As an experiment I submitted something that was objectively true to /r/politics, let see how it pans out

0  2018-03-20 by xtrollingx


You submitted old content that'll get removed by mods and isn't an interesting take on Cambridge Analytica. Sit down

The Obama campaigns use of the Facebook API is identical to Cambridge Analytica, probably down to every last HTTP request. Have people really become so deranged that they can't see that? No wonder America has reality TV Star as a president.

Maybe if you didn’t ignore everyone trying to tell you the truth you would understand. You are out of your depth.

Nobody has been able to refute the fact that the Obama campaign harvested data without consent, just like CA. Here is another article from the National Review about it:

Instead of using a personality quiz, the Obama campaign merely got a portion of its core supporters to use their Facebook profiles to log into a campaign site. Then they used well-tested techniques of gaining consent from that user to harvest all their friends’ data. Sasha Issenberg gushed about how the Obama campaign used the same permissions structure of Facebook to extract the data of scores of millions of Facebook users who were unaware of what was happening to them. Combining Facebook data with other sources such as voter-registration rolls, Issenberg wrote, generated “a new political currency that predicted the behavior of individual humans. The campaign didn’t just know who you were; it knew exactly how it could turn you into the type of person it wanted you to be.”

“Gaining consent” I stand by my statement.

Cambridge Analytic also gained consent from users though. People pressed okay to have their friends data harvested. This isn't hard to understand.

The only thing objective is the need for you to off yourself

I wonder what people like you think when they look at themselves in the mirror.

Going around telling people to kill themselves, your mother must be so proud.

Do you know what subreddit you are on moron?

Of course, and I'm sure you can explain le ebin ironic /r/drama to your employer.