
53  2018-03-20 by ChristopherXCross


Is this good for dramacoin?

Let's just say, it's the bomb ;-)

Good bot.

Even the bots agree that the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

well, it says "found" instead of "detonated"

The actual title of the article that the post was linking to was "Police say chief misspoke, no second explosive device found at FedEx facility in Schertz".

i hope this is another unabomber, the country could use it

It's 2018. His manifesto would be an imgur album entitled "phone dump" filled with dank memes.

Look, guys, I know this is r/drama and we're all edgy assholes. But as someone in Austin that gets packages like once a week, this shit is super fucked up. We have nothing on this dude, no pictures, no information, nothing. There's absolutely going to be another bomb and no one has a fucking clue where it'll end up. There's a small but real chance that my neighbor (works at fed ex) could die delivering a box, or I could die from trying to collect whatever thing I ordered 2 weeks ago, while drunk and high at 5am. This is some weird ass shit.

Just check & track your orders? Don’t open what shouldn’t be there

Today a goodwill employee got hit pulling a package from the donation bin. There previous one was a bike rider that tripped and hit a realtor sign with a trip wire. It's everywhere.

Damn that is some scary shit. Here’s hoping they don’t pull a Zodiac and retire unidentified.

Apparently they figured him out, sent cops, dude blows himself up. Obviously mayo as fuck.

Thats what you get for letting white christians live in Texas

The fucking Germans, man.

lol ur gna get blewn

That, strangely, made me feel a little better.

falling for the weed jew


Ayyyy, we’re gonna get blown up, high five. Here’s hoping the coffee maker that’ll be here tomorrow doesn’t come with a bomb.