This announcement is truly a godsend for drama. The alcohol swap groups are banned. The cigar swap is banned. All fun is BANNED.

84  2018-03-21 by Dontfuqfatties



The admins introduced a new content policy prohibiting buying, selling or facilitating the buying and selling of various items, along with no more encouraging illegal things. Shoplifting evaporated within seconds of the new policy. Numerous swap and sell groups are gone. But at ok: official sponsors and advertisers can sell their wares on reddit (upsetting the hordes).

This new policy may properly be the catalyst for Reddit to go Digg.

Yea that's retarded. I mean trading booze on reddit is kinda retarded too but I don't see why they should ban it.

Of course you are right, they are banning it cuz advertisers - but it feels wrong.

Meh if some guy wants to send a friend a bottle and the friend sends one back, who cares?

The guy who could have been the middle man and made money on that, that’s who.

In that particular instance I suspect the potential for a minor to access beer via reddit is the big threat.

Yeah, imagine being a minor brewing your craft beer in order to send it by post to internet people in exchange for them sending you their craft beer by post, so you can get shitfaced.

wait, is there another way? i had to get a summer job just to afford all the stamps...

The only reason digg dugg was because of this place being here. Without somewhere else to flounce too there will be no exudus

This is fucking lame. Reddit admins kys already.

Spez has to get himself a new handle. Guess she was tired of the downvotes.

Do you know if they also automatically banned the mods of subs like /r/beettrade? Because that would be an extra layer of dick.

No idea I never really got in with that group. Just watching the rage is interesting because I’ve only seen subscribers screaming, no one saying they modded.

The rage is great and just. If anyone reading knows one of the mods of the banned subs, hit their profile and tell us their status please?

The gun deals mods are still alive.

Ah awesome, thanks. Probably safe to assume the other sub's mods survived too.

I’m hoping the shoplifting mods were anally penetrated.

Haha, I will certainly shed no feels over them if so.

One of them popped up in another drama thread, so it looks like all the mods were spared.

No, one of them was posting in SRD today.

Why? Those were just tales

I know you trolling fam.

We do know about you bby. Go back to trawling the waters of /r/California.

im actually really buttblasted about this I was gonna try to trade some liquors and beer soon. This is fucking horseshit.

Yeah it is pure horse cock and doesn't even make sense. AFAIK these were barter subs, people weren't paying for beer with cash, which just makes the bans dumber IMO. But I ain't a lawyer, so defer to the legal eagles on the barter vs money legality thing.

The beer trading is illegal in areas of the USA at a minimum.

r/Shoplifting can most certainly get fucked.

Im kinda sad they grouped us gun people with Those people when they banned us

whats wrong with r/shoplifting

What isnt wrong with shoplifting

TBH now that its dead im just going to refer to it like a myth.

It's another shoah

I am just here to see gun nuts cry

What about /r/cumswap?

its still up lol u took the time to type out the link but couldnt be bothered to click it 🤪🤣😂

It's good to know that loads of semen can still be traded.

What about /r/cumswap?

This website fucking blows. Reddit admins need to go play in traffic