84  2018-03-21 by The_Rachel


Firearms, ammunition, or explosives;

Screw the_donald! /r/gundeals and /r/reloadingdeals! Nonononononoooo.

Hackernews if you're a weird faggot code monkey

I’m a half retarded lawyer. Coding is black magic.

Coding is black Basketball American magic.

Hackernews is shit anyway. Unless you like circlejerks that is.

I'm a weird code monkey but I have standards.

It's basically just voat, which is just like being in TD except now it has its own subreddits.

Eternal TD.


There’s saidit.net, which I’m poking at. Basically just a reddit clone



Daddy loves you, and will be showing you his love for the next seven years. <3

I cringe when people call Trump "Daddy".

Most people with daddy issues do...

What about when they call Hilldawg “Mommy?”

Also weird af

Shush and get ready for when Mommy and Daddy bone on live TV. It’s gonna be good.

Gonna sound like a hairy midget fisting a jar of sour mayonnaise.

They use homemade mayonnaise for lubricant.

Dammit I had “pizza grease” in the gambling pool.

The only viable alternative acceptable to El Presidente is aspic.



Nobody unironically calls Hillary mommy. TD is full of daddy comments. Lol

If you seriously just took the bait, I have to question your autism.

No one calls her Hilldawg outside of T_D either.

Hilldawg is not a bad name tho. Not a bad spin on the name

Makes me think of hot sauce.

Lots of people call her Hilldawg. T_D has far more inventive monikers like $hillary or Killary Cunton.

Killary Crouton is what my dyslexia saw.



pls suspend this jasper imo

You are knowingly aiding and abetting information warfare against the United States-- against me, personally, because I live here

/u/action-discount are you one of those Targeted Individuals? You seem kind of unhinged fam.

Their post four days ago: "Murdered by Words mods are openly Trump supporters".

Yeah that's gonna be a [citation needed] from me /u/action-discount

Snappy quote of the year

I mean, if they are going to go all liberal on us now, they might as well nut up and get rid of that cesspool too.

I get the feeling the day of drama is near. We all about to become sardines.


They can have my drama when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers!!!!!

If you told me in 2011 that in seven years a sub like /r/the_Donald would be the one everyone whined incessantly about and wanted banned for hurting their feelings in the same vein as /r/ShitRedditSays was at the time, I would have never believed you.

tbf if you told me in 2011 that in seven years the old senile host of The Apprentice would become president, i would probably not have believed you either

true dat

if 2011 me saw today, that would be the least of my worries

...go on.

a lot of shit is weird now

I'm sorry to hear that, I relate.

Don't be not-straight around certain people, that's how you lose your teeth.

Put your dick away


2011 me would have been hype. I was a drama connoisseur early in life.

"Wow, why aren't you banning subreddits?"


Yet another example of why leftists are stupid and shortsighted. Stop asking for shit and then getting mad when it gets used in a stupid way.

Lol. I haven't even read the comments, but the top comments are always "Ban t_d! It killed my mom and ate my dog" 😉😏

But unlike SRS. The fallout, REEEEEEEEEs and salt overflow from banning TD will be fuckiing glorious! One can only pray for that sweet sweet drama!

Mashallah brother Toast 🙇🙇👍😏

no /u/spez you were only supposed to ban /r/the_donald and other subs i dont like!