Ghazelles can't decide if the guy who taught his dog to do the Nazi salute belongs in jail or not

44  2018-03-20 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


A man is facing jail after he was convicted of a hate crime for uploading a video of him teaching his girlfriend’s dog to give a Nazi Sieg Heil salute and respond excitedly to the phrase "gas the Jews."

Markus Meechan, 30, from North Lanarkshire, Scotland, went viral in 2016 after he posted a video on YouTube entitled "M8 yer dugs a Nazi,"—Scottish argot for "mate, your dog is a Nazi."

Jesus Christ the UK is such a shithole.

I unironically want them to go to war with the Russkies so they get nuked out of their misery

Amen! I pray to Allah (s.w.t) everyday to grow Putin's ball enough for him to consider using Tsar Bomba over shit like this!!

دعونا نصلي لكي يخليصنا الله من هؤلاء المرتدين

الله أكبر

لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱلله

سُبْحَانَ اللّهُ

آخر الأحمق الخاص بك والعصا القضيب الأنثوي الخاص في الألغام

Hot af!! 😩

لا يوجد فخ إلا الله ، محمد هو ذكر مهبل الله

Either I'm tripping balls or this is a lot of squiggles

Yer trippin on squiggly balls m8

Unlike most countries, the UK’s best days actually are behind it

People like /u/OmegleConversation act all nice and wholesome until you do what you don't like then it's "REEEEEEE stfu or go to jail" with them.

I know you can't teach cats and bunnies how to do a Nazi salute but damn right I'm gonna try to teach them because this is the United States Of America! 🇺🇸

People shouldn't pussy over speech they don't like. Hell Hitler or whatever lol

People like /u/OmegleConversations act all nice and wholesome until you do what you don't like then it's "REEEEEEE stfu or go to jail" with them.

I know you can't teach cats and bunnies how to do a Nazi salute but damn right I'm gonna try to teach them because this is the United States Of America! 🇺🇸

People shouldn't pussy over speech they don't like. Hell Hitler or whatever lol

I was waiting for this. Thank mr PIMM

Kinda disappointing tbh. I was expecting more drama out of this "nazi pug" thing. But even the most soy-drenched subs are on the nazi's side- as an r/drama user, I feel kinda betrayed.

Still, if dude gets a decent prison sentence we may see some quality sperg-outs. Fingers crossed, I guess.

It's impressive, really. The UK government is so retarded that it's one of the few things redditors on all spectrums can agree on.

Remember when they tried to censor internet porn? It's hard to imagine anyone here defending that shit.

I just want to see the video. The whole concept just sounds hilarious.

people unironically find this offensive

It’s not even a German shepherd.

human Nazis don't look like Dolph Lundgren either.

The guy should be mocked mercilessly by individuals, news services, the public, and basically every living being on Earth, but Im always wary of government setting the standards for speech.

Fucking lol

I can't even understand the mindset of someone who thinks this makes sense.

KiA is very concerned (not linking) about free speech in the UK because of that. According to them, terrorists are roaming in the streets, kidnapping children for pedophile rings, while poor, upstanding nazis comedians are being pursued fervently by Theresa May's communist regime.

/u/squirrelrampage - you cannot make sarcasm out of facts. Or, can you?

there's barely any drama here- most of them agree that its stupid for him to go to jail but that they don't really care because he's right leaning

He’s not right leaning though, he’s like a democratic socialist with two hammer and sickle tattoos

Hopefully we adopt the same laws over in the US so Lord Trump can throw offensive people in prison.

That's what we liberals want, right?

I want maximum speech protection for me because I'm not like all other the retards and everyone else is on their own.

Deplatform everyone who spouts Nazi rhetoric, whether they say they're joking or not. Imprisonment is admittedly a harsh way to deplatform a Nazi asshole, but it's 10,000 times better than allowing Nazi assholes to continue to push their agenda. Scotland's response to Nazi speech is tough, but it's better than America's. Antisemitic incidents rose by 60% in the United States last year. This isn't something anyone gets to take lightly, anymore.

Imagine viewing a pug from Bumfukville, Britbongistan that can raise its right paw on command as an existential threat like /u/

I like how they have to write an essay before they finally get to the point "uhh maybe don't support this but......"