User asks /r/anime about sexualized children in chinese cartoons.

44  2018-03-21 by hitonmi


People over think the shit out of this. If you know the anime is ecchi and set in highschool, then dont watch it, seriously

How about not watching cartoons ever if you're above the age of 10?



I want to make fun of your pedo-animeme name but then people will know that I know anime

But we grows up at the end so how do you know he never 69ed?

all i know is that I hate you. Also, he's fiction, so all he does is on the media.

You've never met me.... I'm just some guy/girl that pissed you off over the internet. Congratulations

except rick and morty amirite?

Ya as long as the genre is loli4pedos its ok xO

That's the thing, based on Reddit I've concluded that anime fan=liking slice of life garbage and loli. I've considered myself an anime fan for years, but apparently I just like some shows.

Anime is one of those things where the more I hear a series recommended by it's hardcore fans, the less likely it is to be any good.

People also hype stuff up too much

I think I phrased that poorly, not hardcore fans of a series, but hardcore anime fans in general.

People do hype stuff way too much but I've gotten much better recommendations of shows to watch from casual watchers of anime than the weebs who usually nominate shit like to love ru.

To love Ruth darkness is good tho, don't watch to love ru

Because there are people who like it, I'm one, and I see nothing wrong with it.

That's the top comment. Why are anime fans such fucking losers lol.

u/1ntestine what went wrong for this to be your outlook?

I said it all already, read my comments below if you really want to know.

But you do realize, objectively speaking, you need professional help?

You must, at some level, sense that ideas you espouse are counter to common sense and decency?

There's still a chance to come out if it...

He's a normal.human being that doesn't trip over himself to get offended by other people's interests.

Imagine trying to cause drama and being this bad at it...

> Post on r/Animemes and World of Warcraft subs.


Imagine trying to take the most blaise point of view that something that doesn't harm others is harmful when there's all that great shit around it...

Just look at /u/captain_spiff there's much better shit to make fun of and refute from people that actually posted more than the most basic notion of a premise. Like people aren't at the top of the slippery slope, but actively going down it as they take more of op's bait.

Nice weeaboo username, nerd.

It's a combination of auto generated party member names from an old shining game... Kind of boring as far as weeb shit goes...

u can just say ur a pedo its safe here

I really hate pedos, they can't stay in their own shit and before you know it, any low user/slow site you use gets filled up with nomadic pedos or honeypot links. Cp is plenty easy to find if you can find it on accident so often, I don't know why they have to go fuck shit up for others and cause so much trouble for random boards and make them risk fbi issues.

Anime fans do the same thing, but apparently arbitrary morality isn't a big deal I guess, so I could care less if it doesn't force the hand of the law. I'm just not so self righteous I really care about what someone does in their bedroom.

teach me how to internet, senpai!

And what is your counter argument?

Tbh this is the only proper response. The others are just in denial.

Don't worry /u/sleepyandsuicidal I regularly jack off to the characters in Citrus too and I'm 28 years old!

yikes sad life there mate maybe one day a women will actually look at you and consider having a conversation with you

Sick burn brah

Lol, there's literally nothing wrong with watching a sexually charged bath scene featuring a 598 yo blonde vampire with the physical appearance of an 8 yo, similarly there's nothing wrong with enjoying a good sensual toothbrushing on a 13 yo who's actually an immortal phoenix though.

And that's just from one show :)

there is nothing wrong with it because it causes harm to no one, but to deny that it is pedo shit is just denial.

tru but the argument of the anti loli crowd is also that is going to make pedos want to be actual pedos even more, incrising harm to kids ofc

i dont buy it though

I see no evidence for it. And stats on porn at least shows a correlation between the increase in porn consumption and the decrease in sexual assault.

For Shinobu, probably, I mean she looks like a kid (her teenage form though ...). What about highschoolers? I never see an issue with sexualising those in anime or doujins (Love Live for instance has a lot of great ones) but according to some armchair psychologists on this website that's "pedo" as well because they're <18.

The highschooler thing isn't pedo. I know people always think saying hebephilia or ephebophilia are joke terms but in sexual psychology they are real.

The topic itself is called "Chronophilia" (chrono = greek for time, philia = greek for attraction)

There are actual many different groups inside of that. There is Teleiophilia the attraction to fully matured adults.

Mesophilia for being attracted to middle aged adults and

Gerontophilia the attraction to elderly people.

And in the youth groups there are Hebe and Ephebophilia which are 2 sets of attractions based on adolescence or youth. Hebe usually being an age range from 11 to 14 and ephebo 15 to 19 (which btw is also globally the range of age of consent).

Sexualizing teenagers in their late teens like 16, 17, 18 and so on I think is within normal human tendencies, as statistics show that "teen" porn is one of the most searched and watched categorie on porn sites implying that youth is sexually desirable.

Anyways to go back pedophilia really just cares about prepubescent children and is considered a paraphilia.

Lolis are usually prepubescent, such as many different forms of Shinobu or let's take another shaft show with a loli vampire, dance in the vampire bund which explicitely depicted the vampire as a 9 year old girl.

Anyone who faps to this is simply a pedophile. Maybe not an exclusive one but certainly has among his attractions pedophilic tendencies.

Good write-up, I agree that it's a distinction one should make, I'm not a fan of the tendency to call everyone who admits finding someone <18 attractive a pedo.

Anyone who faps to this is simply a pedophile. Maybe not an exclusive one but certainly has among his attractions pedophilic tendencies.

I've heard from some that they genuinely like loli but are absolutely not attracted to kids irl. If that's really the case should one still call them pedos?

I like younger girls in anime and doujins as well, but more in the hebe, ephebo range, however it's not something that reflects in real life, there I usually prefer women around 20 although it's a plus if they have a petite body.

I've heard from some that they genuinely like loli but are absolutely not attracted to kids irl. If that's really the case should one still call them pedos?

I would just be very skeptical of those accounts. Most pedos aren't stupid and know that they better not openly admit to it.

Alternatively some might just be in denial about their own sexuality, just as someone cross dresses "for fun" might be in denial about their transsexuality or someone who kissed a dude "for fun" might be in denial about his homosexuality.

Could there be people who fap to this (somewhat nsfw) and who are not pedophiles? Maybe. But i don't think they are being honest about their own desires.

however it's not something that reflects in real life, there I usually prefer women around 20 although it's a plus if they have a petite body

I don't wanna say anything about your sexuality but just as a general rule, pedophiles can also have normal attractions to their pedophilic ones.

You can be married to an adult women, find her attractive and love her, and simultaneously also think that 8 year old gradeschooler from your neighbors house is really hot. Just as there are bisexual or pan sexual people.

I would just be very skeptical of those accounts. Most pedos aren't stupid and know that they better not openly admit to it.

A fair amount is probably pedos, I'm just wondering about the percentage. I quit the animeme subreddit, first of all because the content is shit, but also because there's a disturbing amount of pedos who use loli as a substitute and will gladly tell you about it, almost bragging really. Now that's obviously better than them seeking out this stuff irl but some of those people are just really gross, arguing that kids should be able to consent and shit like that.

I guess some are probably in denial about it, but still I don't think that even a majority of the people who like lolis are actually pedos. The main appeal of lolis is probably cuteness rather than age and while someone might find young girls in anime cute this must not necessarily reflect in real life. There's also something to be said for the fantasy aspect, I guess. For instance I quite like manga with a younger sister (usually around 14 but it varies) and her older brother. But as I mentioned irl I'm most of the time not interested in teenage girls, not that I'm around them a lot but I sometimes see ~16 yos at the gym and they mostly look too young. I even sometimes nope out of JAV because the girl looks too young although she's obviously 18+

Honestly I don't worry too much about what kind of manga I look up, I know what kind of woman I like in real life and she's definitely not 12, that's what matters to me.

pedophiles can also have normal attractions to their pedophilic ones.

Really? That's interesting. I always thought the relationships they got into were more of a cover and they weren't actually attracted to their partner.

The main appeal of lolis is probably cuteness

Yeah if you don't wanna have sex with them. I think people who think lolis are cute aren't pedos, but those who wanna stick their dick inside one are.

Really? That's interesting. I always thought the relationships they got into were more of a cover and they weren't actually attracted to their partner.

Nope. There are exclusive pedos who won't get satisfaction from normal relationships and those who have a non exclusive attraction.

Also pedos vary in what age they find acceptable. There is actually a type of pedo who is mostly interested in toddlers, while others don't get any attraction out of that.

Anyways, it's an interesting topic for sure, especially since it is so at the extremes of society.

til there a many synonyms for degenerate

pedo shit = nothing wrong

I think at least half if not more of the people who watch loli porn are pedos. But there is nothing wrong with that because they are not harming real children. So let them have an outlet that is separate from reality.

The alternative is them watching real CP or do worse.

Alternative #2: we send all pedophiles to “re-education” camps

worked really well with the gays.

We can do pedo sympathizers too if you want

Guess sexual psychologist suddenly becomes a dangerous job.

bish, you do realize that he was talking about killing them right?

Not some Mikey Pence bullshit camp electro-camp. Do you know what quotation marks are for?

Pedophiles, and their sympathizers have only one fate.

The gay/pedo analogy is hilarious because it's simultaneously a hardcore conservative thing and bleeding heart progressive thing.

Yeah but scientifically speaking you P are as much responsible for being a pedo as you are being responsible for being gay

Lmao this was far from drama. Everyone was civilized etc??? Your idea of drama is kinda lacking :/

"Pedo shit is fun!" equals drama when people who disagree see it. Game may recognize game, but drama don't recognize drama, boi. you drama now.

Fair but at least more people can look at these people and agree weebs should be ended. Glad I entertained some people and mocked weebs even more.

... I'm so wet right now...

Yeah but do they do esports

If you're going to be a pedo, the absolute least you can do is have the decency to be ashamed about it. (Same goes for being an adult who cares about cartoons, really)

Listen, anime doesn't sexualize children. The children are just really sexy.