DINDU NUFFIN" so, as an old people temper tantrum, he has issued an all out WAR against "team mommy" (shit meme, i know) users of r/drama.

SUBJECT: get fucked soi boi


Dear Ed, Wow, what an interesting few days for team mommy. All quiet on your front it seems, in fact not a single person has defended mommy on /r/drama since Friday when my first nuke landedโ€ฆ looks like it was a bullseye 7 day suspension for you! KA-BOOM.

Youโ€™re scared shitless of getting that final lifetime ban you were so eager to have handed down by the admins to me.

Thatโ€™s okay, thatโ€™s okayโ€ฆ itโ€™s cool. See, now that I am banned from reddit, I can spend my time without risk, I donโ€™t have to worry about being banned since I already am. I can spin up accounts, troll you, and then disappear. Thereโ€™s not fuck one you can do about it. In fact, you canโ€™t even REPLY since that would give you away, the gig would be up, Iโ€™d forward it to the admins and SNAP youโ€™d be cucked and chucked too. And, probably worse for you, is that you canโ€™t post this on reddit and have your circle jerk friend accounts upvote it and jerk each other off. You probably are crying right now IRL. Just thinking about that makes me rock hard.

In conclusion just remember, when your suspension is up your welcome back to reddit is temporary at best. I will continue to report every rule-skirting post you make, and itโ€™s only a matter of time before the admins agree with me on one and suspend you and your bevy of sock accounts for good.

Rest in piss you degenerate mommy supporting fuckstain.

  • -IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu Dictated, but not read

    -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)

    iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJar8ArAAoJEPZSvqEMZxRl6poH/2XPO4OWK4iNHqqrLpMRaeuF BAAADcVZfvwoT1/mvitl71WsMJ+pDuYUDOgVBVUGvzSd9SowpgPJr3G7d2nLaY0S

JgyrKHA5D1W3qGfi1licz7MGD49CSyhdwHnup5SRLjK7mmmVs1gg3Dt+9+l6BQh4 Eth64qKMFf/AOfHPfmgUqIb4PTwbEKkcOCZhoY2PN8KykpWsLVliHCJ/iZWqf4p4 OI/evNNOcPJygpFYOfnq6U1zDoQ8vTwh+n1cydGBjpY7+x6QxIK1Ea2+V9MDiV45 Kq4zx8mNDVaMphWXrk+oLYFQ1BnYdptnA0YXmf4pyHKAWvls061kMC006ebsseE= =81Kh -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Recent PMs

SUBJECT: cucked 'n chucked round 2???

Oh boy!

There's a 90% chance the admins won't bother to look into my report.

But that 10% chance they do...


Your account!!!!


SUBJECT: sniff u out

I can sniff out your sock accounts super ez, it's so obvious......

You and the ""mommy defense force"" better stay off here or I will continue to report you to the admins for ban evasion

Can you say buh bye to your account????





This is might become more retarded than the /u/nunast /u/SDIHTD 69 alt accounts drama lol







ุงู„ุณูŽู‘ู„ุงูŽู…ู ุนูŽู„ูŽูŠู’ูƒูู…ู’ ูˆูŽุฑูŽุญู’ู…ูŽุฉู ุงู„ู„ู‡ู ูˆูŽุจูŽุฑูŽูƒูŽุงุชูู‡ู


Woah, wait, is he actually 55?

Damn, over half a century.

Over 55 years to finesse his nuclear autism!! Wew

What did you get suspended for?

It's a no no. Even if the person you said sarcastically it to is your friend/regular of the sub who knows how it's here

Really? I mean, it was nice of the admins to add to the drama that way, but thatโ€™s pretty dumb.

Now kys bby ๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ช

inb4 suspension.

tick tock

RIP my acct

dick cock

cuck cock



hahaha :D

Is there a reason hes obsessed about aock accounts?

He's mad that somebody reported him multiple times to the admjns. And he was dumb enough to break rules again and again. Not sure how but he thinks some of r/drama users reported him.

Also, this made him mad recently. He's really easy to trigger. Easy sperg and drama :p

Do you think if his account keep getting reported, he might get frustrated/high enough to go and shoot up a pizza shop? Because that'd be great for r/Drama.

Well, one can pray to Allah about it and hope for the best! ุงูŽู„ู„ู‘ูฐู‡ู ุฃูŽูƒู’ุจูŽุฑ

dramacoin always wins in the end! ุณูุจู’ุญูŽุงู†ูŽ ุงู„ู„ู‘ู‡ู

Inshallah. Any clue on what's his latest sock?

He keeps deleting them. He's lurking around tho

How certain are we that this isn't yet another alt of u/nunast? Because that would be spergaliciously epic/tragic.

Differences in autism. It is a spectrum u know ;P

Didn't you also get suspended for vote manipulation?

That "meme" came into existence because of this dude

He was even more retarded than IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu.

imagine farming karma on r/drama with 50k subs


You're like a blowfish, swimming by a big sperg with your harmless camouflage and just as they're about to outsperg you you puff the fuck up. Check mate.

imagine farming karma on r/drama with 50k subs

I mean, I don't have a hard time imagining you doing that.

You're like a blowfish, swimming by a big sperg with your harmless idiot camouflage and just as they're about to outsperg you you puff the fuck up. Check mate. Don't mess with Ed I guess. I mean, I don't have a hard time imagining you doing that.


๐Ÿก ๐Ÿก

It was a compliment, silly.

Wow rood?!

Also God bless the Unicode gods for putting a blowfish emoji in there.

tfw no butter emoji




Toast would be ๐Ÿž๐Ÿ”ฅ as bread + heat = toast sooooo :(

It's a compound emoji word.

Lol wut? You got suspended for that!?! Hahaha no way.

im a new drama user, wtf is going on between you turbo nerds

old people tantrums

Plus read the first paragraph. That's all you need to know.

> using SHA1 instead of SHA-256 (unless its just some "techy XD" gibberish you inserted)

wow get a load of this loser. I'm on team ElderIvankaTrumpDude.

That's his PM not mine hence its his "PGP signature". Why could I sign my PMs anyway? You seem confused lol.

I thought it was some email client or something lmfao, thats why i was like "wtf is going on between you two" like as if you knew each other or something

Sorry Im just really bored and hate my job since its changed in the past few months to inane bullshit.

Sorry Im just really bored and hate my job since its changed in the past few months to inane bullshit.

Stay strong friend.

Plus don't worry. He's just using this fancy way in order to prove that it's really him and not someone else. His autism already proved that. No need for keys/signatures lmao

thanks man

Plus don't worry. He's just using this fancy way in order to prove that it's really him and not someone else. His autism already proved that. No need for keys/signatures lmao


Waifus retardation is very unique and specific.

Not even the CIA could replicate it.

Baby boomer autism is one hell of a drug lmao

This old fag is gonna stalk you IRL.

hiding behind 69 layers of proxies

I don't think so kiddo

Well make sure to carry around a cup with bleach just in case.


fucking plebs. That won't do the trick. Unless it's a FREEDOM sized cup then I bet it could bring down an ๐Ÿ˜ too ยฏ\_(ใƒ„) _/ยฏ

One of those Nalgene water bottles all the school kids/college kids have.

You can get a Big Gulp from 7-11 and fill it with Draino from Wal-Mart for $2.36

Imagine your brain and mind after 55 years of city tap water.

Keep your water safe, my dudes.

With lead, might I add.

I demand you give him a newfag alt flair.

Oh wait...

I thought Ed and some other guy were just bullying /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu for being a transparent agenda poster. I didn't realise he was actually 55 years old.

Hey, /u/cuckslovetrump, how old are you again? You haven't been unseated?

Nah. Cuckslovetrump is older. I think 60+. But he's nowhere near as retarded as IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu

67 years old. 68 this august!

Let me us when your birthdays is! ๐Ÿ˜š

Let me us when your birthdays is!

Fixed it. Thanks :p

Aug 17!


17! = 355,687,428,096,000

Awesome! How about your SSN, moms maiden name and the name of your first pet? We are planning a big birthday surprise!

069-69-6969, del Monte, and Nig

I can't wait!

Yes let me us this!

Shouldn't you be posting ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ in r/cbts_stream or something?

Those are all people who discovered the internet through Facebook

will you be my drama daddy?

100%. Ping me when you need someone bullied

I'm 99.9% sure cuckslovetrump is just LARPing. He does his shtick pretty well but every once in a while he fucks it up and reveals that he watches minecraft youtubers or something like that. No way he was born before '95.

He claimed to be a Chelsea fan and recognized Drogba.

I don't think any Texan in his sixties, anywhere, knows who Drogba is.

go back to PCJ ya nerd.

For real though, IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu is an ardent daddy defender who got banned a while ago. More on him:


Absolutely unsurpassed levels of autism. Best drama in months by far.

I'll sniff u out ๐Ÿ‘ƒ๐Ÿคฅ๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ


v. Gentoo/Bussy OS

Ed you broke him!

you replied to somone else, lol. But yeah, yes, he's completely lost it this time lolololol

You never fail to amaze me ed๐Ÿ˜˜

๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’‹ Thank you daddy (โ—กโ€ฟโ—กโœฟ) ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’ž

uh why did he hash it

To prove that it's him and not someone else LARPing. Stupid idea as we don't have the signature from when he had his account.

But judging from the language and level of autism, it's certainly him. I don't need no fancy key to identify God tier autism lul

What if hes just doing that to SEEM like hes the real deal?

What if you are /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu and just astroturfing all this drama???

hmmm...... ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

I don't even think that's how PGP works, aren't we the ones that are supposed to encode the message using his PGP public key, which he would then decode using his PGP private key?

You sign with your private key, signature is verified using the public key.

like, what are you supposed to hash it against though lol

itโ€™s not like SHA-1 is esoteric or anything

the fucking fuck


This is some hardcore autism. I'm just gonna declare everyone involved a massive retard and feel smug.

ah, the good ol' SRD route of diplomacy :p

Radical centrism..the eternal struggle










Why is he PGP signing his messages? I mean, literally who cares about forging them?

Can anyone explain what I am seeing?

Can you post the text from the message? Itโ€™s cut off in the image, and I really want the full dose of autism here.

i already copy pasted the text of PMs in the text box of this post.

Huh. Doesnโ€™t show up on mobile.

Odd. Here u go :)



Hash: SHA1

Dear Ed,
Wow, what an interesting few days for team mommy.  All quiet on your front it seems, in fact not a single person has defended mommy on /r/drama since Friday when my first nuke landedโ€ฆ looks like it was a bullseye 7 day suspension for you!  KA-BOOM.

Youโ€™re scared shitless of getting that final lifetime ban you were so eager to have handed down by the admins to me.

Thatโ€™s okay, thatโ€™s okayโ€ฆ itโ€™s cool.  See, now that I am banned from reddit, I can spend my time without risk, I donโ€™t have to worry about being banned since I already am.  I can spin up accounts, troll you, and then disappear.  Thereโ€™s not fuck one you can do about it.  In fact, you canโ€™t even REPLY since that would give you away, the gig would be up, Iโ€™d forward it to the admins and SNAP youโ€™d be cucked and chucked too.  And, probably worse for you, is that you canโ€™t post this on reddit and have your circle jerk friend accounts upvote it and jerk each other off.  You probably are crying right now IRL.  Just thinking about that makes me rock hard.

In conclusion just remember, when your suspension is up your welcome back to reddit is temporary at best.  I will continue to report every rule-skirting post you make, and itโ€™s only a matter of time before the admins agree with me on one and suspend you and your bevy of sock accounts for good.

Rest in piss you degenerate mommy supporting fuckstain.

- -IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu
Dictated, but not read

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Thx, bby. I canโ€™t imagine taking anything this seriously, let alone an argument on Reddit. Holy shit.

ur welcome boo ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’‹

This is my 2nd successful attempt to make someone sperg this hard. First /u/SDIHTD aka /u/nunast and now /u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu.

ุณูุจู’ุญูŽุงู†ูŽ ุงู„ู„ู‘ู‡ู

It kinda blows my mind how make people go off the deep end like this. Keep it up fam. ๐Ÿ‘

thanks for appreciating the hustle, famalam

.../u/riemann1413, is that u?

you canโ€™t post this on reddit and have your circle jerk friend accounts upvote it and jerk each other off. You probably are crying right now IRL.


/u/BasicallyADoctor are you proud of me daddy? (โ—•โ€ฟโ—•โœฟ)

I'm super proud. Also I am glad you aren't suspended any more. I got suspended once for """""vote manipulation"""" and it SUCKED ANUS reeee!

๐Ÿ’ž Thank you daddy!! ๐Ÿ’ž (โ—กโ€ฟโ—กโœฟ)

You two interacting has given autism to the whole northern emisphere


ed makes a good post

wtf this isnt supposed to happen

Too late :D

Truly a sign that we are living in The End Times.

Wait, seriously. There's a 55 year old r/drama user? And he got cucked by Ed, repeatedly?

Boomers BTFO



Ed mein freunde, I have to ask. What does the whole "tick tock" thing mean?

I'm still confused but I'll just pretend I understand. ๐Ÿค—

I hope this clears it up. By "tick tock" he meant that the time is ticking as he sent info to the admin as a report against some mods I think (?)

Oh okay I get it now. What a dumb fucking mayo lol.

Er ist der Mann!

Ed ist nicht ein mann. Ed ist eine frau, oder ein kleine mรคdchen.

Nein, Ed gab mir bussy Bilder.

Why are you nazis talking about me?? /u/TheEquimanthorn

Why are you nazis talking about me?? /u/TheEquimanthorn

Es tut mir lied. No more German, I'll only speak English when speculating if you're a little girl from now on.

He said you are not a man, but a girl, but then I said you area man cuz you gave me pictures of your BUSSY

Ein kleines Mรคdchen

There is literally a 55 year old using "Waifu" as a meme? Holy shit, what timeline are we in?

A good one.

The best one

He's 51, but it's close enough.

Ed is back..and with quality material...DAMN.


Here's a picture of baby rabbit 4 U ED.

I'm glad you are back too, iykwim ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’‹

Old fart is an Iowan who hatesCasey's pizza. He deserves worse than a ban tbh.

Agreed. Also those are two vvvv good doggos you've got there ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ•

Been there, the taco pizza aint bad, not from Iowa though.

/u/ComedicSans would appreciate a sticky, mi amor

i thought that account was shitty satire the whole time.......


Ivanka, get a VPN or something so you can get your cucked ass back in here to be laughed at directly.

He did change his modem so he was assigned a different IP for /u/EricTrumpIsMyWaifu but he did something again and was reported and it got suspended too lolololol

He actually spent money for Reddit bullshit and got cucked h chucked again! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

He doesn't even need a vpn. The admins are really lazy when it comes to perma bans. All he has to do is change his IP and not act like a complete autist again and they'll never notice he's back. The not acting like a complete autist part is apparently too much though.

Ed, how did you manage to get hate-lusted after by so many meth-addled, looney rednecks? What's your secret?

Political shitposts lul. That really gets their bussies rattled :D

Your political posts are shit though. You are literally baiting people who are autistic and have downs at the same time. It's not an accomplishment I would be proud of.

people who are autistic and have downs

like u? lmao

How come you got demodded?

how come i got modded

same reason, no reason. You've already asked me this and bothered to ask me again? what's the matter? are you trying to *gasps*... trigger me? at least make your rage boner for me a wee bit subtle lololol

Your political posts are shit though.

shitting on david dennison

hmmm, i wonder why you have that opinion? pls don't issue a manifesto against me tho like that inbred 50 yr old tard from Iowa


daddy dindu nuffin!!!11!!!



inb4 "am not a daddy lover"

Ok but how come you got demodded?

/u/annoysthegoys do u have some insider info that i'm not aware of?? pls share it with this concerned r/drama user who wishes to seek the truth


no, it means i don't know. wasn't told, didn't care, never bothered to ask. nobody gets paid for it u know. Ask someone else because certainly you don't lack the passion

your political posts are shit tho

brought you here with that all that passive aggression (to maintain non chalance) didn't it? hahaha.

i know a person who cares more about reddit modding than u

spergs keep sperging when political views are made fun of lul

You must know. I'm guessing some illegal shit. Sharing pedo pics?



Using your alts wont change a thing. lol

Deleting your comments because your answers are reeetarded doesnt make you not reeetarded.




Imagine actually caring about your comments on Reddit enough NOT to delete them.

Imagine actually caring about your comments on Reddit enough to delete them.

That extra chromosome working overtime today for ya?

Yes and no.

Wow!! /u/Mateus49 see? He's genuinely butthurt and is taking it out on other lololol

Man you're so pathetic!! Getting butthurt be cashed someone made fun of your "views" in the past


Wow!! /u/Matues49 see? He's genuinely butthurt and is taking it out on other lololol

Man you're so pathetic!! Getting butthurt be cashed someone made fun of your "views" in the past


Why did you get demodded?

Why wont you admit that you laughed at this?

/u/username234983 don't "tick" him off or else he'll either shoot up a school like wh*te pigs always do or issue another manifest against you like 50+ daddy lovers end yo doing i.e seรฑor /u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu

Are you threatening original pasta?

Well, daddy is circling the drain and as those spirals get tighter their emotional outbursts get harder to contain. They feel the impending sense of doom but the only way they can acknowledge it is via projection, hence /u/ivankatrumpismywaifu's obsessive spamming you with "tick tock."



I don't find inserted laugh tracks funny.

Its a live studio audience laughing at the funny parts. I watched the interview when it aired and i laughed my ass off, that shit was funny as fuck. "It wasnt very stupid!" Hahaha, the look on his face when he said that was priceless.

I have low IQ

Yes that's apparent.

Not admitting you laughed is not the same as not laughing.

It wasn't funny.

If what he said was true it's not funny and if what he says is false it's even less funny. Only a massive idiot would think otherwise. Enjoy your fucking bread and circuses. I've opted out.

It wasn't funny.

Wrong. The POTUS was babbling incoherently and then he called that babbling "not very stupid." That was hysterical.

If what he said was true it's not funny and if what he says is false it's even less funny.

By what metric do you judge the veracity of incoherent babbling?

Only a massive idiot would think otherwise.

No u

Enjoy your fucking bread and circuses. I've opted out.

The president is a clown, lighten up and enjoy the circus, bro.

lighten up and enjoy the circus, bro.

I'm all out of bread.

Dont they have bread shacks in your country?

Nope we leave that to the third world places and dine on white rhino steaks.


Imagine using the "le alt lol xD" defense to hide the fact that your butthurt but too retarded to hide it.

You aren't autistic at all, you simply have downs.



check it out, another one caught without bait

r e n t f r e e

That him?

That's someone's alt here. Not Ivanka tho.

Another obessed fan, I assume?

Si si! Gets butt mad when you make fun of David Dennison lol

You think CBTS getting nuked may have set off his emotions a bit? What with IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu being a geriatric and all?

Nah, I've been "ticking" more than usual and my last post broke the camel's back hahahahaha

You should have seen the message the old coot sent to me

Whyyyy I oughta'... Kids these days have no respect. Sitting in front of screens all day. When I was a boy we called our elders 'sir' or you got clipped on the ear! My Uncle Jerry used to shine shoes by the station. He told me "son, when I was fighting Koreans on the beach we if we didn't have respect we had nothing." I bet you're crying right now like a little bitch. I took some Cialis pills I'm rock hard right now thinking about it.

Why did he sent you that PM? Pic plssssss ๐Ÿ˜‚

Aw can't show you a screen shot he sent it via morse code over a telegram wire. Probably before he got his grandson to show him PGP messaging.

I thought he hated you ironically. This back and forth is tearing me apart.

Same ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I kinda liked him before I didn't realize he was really this autistic.

You should report him to the authorities, might get lucky and thwart his mass shooting plans.

this is incredible, you actually broke him. the dude is 55-years-old and "married" and getting banned from a website broke him. leave it to a trump supporter to be this much of a failure at life.

Hahaha. Guess he doesn't like "winning" that much. The big pussy couldn't even handle our banter lul

I'm aroused and I don't know what to do with it

See Ed, this where defending Taytay got you. You should get a new waifu ๐Ÿ˜‰

I have some sexy ass TayTay posts in line, not some random ass compressed .jpg shit you pull off without looking ;)


Great moves

I'm proud of you

Keep it up big guy

Keep it up big guy

for u

Jeez I walked right into that one hey


This is some kaaalaa level retardation.

best sperg from Iowans indeed

/u/Ed_ButteredToast you made this guy look like an even bigger bitch than I already thought he was.

Well done and if we ever do a best of r/drama again Iโ€™d nominate this entire saga as best spergout.

Appreciate the love boo ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’ž

Hold the fucking phone. Waifu was dukbcaaj this entire time!?!? For real or is this just fake news?

huh? i don' have a phone rn :/

It's ok ilu anyway

i love u

Really???? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

You're my r/Drama senpai idol!

๐Ÿ˜˜ ๐Ÿ˜˜

Who dat? She looks Jewish enough for me to plug

Emily O'Brien

Well she'll be Jew enough when I'm done with her.


Seriously though was Ivanka really duk?

Who's that? I honestly don't know. /u/dukbcaaj?

Ah, it was before your time. In one of the links in this thread it seems he's claiming to be duk.

Around 2016 he was a Daddy's boy but an especially stupid breed. He modded T_D too, I think? The thing was he wasn't the malignant retarded that Ivanka is but a special needs kind of retarded. You just felt bad for the guy

On this sub people like to throw around the word autism all willy nilly but wow, this is what actual autism looks like.

This isn't your average everyday autism. This is gasp advanced autism. I don't think I've ever seen u/Ed_ButteredToast make someone REEE this hard before

I'm confused why he signed the msg? Do you have his public key Ed?

nope, that's why it's a stupid idea. But his distinctive autism more than compensates for his purpose of identificationn

ROFL he might as well have attached world domination ๐Ÿฐ as a sig...

as a sig...


Someone is trying to steal Ivanka's sub. They're a 5-year-old account, but they only have 2 pages of comments. The last time they posted before requesting /r/shitriowasays was 5 months ago. Really makes you think ๐Ÿค”

People should stop unironically caring about reddit accounts and getting banned. I recently deleted an /u/ with 1M+ karma, several front page posts and subs with 100K+ subscribers because I felt like it. It feel so much better and free to post on reddit now that I don't have to care what shitpost is gonna get my banned and lose the e-penor.


Why is that even a thing lol. The only thing you need karma for is to avoid the posting/commenting restriction and that's it.

oh pls, all the good subs have no restrictions

What the fuck did you narcissistic retards do to /r/drama

Holy shit, I missed this, A+ baiting an elderly man.


Political power rolls from the barrel of autism