Bitcoin's Blockchain might have child porn, to the delight of ancaps.

53  2018-03-19 by Deity_Of_Darkness




Coffin meet nail

haha get fucked bitcoin!

libertarianism confirmed punishable by law.

Not if I declare




Teach me your way master!! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Is this good for Bitcoin?

Is this good for Bitcoin?

Illuminati will invest in it now; will save them thousands on robe costs and mansion rentals.

does this count as a violation of my NAP

Uh don't look at it.

Bitcoin's blockchain is only capable of storing up to 50kb. You can store links, but then you need to store whatever you link to. Basically, it's very bad at storing digital images.

I know everyone here is a decaying turd that struggles to open their flip phone without calling tech support, but there are other blockchain projects that aim to host HD video.

There's currently a project aiming to be a decentralized YouTube. And, because it's blockchain, once uploaded anyone can explore the blockchain and view material forever. It's up and running right now. Mostly dumb shit nobody cares about like skatebording videos. Their site acts as a blockchain explorer, and anything illegal is censored, but anybody could use their own blockchain explorer to view removed material. If the article author wasn't a decaying turd as well he would have written about that.

Blockchain should be illegal. Long live YouTube

Seriouspost some more please and unironically. I need to increase my learns.

Because you can't use multiples of 50kb to store things. Buttcoiners once again confirmed for dumb faggots.

Bitcoin's blockchain is only capable of storing up to 50kb

>What is cutting an image in multiple parts?

How would I, completely in theory, view the CP in the blockchain? I'm just asking so I don't, like, accidently stumble into it and get into trouble.

Download the blockchain, change extension to png, open in photoshop, open camera app, snap a pic of your bussy, switch back to photoshop, remove green and blue channels, add noise (Gaussian), switch to a browser, upload bussy pic to imgur, switch back to photoshop, switch back to browser, paste imgur link in this thread, we’ll send you the encryption key, switch to photoshop, save png as [key].pdf, open in adobe acrobat, scroll to the bottom, enjoy

My sources of news are now officially /g/ and r/drama

There undoubtedly is. Pictures are just a series of 1s and 0s, I could embed some in a post to this sub and no one would ever know. If you wanted to put in the resources to mine your own block you could basically put 2mb of whatever you want on thousands of computers all over the world.