119  2018-03-20 by Strictlybutters






You guys just don't appreciate how Jordan Peterson is challenging the whole system by threatening to beat himself up. He's like the Canadian Joker.

this remake of fight club sucks


I must be an intellectual pygmy because all it looks like is that Daddy Kermit is having a ‘Tism Attack and making threats against a reporter. So much for his whole “resist not evil” thing, he’s an embarrassing leaf through and through

All you have to do is say Carl Jung is a Nazi and that Peterson’s not really Native American, and Daddy Kermit will have a ‘Tism Attack and start threatening you over Twitter. To be fair, I’d be upset too if Pankaj McNobody wrote about how I wasn’t the intellectual powerhouse saving the West that my Patreon donors say that I am

Peterson claims to be a native?

He was adopted by WikkyWikkyWishwam tribe or some shit

The Kwak-kwak-kwakkwakakwak tribe. Chief: Donald Duck.

To be fair, I’d be upset too if Pankaj McNobody wrote about how I wasn’t the intellectual powerhouse saving the West that my Patreon donors say that I am...

Nah, you'd be happy that someone knew who you are.

Jordan my guy

I agree with like 80% of the shit you say but you aren't helping the cause by sperging out.

I agree with like 80% of the shit you

Clean your room goy.


I would agree with 80% of what Jordan Peterson but fortunately I'm not easily influenced by Canadian shit posting trolls

shit you say

Is your bussy as clean as your room? Pics.

Also this guy

There really is no argument that you can make against incest (taking care to not have kids) that also can't be used against homosexuality.

Fucking LOL. Another piece of evidence for my theory on how lobsters really are a bunch of inbred dumb fucks.

Fighting the good fight

He is more or less right

Southern Pride.

well, kids is the important one

otherwise it’s just grose

There are no real convincing arguments against incest tbh, but this comparison is still retarded.

Why is it retarded?

It upsets people who seem to be the product of a less prudent version of the aforementioned liaison, and makes us have to listen to them shower us with their half-baked opinion.

As long as it makes my diaper fetish morally justifiable I'm down.

It does not, keep yourself save my dude.

I'm pretty sure it does.

Nope, there is not a single fact in the entire universe that excuses your degeneracy.

All facts in the universe support my sacrality

All facts suggest that it is fucking gross more like.

Closer to the opposite imo fam

Because none of the common arguments against incest are in any way applicable to homosexuality.

All of them are as long as it's between two consenting adults.

The most common argument is that incest increases the risk of birth defects (and that is somehow bad), I fail to see how that applies to homosexuality.
Another ancient argument is that incest doesn't give you access to a different social group like ordinary relationships. Again, no similarity to homosexuality.

i knew a guy that had homosex once and when he gave birth his kid was all fucked up because he didnt have a womb

There really is no argument that you can make against incest (taking care to not have kids)

Another ancient argument is that incest doesn't give you access to a different social group like ordinary relationships.

I have never heard that and it's stupid. If you already have access to a lot of social groups and don't plan on getting children incest is okay?

It's not stupid at all if you consider the historical context (the argument was first made by Thomas Aquinas). Creating family ties used to be pretty important both for peasents and the aristocracy, although for different reasons obviously.

I think incest between two consenting adults is always okay, even if you plan to have kids, I just don't think the common arguments against it (of which I named 2) are applicable to homosexuality.

Okay, that's reasonable.

In a descriptive sense incest is illegal bc we think it's gross. Gay was illegal until we decided it wasn't that gross.

Incest is super likely to be abusive, destroys the family structure, and carries a non-zero risk of creating genetic monstrosities like you who want to bone their sister.

I agree with you that Hitler was right about eugenics.

Anyone who thinks I shouldn't fuck my sister is literally hitler

Huh, no, but you do agree with Hitler's view on eugenics apparently.

What a surprise, dude who wants to fuck his sister also really wants to talk about hitler

Didn't Hitler try to fuck his niece?

Idk but he was pretty pro eugenics

wait does that mean i can bone his sister? not fam, fam!


No one will say it but the actual argument is the fact that incest is way grosser than homosexuality and really disgusting things should be outlawed.

For now. Just wait until a prominent sitcom features a wacky incestuous couple, and everyone gets desensitized. Sodom and Gomorrah is coming, you degenerates

Islam when?

So incest becomes mandatory instead of allowed?

You're confusing incest with pedophilia, honest mistake my man 👌

It would be the same thing. Islam doesn't mandate marrying your cousin, it just allows it.

Yeah but cousins are preferred over outside candidates and since Muslim TFRs can put most African countries to shame, they always have tons of cousins.

Yeah but cousins are preferred over outside candidates

Do you mean preferred by Allah, or preferred by the people? I'm pretty sure it's not religiously encouraged, but I think that a lot of families prefer it because it's a way of keeping things like land and wealth within the family (among other things).

Sodom and Gomorrah is coming

And so am I.

This is definitely right; I wish people would admit it. Gay was illegal until our culture decided it wasn't too gross. Incest is fucking gross and I don't think the incest lobby is powerful enough to shift perceptions on that.

it wasn't too gross.

Its still gross.

This is a bussy appreciation sub, ciscum.


I am a bottom bitch, tho. I would be posting on r/drama otherwise


Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country? I'll answer that for you: fuck no, because they don't let this degeneracy slide, like fucking liberal CUCKS in the USA. There's only one solution, and that is for everyone to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn't tolerate degeneracy like feminism, gay marriage, or gender bending—nay! He mandated the ostracization and execution of gays, and made sure they would not become commonplace or accepted by the rest of the community. He made sure to establish clear gender roles and didn't tolerate this "gender identity" trash.

In the meantime, you have Western society accepting gays, slut pride, gender-mixing, new genders, no genders, LGBT, and who knows what else?! Western society is truly degenerating without guidance, and I fear that as time passes, these degenerate groups only gain more and more power.

Muslims and conservatives might think they're enemies, but in reality, they're closer to each other than they think! An alliance would prove very fruitful for both sides.

Just repeat the declaration of faith after me:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

and you'll be right on your way to becoming a great Muslim!


He also claims you can find depictions of the double helix DNA model in ancient Chinese, Egyptian, and Australian Aboriginal art.

Anyone who takes this guy seriously should off themselves immediately.

that tiny bit in the one lecture about that is classic though. he basically said that then ended with "But I can't tell you know I know".

to me, that means "acid".

Who care about incest? If people want to clean the gene pool by having dead on arrival kids, it's their right.

It's appropriate to blow the hell up on people if they're calling you a fascist.

This is identical to William F. Buckley with the Crypto Fascist debate, except Peterson isn't trying to act like an 18th century aristocrat.

"Crypto-Nazi" was the exact term used. And yeah, I'd say it is pretty justifiable to sperg at a person if they call you a fascist when you're as moderate as JBP is.


You're talking to someone who thinks pre-marital sex is degenerate.

Those damn extremists.

pre-marital hetero sex maybe, pre-marital bussyblasting is sacrosanct.

It's funny, because this view used to be totally mainstream prior to the sexual revolution. Now I'm some kind of wacko for thinking this.

If you think it's totally fine for society to have fewer long-term monogamous relationships (i.e. marriages or common-law marriages), I don't know what to tell you. You're going to end up with a population that's unable to replace itself generation-by-generation and you're also going to end up with a lot more women raising children on their own, which reduces the quality of life of the child significantly.

You sounds like the main character in Houellebecq first novel.

I hate it when I have to look shit up to figure out whether I'm being insulted or not.

The sex tourism in Asia one?

It has literally never been mainstream.

No one cares to actually look at his political views. He's not radical at all. He's just been labelled as "far-right" by some because he's opposed to having equality of outcome as a goal and he's willing to say that men and women are different.

Most of his actual views are pretty much centre-right.

Im sure you believe that.

If you're so convinced he's a radical, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for you to find some evidence that he supports any far-right policies.

It would be very easy to find that.


You peddler of nasty underhanded innuendo


I'd say /r/iamverysmart but he's Jordan Petereson so...

I dunno, he was pretty sympathetic towards McCarthyism.

Yeah, nothing screams "not a fascist" like immediately threatening physical violence

Buckley mostly shrugged it off though, ran off him like water.

And if the rest of the country did we would all be much better off... (Heil Buckley)

taking 80% of memes seriously

Whom* 😎


It's weird how calm, intelligent, educated people turn into children when they get on twitter.

Twitters limit on words appeals mainly to idiots and people with ADHD.

ngl, I have ADHD and twitter is like crack. Shit keeps coming through but it's never fulfilling enough so you just want more. A lot of the time I really have to peel myself off it

I have ADHD and twitter ain't shit you're just a plebeian

And those in the White House but we repeat ourselves

Also Jordan Peterson

Honestly idk what he was expecting here? The NYRB to be sympathetic to his viewpoints?

look ma i'm shitposting

He's neither calm nore intelligent and tbh his tweets are more cringy than daddy's because he combines his toddler tantrums with BIG WORDS.

Wow, he seems really angry and unbalanced. Maybe he should read one of those self help books people on reddit like to recommend.

Twitter is his room and now he is trying to clean it.

Who bitch this is?

What a fragile pussy lol

AYo this mayo mad af!!! 😭😭😭

why are fake Twitter posts being posted here? is this really another anti trump sub?

You can’t possibly be dumb enough to think these are fake right?

Wait is hitting people who say mean things good now???

they called him a fascist which is a slur against white people and conservatives so yes its ok

slur against white people

Who even cares tbh?


Frozen is a religious experience.

Just finished reading the article and it was legit out-fucking-standing. The reason why he's so fucking angry is because he knows a good chunk of the article is correct.

link pls

chapo fag

Yeah nah, you'd probably think a piss stained homeless rag was stellar literature

From the article -

As with Jung, he presents some idiosyncratic quasi-religious opinions as empirical science, frequently appealing to evolutionary psychology to support his ancient wisdom.