Activists want to shut down France's first sex doll "brothel" for promoting rape

147  2018-03-20 by IAintThatGuy



lul. Ok let's take a look

Nicolas Bonnet Oulaldj, the Communist leader on the Paris

literally who?

Feminist group Mouvement du Nid (Nest Movement) agrees

literally who?

despite police who visited the premises determining that no law was being broken and it posed no threat to public order.

hid away with no emphasis on the most important part of the article.





hid away with no emphasis on the most important part of the article.

Everyone knew that because no developped country has laws against fucking sex dolls. The drama is the fact that actual politicians, from parties with national representation, are trying to make an issue of that.

While being from parties that support all kinds of degeneracy the rest of the time.

actual politicians, from parties with national representation

hon hon hon

Communists aren’t a real party.

Communists aren’t a real party.

I dont know about that. I've partied with muh Russians! in Cuba and those guys seemed to know how to Communist Party pretty damn well tyvm

Tell that to North Koreans.

This is why the Popular Front was a mistake. Allowed the actual Stalinist to remain and fester. Léon Blum out reeeeeeeeeeeee

Léon Blum

You mispelled (((Blum)))

The movement du nid is a quite famous Anti-Prostitution organisation

The business is legally registered as a games center,

They targeted gamers....

“Xdolls is not a sex shop. It's a place that generates money and where you rape a woman,” said spokeswoman Lorraine Questiaux.

Feminist claiming objects are women now. Interesting.

Lorraine Questiaux.

She's a real like communist. From the French Communist Party. Don't expect anything but retardation.

I don't know French, so there wasn't a lot I could gleam about her from google, but she definitely has my attention in this video.

God i fucking hate how feminism has infected the left, i just want to have poor people raise their kids to be less retarded not ree about bathrooms.

Jor🅱️an Memerson is the most postmodernist fuck I know.

In what way?

Mind you, postmodernism in the way Memerson tries to understand it.
He's just a shitty pseudo-intellectual who often engorges on faggy word-salad in order to say some normal shit but appear smarter than he actually is, while at the same time, the things he says are such vague bullshit that the reader ends up constructing their own truth based on their own understanding of Memerson's verbal diarrhea.
Oh not to mention that he's pushing the "b-b-but marxists n leftists won't debate me :( :(" meme while at the same time cowardly running away from debates with people Douglas Lain (who actually know their shit).
In the end, that's pretty much the thing with such intellectuals or debaters, you'll overwhelmingly find them "debating" with stupid kids who don't have the knowledge necessary to carry such discussions.
Akin to a morbidly obese retard who fights a toddler and then proclaims himself the winner.
Btw, in case it wasn't obvious, I loathe this deflated fart so I'm very, very biased here.

Mind you, postmodernism in the way Memerson tries to understand it.

Memerson thinks postmodernism is a philosophical school centered around the deliberate subversion of objective truth, hierarchy and the natural order of the world.

I don't agree with his interpretation of Derrida and Foucault, but I don't see how anyone could claim that this makes him a postmodernist himself.

I wouldn't call him a pseudo-intellectual and I think he makes his points very clear at all times. I agree with his criticism of the modern identitarian left, but I'm not a fan of how he tries to rationalize his literal belief in Christianity and impose its objective morality on society as a whole. Especially since he claims to love Nietzsche so much.

Btw, in case it wasn't obvious, I loathe this deflated fart so I'm very, very biased here.

I've found that people who have a very strong opinion on him either way tend to be zealous weirdos.

Memerson thinks postmodernism is a philosophical school centered around the deliberate subversion of objective truth, hierarchy and the natural order of the world.

eh, to some degree he's right, especially about subverting objective truth -- or at least the various disciples of the post-structuralist set definitely do so. Derrida is a gigantic mess of word salad horseshit though (only exceeded by Lacan), so you can shoehorn anything you want into there.

I don't agree with his interpretation of Derrida and Foucault

I hate when the two are tossed into the same bin, as they were definitely not the same sort of thinkers. Foucault had actual things to say at times.

I wouldn't call him a pseudo-intellectual

Good, since he isn't. Pseudo-intellectual is another of those phrases that people throw about with no regard to the facts these days. I mean, the guy hasn't got such a high h-index for nothing.

That being said, he's also not the end-all be-all to anything, and as with any intellectual pursuits, there's no real final word there. He ain't the fucking second coming, that's for sure.

I've found that people who have a very strong opinion on him either way tend to be zealous weirdos.

Amen brother.

to some degree he's right, especially about subverting objective truth

Yeah, that's just it. He's right to some degree. The thing is that he labels anyone that questions objective truth and "the natural order" in any way as a postmodernist or neo-Marxist and then dismiss them right off the bat.

The thing is that crazy SJW's misunderstand and appropriate postmodern thought to such a degree that his interpretation come out looking perfectly reasonable in comparison.

Peterson seem to think that if we just play along as cogs in the wheel of capitalism we will head toward a good place. He assumes that post-industrial societal structures automatically will work out in its citizens best interests. Our betters above us in the hierarchy will see to it that we are treated fairly. I'm unironically a paranoid neo-luddite though so my critique of him should probably not be taken seriously to be realistic. (read the unabombers manifesto for some real shit)

With that said, I agree with him on most issues and even when I disagree I still find him entertaining. He's definitely intelligent and the r/badphil leftists who don't take him seriously at all can't really argue why since they are objectively more wrong.

shit i think you're me, cut it out

this though:

Peterson seem to think that if we just play along as cogs in the wheel of capitalism we will head toward a good place.

eh, i think that may be stretching it, but tbh i'm no memerson fanboy / expert. capitalism got it's issues of course but then again he's hardly a futurist in terms of his outlook. personally i think debates like "capitalism vs communism" are already pretty outmoded and will only become more so as time goes on.

i will never understand the zealots and cultists, other than just via platitude "well humans can be idiots, go figure" or maybe by comparison to drug addicts.


personally i think debates like "capitalism vs communism" are already pretty outmoded and will only become more so as time goes on.

Yes I agree. I don't like capitalism, but I think it's irreversible at this point and large scale communism has already proven it's not an improvement.

It is what it is, in the next life maybe.

the way i see it is that the problems most people have with capitalism are really problems with human greed, and that's eternal. but let's not forget short sightedness, assholery, and general sociopathy -- unfortunately the system we have currently rewards some of that shit, when it really shouldn't.

won't matter much really, once skynet comes online. then the real business starts, and we aren't gonna have much part in it. whose robot dick i gotta suck to get ahead, man?

whose robot dick i gotta suck to get ahead, man?

I'm getting in line for mecha Kurtzweil.

lol Kurtzweil, that guy -- i mean, he's got some interesting things to say but i get a serious PT Barnum vibe from him too

/u/GetAmericaLaidAgain I served with Jacques Derrida, I knew Jacques Derrida, and I'll tell you, Jordan Memerson is no Jacques Derrida.

*Deconstructs your epistemology*

my epistemic standards are the bomb, they take no shit from nobody

nods post-ironically

Without offense but this kind of stuff is more than one century old. The left has been really stupid since forever and you kids treat it as something new.

yeah, but counterpoint, you post in neoliberal so kys?

Just wait till you realize feminism is communism

Some feminists in France are trying to make that argument.

Does this mean I can go back to objectrying women now?

go back to

Way to tell on yourself you misogynist, we treat all women like sex dolls it's <current year> and we're smashing the patriachy.

Lol no objectrying is illegal

But women are not object. Get that straight.

Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.

Jackie Treehorn carries a lot of water in this town. You don't carry shit.

I wonder what the correlation is between people who like sex dolls and necrophiliacs.

Automation really is going to take over everything

Just wait til automation is automated

I trained my neural network on women's speech patterns and now it keeps calling me a loser and a creep. So glad to not be alone anymore.

Starting with the least useful people first, exhibit A- this post.


frankly I think they're a disgrace to their party, but only because they've gone in the wrong direction entirely. sex dolls belong to the people, not the rentier class. good praxis would support the installation of communal fleshlights in all men's restrooms

We need to get Bernie Sanders on this. The millionaihs and billionaihs in our society get to fuck more women and prettier women than the sexually poorest 50% of men.

Our society tells us the lie that if we work hard and be nice guys, we will be successful both monetarily and sexually. Sadly in our society some are rewarded for their hard work and others are not: just this month I spent 50 hours writing love letters to my crush and all I got was a restraining order.

It's time for a redistribution of the cunt, For every chad stacy gives a bloey joey to, she must also give a handjob to at least one guy (with eye contact). This is the only way to prevent a beta uprising.

Who else read this in Bernie's voice?

This is ass warfare at its most egregious

Are you saying there's gonna be free cummie dispensers everywhere?

WTF I love communism now.

that is marx's dream comrade

The Cummunist Manifesto?

Seize the means of bussy

Be the bussy you want to see

From each according to her gussy, to each according to his bussy.

sex dolls belong to the people, not the rentier class.

"A hole for every prole!"

Communists arent a real party

The idea of a sex doll brother makes me unronically queesy

Well yeah that's incest


also who's ron

you may be a synth

Probably cleaner than most femoid whores.

sex doll brother

Mayo alert! Wee Woo. Mayo alert! Wee Woo.

Stop womanifying objects.



next breath:


id have to invent an entirely new field of mathematics to even attempt to describe how shockingly stupid eurolefts are. its amazing that those inbreds can even tie their shoelaces

LOL at an aut-righter calling anyone else inbred

is that how the faggy urbanites justify their mystery-meat mongrel children, these days?

nobody tell them that it isnt necessary to mate with chimps in order to avoid spawning little habsburgs

listen dude. just because your parents are siblings doesn't mean all families are like that.

You guys are all retarded. Now post bussy and we'll leave it at that.

Laugh it up horse dick police

REMINDER:::: The only thing that white women have as a bargaining chip is their pussy and sex hence why they want to shut down any way for men to obtain sexual independence.

This is why mayo women who have nothing good about them except that vagina are campaigning so hard against fuck bots and sex dolls.

White women may have to actually better themselves now that they have true competition.

Back to the kitchen with you whores, I bet fuckbot 3000 will let me fuck em in the ass every night.

“Xdolls is not a sex shop. It's a place that generates money and where you rape a woman.

.....No one tell her Pinocchio is not real.

She has video evidence of him becoming a real boy. Although a Pinocchio type scenario with a sex doll would be scary (for the doll mostly).

"Lie to me baby"

Imagine being a sex doll becoming self aware mid fuck, and for a few weeks just having consciousness but not the ability to move or talk yet.

Machines don't just gain sentience lol.

Dude that's an imaginary scenario. We're not on /r/conspiracy, we're on /r/Drama (we're all retarded but here we're autistic instead of schizophrenic).

next you'll tell us there's a magical island where kids smoke cigars and drink whiskey

In France most 14yo kids drink, and a lot of them smoke. Also 15 is legal but it's not usually for adults to stick it into 13 year olds. We're not an island though. But we have some excellent islands in our country (Réunion, Guadeloupe, Polynesia, Corsica) and some shittier ones (Ile de Ré).

True, but do they turn into donkeys afterward?

I mean, they might, if we're talking about Corsica. Or certain parts of the 2nd.

We have anti zoophilia laws, but that doesn't erase centuries of cultural habits in some places...

As distasteful as donkey fucking might seem, it's still one step above the child fucking and inbreeding in the north of the country, to be honest.

french trash best trash?

how does that impact the hordes of unwashed africans and arabs plaguing the fair streets of Paris? does that mean it's no longer "Gay Paree" but more like "Ackmed's Doner Kebab House"? do the commies really care if fuckdolls are around or is it just a plot to destroy the virility of the Foreign Legion? is Macron really a politician, or a powerful wizard from another plane of existence as his name hints?

enquiring minds want to le connaître

how does that impact the hordes of unwashed africans and arabs plaguing the fair streets of Paris?

Gives them even more reason to think French women are degenerates and it's fair game to rape them. Especially when you see a drunk 14yo slut dressed like a whore when you spent your life in a country where for a woman removing her burka would mean execution.

does that mean it's no longer "Gay Paree" but more like "Ackmed's Doner Kebab House"?

Paris is still pretty gay. But we've had an explosion of homophobic attacks. Not like micro aggressions and such. Actual "take a brick in your face you faggot". Mostly by arabs. But the fun part is that only leftists used to care about faggots, and they avoid naming the issue. Meaning more and more faggots vote right wing, because they're rather have a government who won't let them marry but will try to prevent them from being violently killed.

do the commies really care if fuckdolls are around or is it just a plot to destroy the virility of the Foreign Legion?

The Foreign Legion operates a lot outside of the mainland, and even on the mainland they're mostly found in specific military bases. The Legion recruitment process remains uncucked AFAIK (no identity politics or quotas there). Our army is also mostly uncucked. We're not the USA where they need huge numbers (so they go recruit failing high schoolers and trailer trash), the standards remained the same (I think for enlisting in general women have a lower height standard, and maybe lowered physical performance standards, but not by much). I don't think any special forces units have gendered performance standards, and our SJWs don't care about that (yet?).

is Macron really a politician, or a powerful wizard from another plane of existence as his name suggests?

That one I don't know. I think he might be a lizard person. He used to be in banking. His wife looks like a wizard.

thank god the French are sensible enough to not allow women in the Foreign Legion, then again with all the criminals they do take, it's hardly a gem of a role for the fairer sex. the normal French military, whatever, when you're fighting with baguettes and spouting off about former glories, not much need for actual fighters :)

thank god the French are sensible enough to not allow women in the Foreign Legion

I'm not sure if they're disallowed or if none shows up.

Foreign Legion training is tough (like "people dying in training is business as usual" tough). So even if a woman was admitted no questions asked, she'd still have to go through the motions of being in the Legion.

Our national elite anti terrorist team GIGN is also famous for having almost no deaths in actual operations, but a shitload during training exercises.

i looked it up, yeah no bitches as Legionnaires -- secretaries and hootchie mamas, sure. And definitely none of those bearded axe-crazy scout motherfuckers.

GIGN is no joke. 95% washout rate, serious business. Americans tend to forget that the French aren't all effete Gauloises-smoking black beret wearing Satre clones. We'd be better off remembering that the French are the all-time champions in the Europia Land War Cup.

Personally I'm a big fan of Frankland, was supposed to be in Paris in a few weeks but got postponed. My home away from home pretty much.

GIGN is no joke. 95% washout rate, serious business.

And that's for people who are already members of our armed forces (specifically Gendarmerie), which has a very high threshold to begin with (because they're both military and law enforcement).

Americans forget that their armed forces have been dumbed down because they need lots of people for their wars, and their recruiters have quotas. In France since we have a smaller army, and we rely more on technology (like nuclear dissuasion) but still need to put boots on the ground in the worst conflicts, the standards remain very high.

Americans forget that their armed forces have been dumbed down

There's a big difference between the standard US Army grunt and a special forces unit like GIGN -- the better comparison would be to a Ranger or Navy SEAL, even though GIGN is officially part of the National Gendarmerie rather than the Armée de terre. I mean, the French army is what, 110k troops? That's tiny, and yeah you can be more selective that you would if you needed millions of men. That being said, the current US armed forces are by far the most combat-seasoned in the world due to the stupidity of our leadership over the last two decades. That's not necessarily a good thing though.

At least the French pull their weight somewhat, unlike the Germans (lol) or the rest of the parasitic euros. Besides Britain and France, there ain't much besides the US actually defending Europe these days, but that's largely a side effect of the US military within NATO to begin with.

I mean, what, you gonna call the Spanish when something goes wrong? Are the Dutch gonna fight back the Russian bear? Luxembourgian commandoes going after bin Laden? Italians gonna throw spaghetti?

Yes France (for a small army) has a mix of elite troops seeing action in the hottest places (there were videos where kurds fighting ISIS were using French equipment, and you could hear native French speakers advising them, before France became officially involved), and also a large presence in the middle of intense conflict zones (Afghanistan, Mali...).

Also France used to have a huge army, and a 10 month mandatory military service. It used to be about numbers. Even when massive conscription was used it meant you got civilians who already once went through basic, that was a huge edge during big conflicts. Now it evolved towards a minuscule but highly specialized army. Hard to swallow for older people, especially since it was also a time where we had a huge colonial empire.

It's very hard to get in the French armed forces these days (even to become infantry at the lowest level). Most of the unskilled jobs that required a lot of manpower are now done by civilians (cleaning, cooking, construction...). You'll usually need a college degree and pass an exam, or have been to trade school in a field that is in demand. The only way to enlist with a high school degree is to join some specific units that have a Foreign Legion type of selection like our equivalent of the Navy Seals (basically anyone can apply, you "just" have to go through the whole selection process without washing out or dying).

For the US army there were a bunch of shameful episodes. Like gang members joining then going home to use their new skills, recruiters helping potential enlistees cheat on drug tests, or feeding them answers so that they wouldn't get rejected...

Plus the few people they have who clearly don't pass physical fitness standards are very visible, because when americans get fat they don't do it halfway...

But both countries don't fuck around when they send people on the ground.

yeah the shameful crap you mention was directly tied to the idiots in the Bush administration and their dumbass War on Terror, which resulted in over-extension of US forces, and continually missed recruiting targets. that war wasn't exactly a great recruiting tool either, after the initial shock of 9/11 wore off. I guess you could compare the need for troops with France towards the end of WWI, except we didn't have to resort to conscription, though that would have been a non-starter to begin with.

even in this day and age, we cannot discount having a decent sized military though, especially if you're going to occupy territory a la Iraq. can't do that with specops or drones, still mass boots on the ground. the current French paradigm is fine for basic deterance (though that's primarily Force de frappe) and for small-scale interventions, but if a real war -- a decent sized land war -- broke out, there'd be conscription immediately, there would be no choice. 110k troops would be combat ineffective in a matter of weeks, if not less. the French navy and air force are also both more along the lines of a US air base or basic carrier group than a modern service capable of force projection to any decent degree.

the current French paradigm is fine for basic deterance (though that's primarily Force de frappe) and for small-scale interventions, but if a real war -- a decent sized land war -- broke out, there'd be conscription immediately, there would be no choice.

Exactly. Plus the French projection capabilities are laughable (they have to hire russian transports because their own heavy transports are obsolete, and there's no budget to develop now ones). There are small elite groups with great projection capability though (but that's usually a handful of people jumping from planes).

My guess is, as much as possible, France will stay out of anything remotely like occupying a country (for whatever reason).

And let's be honest, the Bush doctrine of "occupy the country, topple the government, stay there until a legit government appears" is fucked up. You can never stabilize the country, so you have to stay basically forever, and places you think are pacified one day aren't the next (because maybe the terrorist you removed was keeping another one in check , and so on, like Hamas, ISIS, and Al Qaeda).

It would be more practical and smarter in the long run to spend more time training and organizing groups like the African Union of Nations, who can then sweat the politics and put boots on the ground in a way that is less inflammatory to local population (even though africans also have their own politics, and the Saudis will gladly meddle).

Those last 20 years convinced me that even the strongest country in the world cannot successfuly military occupy even 2 low ranking countries at a time. And I'm not sure even one would be possible (at least with good results).

When France did it they usually invaded a big country, conscripted a lot of natives, equipped them with older military guns rotating out of service (virtually free for France). Also ensures that if they rose up, they'd have to face trained soldiers with top notch weapons, which guarantees horrible losses.

Once you have enough armed natives, you use them to invade the country next door. You quickly end up with a true horde. But then projection is still an issue though (but you can just use them to control the whole region and neighbouring countries).

Nowadays we make sure our radars are working fine. That we always have elite paratroopers and nuclear capable planes ready to take off. Plus a few nuclear subs on a silent run.

The Bush administration, my god, what a complete mess. Those fucking idiots really believed that they could just roll in, steamroll all opposition, and then install a bright, shiny, American-friendly government and it'd be all unicorns and rainbows toot sweet. As it was happening I was just cringing the entire time, while I watched all these "rah rah America go go go" types cheer on the complete lack of fucking understanding and analysis in favor of some John Wayne-esque bravado. the US really does a shit job of understanding local mores etc but that's due to political imperatives on the home front, combined with incredible arrogance on the part of policy makers. you start believing your own bullshit, and you're in for a world of hurt.

Tbh in today's day and age, I'm not sure it's even really possible to occupy an entire country like in the pre-WWI era. Maybe if you go all Nazi genocide and shit, or stipulate some sort of mind control magic.

Tbh in today's day and age, I'm not sure it's even really possible to occupy an entire country like in the pre-WWI era.

Back then a lot of "occupied" countries changed hands every 20 years at the most, so there was always a significant proportion of the population who felt liberated, and was happy to see you crush the current rulers. Nowadays, it's harder to uproot anything that has been stable for a few decades. But americans base their world views on WW2, and maybe Cold War era conflicts, so of course they're always missing the point.

But americans base their world views on WW2

Eh, this type of behavior isn't limited to Americans, nor to WW2. It's just general human nature to assume that which you're most familiar with to be a universal, and WW2 occupies a special place in the American Mythos.

The only real cure for it is time, depressingly enough -- at least at the population level. Some individuals, specialists, various history / society geeks, and "visionaries" (i hate that fucking word but in this case it's somewhat appropriate) can get past this, but the bulk of any population is a lost cause in dealing with anything approaching an out-of-context problem.

None of that really surprises me, especially when viewed from an evolutionary context. Our congnition and perception is limited by the apparatus by which we both view and process events, and as much as most people hate to admit it, that apparatus is firmly rooted in our deep past. I'm consistently surprised that we do as many things as well as we do, seeing as how so much of the modern world is divorced from that long biohistory of our race.

That being said, the world in 2018 is vastly different than 1980, 1950, or even 1941, so much so that most cannot keep up, much less envision what's going to happen in a decade or more. The collapse of the Great Powers after WWI changed the whole damn boardgame, even with WWII and the Cold War era attempting to resussitate some of that lost imperial grandeur. How that will play out is beyond me, though I usually refer back to Nietzsche in these types of situations, as he was one of the few in the 1800s who actually predicted the demise of the previously universal acceptance of "objective" morality. People like to bandy about "God is dead" but they often don't understand the point of that statement, which is that the guiding light of the old world is dead, killed by science and the Enlightenment, the strictures and traditions which endured for hundreds or thousands of years are no longer enough, and we must all become definers of our present and future. I don't think many humans are up to the task, unfortunately. resulting in the widespread nihilism that lies at the root of many modern social movements.


I'm pretty sure they mean silicone, unless these are some sort of metallic robots.

Does anyone even bother to edit Vice articles?

So their idea is instead of selling me a sex doll they rent me a used one?

I don’t even like renting bowling shoes.

For real. Imagine basing your livelihood on attracting the sort of customer that is into this.

Yeah but have you ever tried fucking a bowling shoe?

Roasties getting toastie about their inevitable obsolescence.

Let's play a game, what's the saddest, most pathetic phrase you can make with only three words? I'll start: Sex Doll Brothel.

Agreed, but even worse is illegal sexdoll brothel. And let's face it, the word brothel is being misused here.

United States America

How about, Women Shaming Masturbation?

known srd poster

I consider myself to be a feminist and pretty liberal, and I have absolutely no problem with a “brothel of sex dolls.” That they’re calling it rape makes me sick— it’s a fucking doll. Why don’t we focus on helping actual rape victims?

I consider myself retarded and I am ok with raping inanimate objects.

That's good to know.

Wow, you have terrible reading comprehension. You poor thing. Maybe someday you’ll be able to read the big kid books, and then people might want to actually talk to you. Then you’ll have better things to do than trolling reddit. :)

Spoken like a true smug "feminist."

dw I get you. :)

Tell it like it is sistah!

I rather value highly the ability to imagine myself raping something, even though I would never want to rape something. calling the "rape" of an inanimate object "rape" is like saying bdsm is "rape", or that violent video games make you violent. it says that the person participating in it is too stupid to realise the difference between the reality and fantasy of what they are doing.

that being said I don't have an intimate knowledge of the company and will do some research. I fully approve of a fake-BDSM VR porn culture tho.

Serious posters in drama should be forced to work as a sex doll.

what's wrong with a serious post if it baits out comments like that?

Nothing and everything.

dude are you on acid?

I'm not a fan of ergot.

That’s not even what they said



I’m gay now.

Then post bussy.

Why don’t we focus on helping actual rape victims?

Because that would be actual work, and it wouldn't get your face on the evening news.

I consider myself to be a feminist

Why do you rape people?

Why do you think being a feminist means raping people?

Aren't you a male feminist?

Nope. I don’t know where you got that impression, but I do have a vagina.

In my bussy appreciation sub?


Boy pussy. Next thing you are going to tell me you don't want to kill mayos?!

I have no idea what mayos are but nope.

Not all feminists are the angry militant kind. Some of us just want to address problems like not being able to have medical autonomy to have our tubes tied, or fighting stereotypes.

I have no idea what mayos are but nope.

white "people".

Not all feminists are the angry militant kind.

Imagine being on r/drama and not being an angry militant for something.

Well, I am a white people, so.....

.... I usually don’t comment tbh. I usually just like to watch. This article really rubbed me the wrong way. This lady is why people hate feminists nowadays. Let people fuck their sex dolls ffs, it’s such a non issue...

Well, I am a white people, so.....

They take our r/drama posts !

.... I usually don’t comment tbh. I usually just like to watch. This article really rubbed me the wrong way. This lady is why people hate feminists nowadays. Let people fuck their sex dolls ffs, it’s such a non issue...

Don't worry, it's french commies. They are entertainingly crazy. Everyone who know they exist know to ignore them.

This lady is why people hate feminists nowadays. Let people fuck their sex dolls ffs, it’s such a non issue...

I hate progressive ideology, but you seem sane and nice. Stay cool.

Thanks, you too!

Post bussy. Mayocide now.

“Are you speaking in tongues? Btw I totally lurk here all the time.”

I don’t lurk here all the time. I’m subscribed and occasionally something pops up in my “home” tab, like this did.

I think they’re messing with you.

fighting stereotypes

too bad that consensual stereotypes show a very high degree of accuracy. kind of like how anti-gay crusaders so often turn out to be all into the bussy themselves, or how male feminists are usually rapists.

it’s a fucking doll

Yes, that's exactly what it is.

are these representations of women harmless because they are merely representations? or are they harmful towards real life women and contributory to rape culture because the display portrays women as "always sexual" or sex objets? Does this display mitigate sexual assault and reduce harm by feeding sexual frustration? Does this benefit real life women who would otherwise be prostitutes?

It's only rape if your check bounces.

Only thing sadder than fucking a doll is getting mad over someone fucking a doll.

Imagine being so beta you pay to fuck some else's used sex doll.

Imagine being so feminist you call this rape.

Those people deserve each other.


Ew no. That fucker is playing Trudeau, appointing all kinds of gender equality committees. But that might be the reason some Le Pen wins next time.

lol. He dropped his ministry of gender equality that was in his program and rolled back the number of comitee for it.

Maybe try having basic knowledge of the subject, fam.

Still too much to my taste, and that of others. Also they're making noise (again) on new "gender equality" laws. I can't remember which newspaper it was in (maybe Le Monde), but I just saw an article on new proposals by the government.

Still too much to my taste, and that of others.

Fam, nobody care about what you and christine "cousin-fucker" boutin want.

Also they're making noise (again) on new "gender equality" laws. I can't remember which newspaper it was in (maybe Le Monde), but I just saw an article on new proposals by the government.

Maybe stop reading minute?

Fam, nobody care about what you and christine "cousin-fucker" boutin want.

Leave her alone. She's a Saint and I'm writing weekly letter to the Vatican asking to start her canonization process.

She didn't torture people for to get them closer to jesus, tho. She can't be a Saint.

Give her time. Now that she "retired" from politics (for the third time) she'll be able to focus on performing miracles and bringing the good word to savages.

bringing the good word to savages

Isn't that politic? Or did FI lie to me?

We need a French reconquista to start with. Like in Béziers.

Can't even argue with that.

Well, I think it's too late for the reconquista of france and that we should purge everything outside of Paris, but baby steps.

We got rid of those fucking Cathares once and for all. That's the last time we did something great as a country. We could never even manage to properly purge the protestants.

That's the last time we did something great as a country.

Napoleon was pretty great. Also de gaulle if you are into dictatures.

Yeah but we can't say they removed anything from the country. De Gaulle had to deal with PCF for instance, instead of throwing them from helicopters.

Yeah but we can't say they removed anything from the country.

Well, they did remove stuff from the country. Algeria for de Gaulle and the republic for Napoleon.

These women are really upset men don't want to have sex with them.

this is what first world marxists are up to currently

it's hard out here for a pimp
