Soyboys of /r/menslib REEEE at the thought of mandatory physical exercise

152  2018-03-21 by YameteOniichanItai


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I Hated it. I hated being sweaty and hated being forced to push my body early in the morning. Now I’m fat. I blame PE

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Jesus Christ. It’s like they want to be mocked.

Yup. Gotta laugh at this otherwise it is super depressing.

Being better than soyboys is not depressing. It is good.

It's not even good. It is just a fact.

Clearly the reason for the obesity epidemic in Western countries is that children get forced to exercise, get taught about nutrition by their schools, and only get to eat healthy food. Later they become fat out of spite, it's just obvious.

The only thing you learn about your body in US schools is how to put a condom on.

Nah, don't you read the news? North of the Mason-Dixon kids are forced to watch hardcore pornography, Clockwork Orange style, and south of it kids are taught that catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror means you catch the gay and go to hell.

A class or at least a few hours on nutrition, calories, macros, etc. are really needed so badly, especially in the US. However if this was introduced the Secretary of Education would surely be assassinated by Nestle or something, so they are probably cautious ...

Absolutely. Americans are more retarded on the subject of nutrition than they are with geography. Its strange how health is a euphemism for "basic reproductive anatomy, std prevention and anti narcotics indoctrination".

I literally never learned about CICO in school. My brother showed me after reading about it on /r/loseit.

I've been informed by HAES that CICO is a conspiracy and almost all obese people were genetically predisposed to be fat and anyone insinuating that self-control might play a role is bigoted.

My favorite part is when they blame PCOS. Gee thanks for invalidating a legitimate disease by blaming your fatness on it like there aren't plenty of women who manage to maintain a healthy weight while having PCOS.

Fuck we need fatpeoplehate back

I didn't either, it's really infuriating in retrospect. Basic stuff like this absolutely needs to be taught because the parents definitely don't do the job they should do.

And in some places you don't even learn that

Tbh, western countries could do better when it comes to education about nutrition, but blaming PE is about as weak as it gets. 99% of people losing weight have one thing in common and that's exercise.

Weight loss is like 80% diet though. Especially for very fat people, they can eat at a 1000 calorie deficit daily without any problems and lose without exercise ~2 lbs per week. Exercising for 1000 calorie per day is quite ambitious though ...

Exercise really becomes more and more important the lower your BMI is as your amount of daily required calories decreases while you want to keep your nutrition at least somewhat constant.

Exercising for 1000 calorie per day is quite ambitious though ...

What, you don’t run a half-marathon every day??


This is basically the physical version of "I had to read Great Expectations in high school and it made me feel stupid so I never read a book again." Like, if you can't get through The Hobbit because its "boring and gay", then obviously this love of reading thing probably was never in the cards for you.

But The Hobbit IS boring and gay. Fantasy writing is the most self indulgent trash imaginable and one of the key reasons we have soy boys today.

But The Hobbit IS boring and gay

No u

First time I've ever seen this comeback accurately used.

I literally fell asleep during the movie

and one of the key reasons we have soy boys today.

fantasy fetishism is one of the hallmarks of the internet right's entertainment.


T. A nigga who reads Tom Clancy and the fountainhead

Tolkein's works were chock full of analogies and metaphors aiding in his anti-industrialization and anti-corporate corruption sentiments that he strived to convey. I'd say that they're worth a read if not for that than for the great story telling but to each their own

He says as a GAMER


They only want to read time proven masterpieces like Stephen King's IT.

The Hobbit sucks, and so does Tolkien, Fite me.

Imagine being this fucking weak. Jfc

Fucking nerds

This is why I bully nerds. Nothing wrong with liking "nerd" stuff like Chinese cartoons or vidya but these people are pathetic.

In my school even the nerds played sport because anyone that didn't had no friends. Literally the only people that played no sport were the giga-autists

I can kind of understand that. The last thing I want to do at 7:30 in the morning is run. I run in the afternoons after I've had enough coffee and don't hate every living thing. If you're forced to do something you absolutely hate doing, why would you then go and do that same thing in your free time?

Kinda reminds me of the attitude some of my battle buddies and I had after we first got out of the Army. For a while we all had beards and long hair because we just got so sick of having to groom ourselves perfectly so we'd be within regs. Nowadays we just admit that we simply don't mind being a little bushy or scruffy over being clean cut all of the time. It's just an excuse to be lazy.

/r/menslib: I hate exercising, I'm fat, not fit, and I cry all the time

also /r/menslib: Why don't those pesky women find me attractive. Must be unrealistic standards for men and toxic masculinity.

I mean it's the same old story that comes in a thousand different flavors. Hating society for what is commonly expected or desired, and hating that society rewards people who do what it commonly expects and desires.

No wonder these guys freak out about "toxic masculinity" and all this normal male stuff. I think if you don't play a high school team sport you never really learn about how male bonding is supposed to work, and you see the normal cohesion-building male shit-talking and joking around as "toxic" as opposed to the positive, healthy, and trust-building thing that it actually is.

What if you are too competitive for high school sports and you compete on the national level? Don't marginalize us over achievers mother fucker.

S-s-sorry, Chad

then you put your school team on your back and carry them to state championships bro!

School actually made it to championships without me. LeL

But but but don't you see we aren't calling masculinity toxic!!!!!!

Tbh even the nerds who didn't do sports in my school knew how to socialize like that thanks to allowing ourselves to, y'know, actually interact with society. These guys seem like the introverted shut ins that we feared would shoot up the school because they couldn't be bothered to take part in the outside world

Any pro-men's sub that needs to include that they're pro-feminist and talk about how feminism helps men is incredibly cucked. Basically the women are gracious enough to allow men their own sub, but it has to be neutered so as to not cause any trouble.

I figure they're just into being dominated by women.

But not motivated enough to become attractive little slaves.

They don't allow opposing views or anything that challenges their circle jerk. The mods outright admit to tone policing and the sub is more about women's issues than men's.

Sounds like numale central

The women who try to tone-police men's spaces to the extent that /r/MensLib is controlled are a detriment to feminism. All their talk about stuff like mansplaining and then they push men to cater to them on their own fucking subs. the last two weeks I overused it, but that thread needs more Scott Steiner.

Every thread needs more Scott Steiner.

Holla if ya hear me!

/u/takeittorcirclejerk why are so many posters in there unironic pussies?


Reddit compressed and concentrated into its most elemental form.

Have you noticed OP in that thread is 36 years old?!?!? God what a has-been. I'd never listen to anyone that past-it and out of touch with le youth of today.

Hasbeen? More like neverwas.

If your references are this dated you're probably so old you still use facebook

geocities 4 life

They're literally a parody of themselves. Like, does anyone there have any dignity, or do you need to discard that before you can post there?

Dignity is like so, so toxic

i dont understand how they are so bad that they even suck at being soyboys

all you had to do was chill with the girls, and then even when you're forced to actually play something, just half-ass it, 70% of the other guys probably are too, you don't have to be the competitive chad and PE doesn't have to be some nightmare

The alternate route for boys who don't like exercise should be HRT.

I'm going to quote myself.

"Seeing this post and it's responses give me the exact mental image of just who the MensLib posters are. They're the weird kids in middle/high school who never got along with the rest, and continued to isolate themselves with 1-2 "close" friends, and after High school they continued isolating themselves. And instead of saying "hey i was a retard as a kid and should change my behaviour" they instead chose to blame the rest of the world for their mistakes.

Kinda like incels."

But I don't like big groups Simon.

The top comments are right, though. A good strength and cardio program would do way more for the students' fitness than making them play a sport they have no interest in.

It's way easier to get kids to run playing a sport than just run. And sports are a great social education tool, kids learn team work and humility if done right. Competitiveness is a good thing to instill in kids. Yes it makes some miserable because they're hormone derange psychopaths that anything will make miserable.

Yeah I think these menslib guys are special cases. I was pretty autistic in high school and I still looked forward to PE way more than classes. Guaranteed these guys are all that one fat kid who would mope and sit on the bleachers and refuse to do anything, and everyone else would be busy playing floor hockey and you'd look over and see the PE instructor basically giving him therapy to try and get him to come play

I think they just don't like sports, and, instead of accepting that organized sports are not for them, they decided to hate all exercise. Sure exercise isn't fun, but if you don't want to do it then make your choice like an adult and don't whine about it on the internet.

I was a massive sperg in grade school and I still loved PE. A lot of times I was the only girl playing football with a bunch of boys who would never pass me the ball/include me and I still had a shit ton of fun. Sure everyone thought I was a weirdo, but I lived for the hour we got to run around outside. I wasn't gonna spend that hour gossiping on the bleachers.

Yeah, it's better for kids, but if the goal is to raise a generation of humans capable of taking responsibility of their own fitness. With sports you're often relying on other participants. Being a contrarian aside, a healthy combination of both is probably the best. Throughout my years in PE I recall the focus was primarily on finding the correct sport for you, more than exploring personal programs.

Combination is definitely the best - I hated all the group workout types of PE classes, mostly because it resulted in a lot of annoying performative exercising by certain types and I couldn't just zone out and focus on pushing my limits. I'd rather work out alone.

Team sports, on the other hand, was a blast and made use of the fact that it was a group of you.

Most people don't learn to run and take care of their bodies (stretch, etc) from sports.

That is more to do with coaches who are amateurs in the fields of fitness, but it is still a problem.

It is so prevalent they now teach military recruits how to run. I shit you not, the mechanics of running. These are actually fit recruits taken in under harsh standards too.

My father swears by badminton - anybody can play fucking badminton, it involves a decent bit of movement, and the students just self organize into groups of similar skill level.

I thought it was established that weight training before you finish puberty can lead to some funky side effects? If that's bullshit then I wasted my youth not weightlifting when I could have.

Check out the sidebar of /r/fitness. It's a myth.

So say the overcompensating manlets infesting /r/fitness who started lifting when they were 13.

/r/fitness is the worst possible place on the site for fitness advice, at least places like /r/bodyacceptance are forthright with the bullshit. Take all the posters from the /r/menslib thread who say they work out, add women and a few people who haven't yet realized what a useless shithole it is and that's /r/fitness.

All of the athletic students were in weight training class at my high school. Even I took weight training for two years and I was the quiet shut in that nobody talked to. These "men" are on a whole different level of autism.

Tbf the guys who started weightlifting as teens in my school all turned into gym obsessed narcissists so maybe it's for the best. Getting into decent shape with lifting weights doesn't take that long anyway, also it looks way better to be lean, defined (diet matters a lot), and at a low bf% than to be huge. Like they can obviously lift more but they look a lot worse.

I know you are a sociopath, but the social and cultural aspects of sports are just as important.

But most people would rather play soccer/floor hockey/scoot around on those little scooters than do running and weight lifting.

I feel like the main very simple thing that was missing from my physical education was a good breakdown/intuition building about calories in/calories out. Like it wasn't until much later and I started getting fat that I built up intuition about what are high calorie foods, how much you have to run to equal a can of coke, etc. etc. It would have been great if I had built up this intuition at a much younger age.

Sure, they'd also rather dick around in every class but they wouldn't be getting much out of it. If you want students to come out of gym class actually being fit you have to make people do things they don't want to do. I also found that in team sports the few jocks just end up dominating while everyone else just stands around getting no exercise.

most people would rather play soccer... than do running

Lul wut? So like most fish would rather breath than drink water?

Just do dodgeball, kids love dodgeball.

For added fun, make it dodge medicine ball.

That will build some muscle. And concussions.

Wow those must be some jacked 4th graders.

The problem is that the first kid that tried to squat too much would end up hurting themselves and then the parents would sue the school and GG no more weight lifting for anyone.

OK, cardio and body weight exercises.

I'm pretty sure it's been shown that most people (not just kids) actually expend more physical effort when they're playing a sport than when they're just exercising, because it's competitive and they aren't just doing boring repetitive stuff.

Part of fitness is making your face stronger from being pounded in the face by dodgeballs a bunch of times

Menslib is literally always right but people here will see what they want to see

These fat dough boys would complain about that too.

Macron want a mandatory military service.

I can see the craigslist ads right now:

Manchild subbie with no understanding of masculinity seeks dom Wonder Woman to use her Lasso of Truth in erotic asphyxiation games. Email only between the hours of noon and 8pm (mommy says i have to get off the computer by bedtime).

These are the fucks who complain about r/fatlogic existing.

I love that sub.

lol almost like if you gave a shit about your health you wouldnt be incel.

Basic PE was dogshit. You play basketball and sometimes did drills. Weightlifting was a much better course at teaching physical strength as you were in an actual gym.

This is why we need wolves in the neighborhood. People like these used to be picked off, but now they're free to roam around.

Sounds like a Rorschach quote

What a surprise, a bunch of commie fags 'hate that competition brings out the worst in people'. It's already buddy, tetherball is a sport, too.

I hated PE because it gave the other boys an opportunity to call me a fggot and make fun of my body, whether for being too fat or for not developing as quickly as theirs did. In my adult life, I've come to love strength training, but I still hate the gym environment and I'm constantly evaluating my motivations for being there. I find it hard to balance "loving myself" with physical self-improvement. Focusing on strength, not appearance, is key. *If I had not found Crossfit**, I probably would just never exercise because of my awful experiences in PE in school.

Crossfit at least gets people active and the group cohesion is a powerful motive to be consistent.

Crossfitters may be insufferable and cultlike at times but they're pretty harmless in the overall scheme. I'd rather they existed.

I like that they exist to keep these cultish people away from me.

I agree. Crossfit is better than menslib, but that is not saying much.

Hey I was apart of that drama! Id like to thank all my fans, and trump ofcourse.

I get down on myself pretty often for not having a whole lot of mental fortitude, but just reading that thread made me feel 10x better about myself.

I don't just mean with suicide, but with long-term aversions to physical exercise. It took me over fifteen years to get over the mental scarring associated with exercise.

Imagine being this much of a fucking pussy. Jesus Christ.

Having read that thread, it's actually kind of sad that they're all lamenting the "competitive" aspect of gym class. No shit, that's the point, you're gonna be a shit man if you don't learn to be at least a little bit competitive. That thread really crystallizes a lot of what I thought about /r/menslib posters. Sad!

If a mile run is really an unrealistic goal then you must have a major physical disability. I'm sorry for that :-/

What kind of run anyway, like at what speed? But yeah, sounds like someone could stand to lose a few (hundred) pounds.

Slowest conceivable jog is about 4 mph = 15 minute mile. A high school aged male for whom that is an unachievable goal must have major health problems beyond just being a fatty. An untrained but healthy 18 year old male can do an 8 minute mile if they try even a little bit.

Hmm, I wonder how long a mile would take me. I do quite a bit of cardio but kind of have an aversion to running.

You can literally walk it in 15 minutes.

I've run further than that backwards. Honestly do these losers want to get any more pathetic

So this is what all the top tier needs grew up to sound like

Cool it with the fatshaming.

u/BreShark what's better. Being fat or being skinny?

I do not think I've ever finished a mile run before. it was always an unrealistic goal and I never felt any motivation to get better.

u/DJWalnut what do you think your life expectancy is?

This is probably the most pathetic thing they have ever posted. I am legitimately retarded at any ball sport yet I still always tried really hard to win. You don't have to be coordinated to try and tackle people or just run as fast as possible