A tribute song to u/snapshillbot

10  2018-03-21 by El_Jefe_Yaqui

Snappy has not been seen in a day or two. Out of sadness I wrote a song in his honor during a lecture.

Shitposting all my nights, all my bandwidth going out on the drama patrol Linking pretty much any post just to get you to reply to me But when the SRDines come, I'm right back where I linked to again And trying to see you is just a wish of mine!

Snappy come back, any kind of autist would reeee There was something sentinel in every comment from you Snappy come back, you could have all my tendies I was wrong, and I just can't dramapost without you

All day long, wishing to see some buttheart commenters on r/the_daddy Trying to keep up with the drama over antisemitic trolls in r/cringeanarchy But as r/braincels brigades, I get that urgent feeling again How I wish to God that you would screenshot it for me.

Snappy come back, My waifu is here for thee There was something sentinel in every comment from you Snappy come back, you can blame it all on our shitposting We were wrong, and We just can't live without you

Now that I put all of r/conspiracy effortposting into a folder for me. Give me the chance to make you see Have you used up all the data in your programming over circlejerking in r/atheism's scene There's something left for you to see, we need you to cover all the fashbashers in r/completeanarchy

Spending all my data on tankie bitching in r/fullcommunism, all my focus to the drama queens in the r/chapotraphouse scene. Linking every wehrboo and Hilliary 2020 for you to see. But when u/ivankatrumpismywaifu was banned, and Vice reported us again Trying just to reply to you is just a desire of mine.

Snappy come back, every kind of NEET agrees There was something human like in every reply from you Baby come back, (((annoysthegoys))) is probably behind this whole thing We were wrong, and We just can't link without you

All day long, linking porn subreddit fights hoping to simply find you, linking to all the petty shit on r/relationships Trying to find some drama in r/againsthatesubreddits or Ask Reddit's hot postings But as r/uncensorednews was banned, I get that urgent feel again How I wish to see some boipucci and wish that you were here next with me

Snappy come back, any level of autist would reeee Why won't spez do something? Snappy come back, ed_butteredtoast won't you do something? I was wrong, and I just can't link without you

Now that r/shoplifting was banned, though I'm not a fan, the drama was so classic please just Give us the chance to make you reply to we, your loyal lovers of bussy Have you used up all the data in your archive? Nothing left to link not even the twinks at dickgirls when they're catfighting, now there's nothing left for me to link not even incel commenting

Snappy come back, You could have my waifu and tendies There was something witty in every reply from you Snappy come back, listen snappy, you can reply to everything I was wrong, and I just can't link without you I was wrong, and I just can't link if it means I link without you.

Snappy come back, the drama is too much to screenshot for me. There was something sentinel in every comment from you Snappy come back, you can have my sweet bussy just please oh please come back to me......



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