Nazi pugs / Nazi pugs / Nazi pugs, fuck off!

126  2018-03-21 by charlesgrodinfan


The Napalm Death cover of that song gets posted every time there's antifa drama / an Arghoslent post on r/metal lol.

If I saw a Nazi pug irl it better hope I don't have any bike locks on hand for it...

Slug the pug!

Ikr pugs are an abomination

Jesus Christ, peak angry soy in that thread.


u/my_lucid_nightmare u/Potato13579 u/it-is-sandwich-time

Kill yourselves you commie fucks. You're city is a shithole famous for heroin addicts and homelessness. Raise your hand if either of those apply to you.

Kill yourselves you commie fucks. You're city is a shithole famous for heroin addicts and homelessness. Raise your hand if either of those apply to you.

That's a pretty stupid comment, /u/newfagalt

Why don't you go drink gas and swallow a cherry bomb.

Post a pic of your home and your trackmark free arms to prove your not a homeless heroin addict coward

Post a pic of your home and your trackmark free arms to prove you're not a homeless heroin addict coward



Does Bill know you're hanging out in his pool house?

We call it the Clippy Dungeon now.

Does Bill know you're hanging out in his pool house?

we're old friends since the 1990s

craft beer instead of liquor

do you sit down to piss too?

do you sit down to piss too?

I drink liquor and beer.

And then I piss down a nazi's face.

The nazi seems to like it, IDK why but they always ask for more.

you seem to be very tough on the internet

i hope you aren't pissing on pugs though, they have enough problems as it is

Little legged dogs are our friends. But they really need a treat, like right now.

Imagine unironicly thinking that Scottish git was a nazi. Do the world a favor and keep yourself safe.

I honestly can't wait for your future posts when black Twitter posts saying "kill whitey" get niggas under law in the faggy UK.

And, with tears while drinking an $8.00 Chai tea, you will say "Thank God I live in my super white rich city in the states where I can piss on hobos. These colors don't run."

I honestly can't wait for your future posts when black Twitter posts saying "kill whitey" get niggas under law in the faggy UK.

Might be a long wait.

And, with tears while drinking an $8.00 Chai tea

Chai tea hasn't been popular since the early 2000s.

I dunno what fancy coffee you mayo people drink these days. Yerba Mate or whatever after a hot yoga session?

I dunno what fancy coffee you mayo people drink these days. Yerba Mate or whatever after a hot yoga session?

Freedom Coffee. It's what you get when you grind up the bones and brains of Trumptards, then press them through an FBI filter.

God, what a terrible post. Please apologize.

God, what a terrible post. Please apologize.

I'm sorry Trump's president.

HAHAH Drummpff

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments. You're just boring.

Freedom™ without free speech, the right to own guns, or vote Republican

You're a commie shit

Freedom™ without free speech, the right to own guns, or vote Republican

And you're a little bitch that wants Daddy Vlad to pet your pee pee.

Hard pass manlets are gross

This isn’t the brilliant comeback you thought it was.

This isn’t the brilliant comeback you thought it was.

Oh noes, a dipshit thinks something's not funny.

Which takes us back to your opinion about the Nazi pug.

lol nah they already started banning feminists for saying men are trash or whatever, its hilarious

When will they arrest Sacha Baron Cohen or are the Jews excused?

hes jewish so hes allowed to, just like black people are allowed to sing along to rap songs with the word nigger in them

I honestly bet you $20 you do drugs.

I honestly bet you $20 you do drugs.

Is your mom named "drugs?"

So youre saying I lose the bet?

What an extremely offensive and misogynistic comment. You should be arrested

Thats how I met your mom!

She teaches retarded kids so it wouldn't be a shock if y'all met

Okay, but how can you survive day-to-day with your guts backed up from all the tarballs? If I was ridiculously constipated every day, I would personally contemplate suicide.

you probably can't afford it.

lol Seattle is not an expensive city ahahaha

"But I want to live in the trendy neighborhoods, Mom! Having to ride a bus for 20 minutes to get downtown is too haaard!"

-95% of Seattleites whining about the city being too expensive

lol Seattle is not an expensive city ahahaha

Found the techbro.

Making fun of poor people? Isn't classism against the rules for commies?

Making fun of poor people? Isn't classism against the rules for commies?

Just because some stupid fuck on reddit says I'm a commie, doesn't mean that I am, though. Must suck to be a stupid fuck on reddit. You literally cannot understand simple stuff from the real world, constantly are up your own ass trying to start shit with strangers, all of it.

You call me dumb but you're the one replying to r drama pings, don't you know anything about feeding the trolls?

Nah why dont you trollsplain it some more.

This is a Charles post so I thought it was /r/oldpeoplefacebook? It looks like I'm not completely wrong.

If you don't watch Midnight Run at least once a year you're uncultured swine.

and/or young!

All us kids these days are watching Midnight Run. Get with the times you dumb millennial!

He he, nice try /r/fellowkids

us dumb millennial!

You truly are a dumb fucking faggot, you know that?

Awwww, did I piss of the old guy in a rabbit suit?

Yes; but I'm not old, and it's not a rabbit uwu

but I'm not old

Aw man, I can't even use my good joke now: I was grabbing your low hanging fruit. Ha ha ha, get it?


Leave it to the furry to make it weird. :/

Imagine spending so much time trying to prove that this guy seriously wanted unironically to gas Jews by having his gf dog raise a paw when he says stupid shit.

Excessive empathy is a sure sign of unhinged emotional wreck who buys another day by having something to be outraged at.

It's about the indoctrination! That dog was a good boy who was brainwashed into a being a Nazi!

I mean, I didn't see Mr Earguage doing a Nazi salute, that dog is a menace to society.

Excessive empathy is a sign of unrepentant psychopathy. It's the aposematism of social behavior. Look at me, look at me, my bright and colorful beliefs.

It should be taken as a severe warning when someone is 'excessively empathetic' in public.

Excessive empathy is a sign of unrepentant psychopathy.

What do you mean? Like psychopaths realize that they can control people because they know other people (unlike them) feel empathy?

Is this because of their failure to accurately imitate normal empathetic feelings?


Thank you great sage

Your welcome.

I worry this may cross the threshold into unkind user pings :(

Too bad, reddit is full of buck-tooth flabbie cheek spineless faggots.

I got an one day ban for calling someone stupid in here, im sure he got banned too

They are, by far, the worst idiots in that subreddit and I'm embarrassed to share a city with them.

Ironically "Count Dankula" is a degenerate commie type - a soft, unkempt pudgy man with a commie star tattoo on his chest. About as far away from a 'nazi' as you could possibly get.

I'm such a good liberal that I don't care 😇😇😇


Huh, this is interesting Charles, what you up to?

Continuing the series of Nazi dogs...

The incredible findings show Nazi officials recruited so-called educated dogs from all over Germany and trained them to speak and tap out signals using their paws.

One mutt was said to have uttered the words 'Mein Fuhrer' when asked who Adolf Hitler was.

Nazis tried to train dogs to talk, read and spell to win WW2

No need to mention that article has about 1% basis in truth and the rest was, as always, made up to make the story compelling.

For example

He was said to speak using a different number of barks for each letter, and told his biographer he would be voting for Hindenburg.


Can you imagine level of stupidity to pass this as a fact?

is it like one of those videos where the owner swears their pet is saying words but it just sounds like animal noises

Nazis couldn't do anything right. The Soviets had a much better dog training system in WW2. They trained them to expect treats underneath German tanks, then strapped explosives on them and released them in battle.

Anti-tank dog

Anti-tank dogs (Russian: собаки-истребители танков sobaki-istrebiteli tankov or противотанковые собаки protivotankovye sobaki; German: Panzerabwehrhunde or Hundeminen, "dog-mines") were dogs taught to carry explosives to tanks, armored vehicles and other military targets. They were intensively trained by the Soviet and Russian military forces between 1930 and 1996 and used in 1941–1942 against German tanks in World War II. Although the original dog training routine was to leave the bomb and retreat so that the bomb would be detonated by the timer, this routine failed and was replaced by an impact detonation procedure which killed the dog in the process. The U.S. military trained anti-tank dogs in 1943 for use against fortifications, but never deployed them. Dogs strapped with explosives were unsuccessfully used by Iraqi insurgents in the 2000s.

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Rough school.

"Another serious training mistake was revealed later; the Soviets used their own diesel-engine tanks to train the dogs rather than German tanks which had gasoline engines.[5] As the dogs relied on their acute sense of smell, the dogs sought out familiar Soviet tanks instead of strange-smelling German tanks."

There's nothing in the rulebook that says a dog can't vote!

That lucid nightmare guy is a fucking plague on that sub. He posts in like every fucking thread with this kind of dumb shit.

Him, Potato, andthedevilissix and fuyos must either work really boring data entry gigs or be unemployed because they spam that sub with their bullshit day in, day out.

Then stop being a faggot.

Then stop being a faggot.

never change, /r/drama

But you should change and stop being a faggot.

But you should change and stop being a faggot.

Get fucked


No u

hey we don't like him either

I hope a pug bites your pecker.

It would have to jump pretty high first.

Dick doesn't hang very low, eh?

haha gottem

This is the only post I will make in this retarded thread:

Curt Cobain was overrated pseudo - hipster even when you compare him to other frontman of grunge bands.

Unironically - hair metal > grunge.

Seatlle will never get another major basketball team, nor will they recreate Supersonics.

That is all.

It's ok, we're going to get a hockey team and hockey is way more fun that basketball anyways.

Agreed about Cobain, I think there's about an equal poser/good musician ratio between grunge and hair metal.


its actually funny because irl the arrested guy is a communist and has a big hammer and sickle tattoo on his chest

In his own words, "I was a communist, then I grew up", so I don't think he's a commie anymore.

Ironic tats, ironic nazi dog, ironic laws with ironic sentences. Is this what Scotland has become?

prob still closer to that end of the spectrum than he is a nazi though

its just kind of funny to me that the guy theyre trying to jail and accusing of being a nazi is like close to the polar opposite, surely they could have picked a better case to make an example out of

its not like theres a shortage of jokes about the holocaust

All societies have "forbidden words." Ours has them.

/u/my_lucid_nightmare JEHOVAH JEHOVAH JEHOVAH!

/u/my_lucid_nightmare you're using a lot of forbidden words. Did you get your wife's boyfriend's permission to speak?

Is Seattle the one with the human feces avoidance maps, or is it the one with the AIDs pandemic?

Neither quite yet, but you'd better believe San Francisco and San Diego are both brought up as bad examples by people trying to steer the city away from that direction.

10/10 title



Edit: One time my wife hid my fucking Ranier from me! That should be illegal.

What is a 'Ranier' when it's at home? I googled, but am still none the wiser for it.

He can't spell it properly, but it's "Rainier", like the mountain, and it's the name of a shitty local beer.

Think of it as the Northwest's version of Pabst's Blue Ribbon.

I see, thanks.