A woke woman proclaims the twilight books are dangerous. She outlines her reasonable position in a sane manner. JK of course she’s insane.

88  2018-03-20 by Dontfuqfatties



/u/LadyRavenEye can you please explain how trash romance novels are dangerous?

You're welcome to check the thread, where I absolutely don't say anything about romance novels being dangerous :)

They're really fun, but they're still dangerous.

Twilight isn't trash romance novels

pick one

You're.... not.......... quoting me.... lmao ??


"If I....misuse ellpisis like the other boomers....it makes me look smart lmao?"


hey... im not a boomer... am i?


ITT Twilight = guns

You're right, you just implied the untermenschen are too stupid to not draw their social mores from trashy romance novels for children, unlike you, the galaxy-brained sociology major.

There are three people in the conversation, I had nothing to do with the sociology aspect lol

haha disregard that I suck at reading

I suck at reading

I see a bright future for you as a sociologist


hey since your here please respect the native customs and post bussy. inshallah

i love u

Sure, but which romance novels are the most dangerous? Or the most trashy?

where I absolutely don't say anything about romance novels being dangerous :)

I read them all, and then again. They're really fun, but they're still dangerous.

Life must be so confusing for you.

That's about Twilight specifically love.

Yes, and they are romance novels.

Quit being a fucking dunce and just answer my question doofus.

You didn't ask me "why is Twilight dangerous."

You asked me "why are romance novels dangerous."

They're not, so, I don't feel the need to answer that question.

Nah, I want a better explanation, tubs. Hop to it.

Woah woah woah, you aren't going to take that over-generalized bait?

What's that little symbol thing in the flair?

Does that mean they have a weiner or a vagane?

I identify as nonbinary. Between my legs is E T E R N I T Y

Momma always said non binaries are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get!

I don't think /r/Drama users care about the gussy.

Why did you answer on askwomen the idiot?

wew lad(y)

Pre or post op?


So youre a straight white lady that wants to feel included (but will eat pussy if the guys are watching)

you're essentially telling us all that your superior brain has enabled you to override your basic humanness and outsmart culture while the rest of us lesser humans are slaves to it. It does come off as a bit naive.

Followed by

I probably used to think a little bit like you before I got older and got a sociology degree, haha.


Top mind material.

I so desperately want to believe the reply to that nonsense is sarcastic:

I loved sociology in high school, so awesome choice of career field!

Unironically if you think sociology isn't mostly trash for people too lazy to do actual work beyond mental gymnastics neck yourself.

the inclusion of the word "mostly" that gets me 100% behind this statement

it's the nuances

Also, idk why, but sociologists have the greatest inferiority complex towards STEM. I have seen other humanities fields, even useless fucks like English profs have more confidence in themselves than sociologists.

It's because STEM threw a hissyfit

"Why do you guys to to experiment on children and use animal testing when I can't make toddlers walk across a bridge until it breaks"

BFSkinner did nothing wrong.

I want to build a bridge over your house

Is this autistic speak for calling me a Troll?

Lmao, no ur poor.

Edit: Of course Drama is full of autistic Stemlords who downvote Science that actually changes the world instead of shitty bridges that kill people.

downvoted because you're not entertaining and probably not even cool irl

I'm just proving that Stems are retards too, case in point someone dumb enough to be new and think your post is worth my time to read

So retarded you can't even link a Image correctly wew

Bragging about a sociology degree

It's like econ but for retards.

psych major, at least I didn't go into sociology. statisticians help nobody

Imagine telling someone you're older than them and coming to the conclusion in your head that you just made a great argument.

When has an actual intelligent person ever done that?

Twilight auther is a Mormie. Mormon church has grown at same time as books popularity.

Coincidence??? no...

Obvious subversive propaganda from the Utah Cabal??? Yes!

Remember remember the 7th of September

fuckin mormies get out


Imitating behavior from media happens a lot actually. I watched To Love-Ru once and now I have an underaged alien girl harem.

I watched Conan the Barbarian and now I speak in an Austrian accent and spout quotes about lamentations of the enemy’s women.

Twilight movies or books....spooky👻👻👻

They actually explained themselves pretty calmly and reasonably tbh

You can calmly say insane things.

Is saying that media influences people (especially young people) and that twilight is a bad influence really grandstanding though

Saying Twilight is dangerous and that it glorifies abusive relationships is gold star grandstanding. You're playing a dumb pseudointellectual game of six degrees if you connect reading a mediocre YA book to entering abusive relationships when you're older, considering there's a litany of far more important proven factors.

it glorifies abusive relationships

It literally does


It's a spectrum.

Reading books where the good guys are violent doesn't make for violent grown ups

Suspect. Just from a personal perspective, I never saw my father--or any adult I knew--physically fight someone because he felt like the someone had disrespected his wife. Yet, when my girlfriend was catcalled in front of me in my junior year of high school, I started a fight. I certainly can't point to an individual piece of media that normalized this for me, but I'm absolutely certain that some combination of John Wayne, Al Pacino, etc, etc would; the issue here isn't the portrayal of this situation in and of itself--in fact, I considered not even mentioning Pacino, because I'm actually not that familiar with his filmography and I wouldn't be surprised if he had a role that was actually good about this specific thing--as much as it is the uncritical portrayal of this situation. John Wayne's characters are not complicated; they kick everyone's ass, they kiss cute girls, and they're Real Men. And that's, well, bad because if you punch people for talking about your girlfriend's ass, eventually you'll go to jail.

Similarly, Edward's character in Twilight is portrayed as the perfect lover. Which is bad because he threatens to fucking murder her and it's portrayed as a sign of his ~infatuation~ and ~devotion~ in the book.

pseudointellectual game of six degrees

You really like that word, huh?


oh, I see, good luck on the SAT.

its a spectrum

And I'm saying it's so insignificant on the spectrum it should raise 0 concern.

Suspect. Just from a personal perspective, I never saw my father--or any adult I knew--physically fight someone because he felt like the someone had disrespected his wife. Yet, when my girlfriend was catcalled in front of me in my junior year of high school, I started a fight. I certainly can't point to an individual piece of media that normalized this for me, but I'm absolutely certain that some combination of John Wayne, Al Pacino, etc, etc would; the issue here isn't the portrayal of this situation in and of itself--in fact, I considered not even mentioning Pacino, because I'm actually not that familiar with his filmography and I wouldn't be surprised if he had a role that was actually good about this specific thing--as much as it is the uncritical portrayal of this situation. John Wayne's characters are not complicated; they kick everyone's ass, they kiss cute girls, and they're Real Men. And that's, well, bad because if you punch people for talking about your girlfriend's ass, eventually you'll go to jail.

Lmao this has been a thing waaaay before Al Pacino and John Wayne, and it's been a thing before movies. You think you acted that way because of some actors? Nah you'd act this way even if you've never see a movie or read a book because you're a hothead test filled teenager who just heard a dude hit on his girlfriend. What a garbage anecdote that provides no relevance to what's being talked about. There is literally no correlation between reading shitty romance like Twilight and entering an abusive relationship.

oh, I see, good luck on the SAT.

I apologize if words like "litany" seem too high brow for you, I'll make sure to keep in mind what kind of great minds I'm dealing with here.

hothead test filled teenager

Wasn't though, really. It's probably the only time I've ever started a fight.

I apologize

I understand what "litany" means, I'm just making fun of you for using a thesaurus.

there is still literally no correlation

You'd be wrong, though.

Wasn't though, really. It's probably the only time I've ever started a fight.

This is still standard teen behavior, anecdote still garbage.

I understand what "litany" means, I'm just making fun of you for using a thesaurus.

Not even a hard word or one that is uncommon if you read. Which you likely don't.

You'd be wrong, though.

Did you even read this? There's nothing written about the girls entering abusive relationships on here. Of course you'd be the type to link and abstract and consider that proof. Please take your article skimming armchair sociology out of here.

entering abusive relationships

Do you think this is more or less likely when you think it's okay for your partner to slap you around a little bit?

uncommon if you read

Bitch, please.

In any case, the literature on this specific issue--domestic violence--is pretty fucking scant. There's not really a ton that says one way or the other, but there is plenty that suggests that media is influential on our behavior. With this in mind, the idea that Twilight may effect a person's view on abusive relationships isn't really something you can just dismiss out of hand as "insane."

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Twilight may effect a person's view on abusive relationships

Alright this is actually a far more reasonable starting point that what the OP linked here said. This is what the study said, as opposed to linking girls in abusive relationships to their views on Twilight, an important distinction. Like I said before there are far more important factors when it comes to abusive relationships than reading crappy genre fiction, but reading about unhealthy behaviors could have an impact on how you view them. The original argument of reading Twilight can lead to being in a abusive relationship is simply too big a leap to assert, and it's where my accusations of "pseudoacademic" came from.

Again, do you think it's more or less likely to enter an abusive relationship when you think it's okay for your partner to threaten to fucking kill you? It's not a big leap, bud.

Absolute cringe

Solid response

Yet, when my girlfriend was catcalled in front of me in my junior year of high school, I started a fight.

this is you trying to compensate for your homosexual urges. accept the bussy, it'll be alright, little sparkler

hmm i'll just call him gay as an argument

argument? hell no, just shit talkin' wanna fite m8?

ya loser gets fucked

2/10 got me to seriouspost on /r/drama

/u/LadyRavenEye is right. The Twilight books can give readers cancer with their shitty protagonist and boring plot.

Whoa, hot take circa 2009

Of course Twilight is terrible, but Rosario + Vampire is like a Twilight for neckbeards. I'm just gonna leave this here.

u/niroby Do you know you are using the word valid incorrectly?

Eh, I can see why people make those criticisms, so it's more for a given value of 'valid'

Then the correct usage is "I understand your criticism." People use the word valid as if it's correct or something but in reality validity is just that it "is in the proper format." I could say twilight sucks donkey balls and that would be a valid criticism simply because it is a critique. If I said "I dislike twilight because the sky is blue," THAT would be an invalid critique because it doesn't address the book.

buffy the vampire slayer also had a 200 year old vampire dating and fucking a school girl, but mostly people remember that as a cult classic TV show.

She's kind of right though, twilight is shit