"I'm the Austin bomber AMA"

14  2018-03-20 by fsdgfhk


taking the 🎣

tsk tsk tsk

Even tho it's fake it's incredibly stupid to post that online and guaranteed resources will be wasted trying to track down that OP.

I 360 no scoped JFK AMA




Oh shit! The CIA is here!! 😨

Oh shit! The CIA is here!! 😨 /u/WarSanchez u r busted now!! 👮‍♀️✋️

Looks like I'm hopping another border!


I'm an hombrex

Try to keep your back dry this time.

Nah, I'm pretty sure this guy's legit..

Legit stupid.

It’d be kinda cool if it were real tho

[The package was being shipped closely to the other bombings - and may have been on its way to a very prolific radio talk show host who happens to live in Austin, albeit close to the other bombings.

I did not intended for the package to detonate at the FedEx facility. It must have been tripped by being thrown on a truck haphazardly or boucing on a conveyor belt.

The tripwire was basic fishing line and was anchored with a simple wooden dowel approximately two or three inches off of the ground - something I could easily and quickly set up and escape from without killing myself. I'm surprised the police aren't walking to streets spraying silly string everywhere looking for more tripwires.](https://ceddit.com/r/AMA/comments/85tjmo/i_am_the_austin_bomber_ama/dvzz798/)