Shockingly, it turns out Gendercritical is full of fatties

63  2018-03-21 by Osericc


In case snappy is too slow, they got a mod on the job.


What's so bad about it? I think if GC can bully trannies, we should be allowed to bully them.

a) title is misleading

b) no drama

c) u suck

no drama



Out, out, out!

Fine I'm going. Fuck.

Why you lying though? There absolutely is drama. That salt and pepper fattie is losing their tendies with the mod.

I think we should bully fatties, trannies and, especially, fatrannies.

I bet if you consume enough soy to get fat there is enough estrogen to make you a tranny.

I am certain you are right. Let me link you to my evidence file:

Wellness of weight? What kind of fat logic is that?

Wellness is the 21st century word for pretending something is healthy because you don't need any scientific backing to use the word to describe something - legit thing that companies do right now

It's all marketing for companies and social movements. Put it in a green and brown plastic bag and boom, it's healthy--sell it to upper-middle class women at spin class. I've already made a killing selling lard in a jar as an energy supplement. Lardulent Green

What's the deal with spin classes anyway? They're just cycling, right? Seems like a legit waste of money.

Oh I thought it was for Killer Klowns From Outer Space to perfect their human storage technique

Eating 2k calories of salad is still 2k calories. No one who is fat gets it.

They argue they they are still hungry so they must need it. The fucking point is you eat a healthy amount; an amount that is less than your current portions.

Also hunger and calories don't correlate. You'll feel fuller on 80cal of raw salad (without dressings) than on 500cal of oreos. Especially if you eat fast too.

That's why keto kind of works despite a lot of the science behind it being bunk. Meat and greens make you feel fuller with less calories and processed carbs don't make you feel full.

Exactly. Too bad that (like a lot of interesting ideas) keto manages to attract the worse retards who make some kind of religion out of it.

eating 250 cups of lettuce would be pretty impressive

Nah they cover it in cheese and dressing.

Really easy to turn a depressingly bland salad into a might calorie bonanza.

It does make me wonder how long it would take a person to starve if said person only ate lettuce.

They'd have issues with malnutrition after a week.

It's called "denial". To be honest it works for most issues, especially with modern medicine (that allows you to mitigate the worst consequences of your shitty lifestyle).

/u/rkziki would you agree with the statement that fat men are usually silent and of no importance, while fat women are objectively nauseating to look at?

I dont feel this has anything to do with sexism at all.

This is obviously the truth. Fat men show lack of self-discipline and self-care, they shouldn't speak up and if they do they should be ignored. Fat women however lack the one thing women can have going for them, that being looks.

Its honestly simple. Not sure where the confusion arises from.

Fat men accept they are disgusting and mock themselves. Fat women shout about how oppressed they are.

Can't have too much sanity.

Can't have too much sanity.

Or obesity, it seems.

Obesity is complicated. There are many reasons for it. Not the least of which is a culture dedicated to making sure people are ACCEPTABLE in size and attractiveness. And a culture that is consumed with dieting. And a culture t

Many reasons: calories.

She probably has one of those crazy metabolic health issues where you gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn

You meant to say: the patriarchy is oppressing her by making her fat.

But what about muh starvation mode! 😤

I'm still shocked that a lot of people believe this is a thing. There's no empirical evidence at all. Obviously the calories you burn daily decrease as you lose weight so if you keep your consumed calories constant you'd lose more slowly, but that's not because of a "starvation mode", it's because you're less fat. However if you keep your calorie deficit constant (eat less as you lose or add exercise) you'll lose the same amount of fat.

whatever you just said is fatphobic and therefore wrong.

Or just build muscle that burns it for you just to maintain itself. Weight lifting is the compound interest of weight loss

That "calories in, calories out" stuff is crap invented to keep women down. Also it's pure co-incidence that people who are morbidly obese happen to be the people who have heart attacks in their 30s.

I've heard stories but I've yet to see any factual material to back up those claims..

Many reasons calories results in being fat.

Billions of them.


I know for a fact that if you start burning more calories then you consume you'll lose weight

I also think it’s worth asking the question why fat women get so much more hatred than fat men.

Bwahahahaha. Entire social movements white knight for fat women. I wonder what it's like to live in The Upside-Down.

They're fucking delusional lol. HAES, Tess Fowler and Dove ads don't real you guyz


Fat men (mostly) : yes I'm fat and I need to lose weight, it's not healthy for me to be this weight.


I wonder what it's like to live in The Upside-Down.

They fell down there because they were too fat and they can't get climb out to the right-side up.

Can we just get rid of the fatties? They get one year per 50 lbs they have to lose (that's really generous), anyone who fails and stays too fat will be chosen for a fun manhunt.

stays too fat . . . fun manhunt

They can’t run any distance, they can’t climb for shit, their hiding places are severely limited, their tracks are about as obvious as highway signs . . . Hunting fat people would be about as challenging and enjoyable as shooting dairy cattle.

So, incredibly fun of what you are saying?

Hunting fat people would be about as challenging and enjoyable as shooting dairy cattle.

Coat them in lard and you have to wrassle them down to the ground.

See - fun.

No wonder they hate qt transwomen so much.

Thank you for subscribing to TERF facts! Did you know, nearly half of people that transition de-transition? To unsubscribe from TERF facts, please reply <ORCHIECTOMY>

I'm skeptical of that claim, just based on the fact that so many people have a hard time admitting they're wrong over even petty things.

half of people that transition de-transition

Yeah, every time they take their makeup off.

1% = 50% qualifying for "half" explains the rest of the terf ideology honestly

I also think it’s worth asking the question why fat women get so much more hatred than fat men

Imagine being this delusional.

If you are fat, it is because you either: 1. Are lazy and eat like shit 2. Are literally addicted to food

If you are fat, then:

  1. You eat like shit and don't move around

  2. You are literally addicted to food

There is literally no other reason anyone is fat. Class and race don't factor enough to matter significantly.

Class can play a role. Poor people have access to shit food, which make being a fatass easier.

Rich people have access to shit food too, and the whole 'fast food is cheaper than like chicken and rice' is a garbage meme that is literally untrue.

Rich people have access to shit food too

Yes, of course. The thing is that if you have only access to shit food because you are poor, you will eat shit food. If you are middle class or upper, being a fatass is all on your own.

and the whole 'fast food is cheaper than like chicken and rice' is a garbage meme that is literally untrue.

It's not just fast food, everything that is cheap is full of shit.

So why are Asians skinnier even when they are at same income?

Rice is better than frozen pizza if you do not want to be a fatass.

The thing is that if you have only access to shit food because you are poor

Like all the fat hobos.

To be fair it's not about price exactly. Fast food is convenient which matters when you are working multiple jobs or have obligations that make 30 minutes to an hour to cook a day difficult(not impossible but averages are what count here). When I was working through school I ate far worse and while I could have done better the willpower required to do so back then would have been significantly more than the rather small amount it takes me now to eat and stay healthy.

Yeah, but you aren't including shit like logistics. Poor people don't live near grocery stores and a lot of them don't have access to a car. Imagine trying to get enough food as a single parent for you kids from a grocery store that is an hour and a half round trip on public transit.


Class can play a role. Poor people have access to shit food, which make being a fatass easier.

Poor people make bad choices.

Class CAN and does play a role, but probably not in the way you described. See the following research paper by the American CDC:

Interestingly enough, the poorer the woman, the more likely they are to be obese,

Among women, prevalence was lower in the highest income group (29.7%) than in the middle (42.9%) and lowest (45.2%) income groups

But the relationship doesn't hold for men,

Among men, the prevalence of obesity was lower in both the lowest (31.5%) and highest (32.6%) income groups compared with the middle-income group (38.5%)

Hmm. seems like poor decision making and lack of self control impact more than one area of a life.

Actually class can play a role. See the following study by the American CDC:

Interestingly enough, the poorer the woman, the more likely they are to be obese

Among women, prevalence was lower in the highest income group (29.7%) than in the middle (42.9%) and lowest (45.2%) income groups

That said, the relationship doesn't hold for men.

Among men, the prevalence of obesity was lower in both the lowest (31.5%) and highest (32.6%) income groups compared with the middle-income group (38.5%)

And race can play a factor too

During 2011–2014, [...] The prevalence of obesity was 34.5% among non-Hispanic white adults, 48.1% among non-Hispanic black adults, 11.7% among non-Hispanic Asian adults, and 42.5% among Hispanic adults.

Of course, this doesn't mean that race plays a factor in terms of genetic makeup, but my personal belief is that it's more culture. I believe certain races have a culture that is more accepting of obesity.

Actually class can play a role. See the following study by the American CDC:

Interestingly enough, the poorer the woman, the more likely they are to be obese

That's because they spend all their money on deep-fried Mars Bars.

Interestingly enough, the dumber the woman, the more likely she is to be poor and obese and narcissistic

Hmm. seems like poor decision making and lack of self control impact more than one area of a life.

exercise is important for many reasons but it doesn't help with fat loss, at least not in the short term.

Imagine wanting to be fat so bad that you decide to start living in an alternate reality to justify it all.

Exercise really doesn't help much with fat loss unless you are pushing it to a pretty high level. Fork put downs and table push aways is how you lose weight.

I mean, diet is way more important than exercise as far as controlling the number on the scale. Obviously exercise is important in staying healthy but if you just want to lose weight, eating less and healthier is way easier than trying to burn off a shit diet.

Body building trope says 80% is nutrition.

The weight loss benefits to working out are usually a little overstated. A 30 minute run only makes up for a couple spoonfuls of ice cream and takes more willpower than just not eating the ice cream. It's fantastic for you in other ways but if you're strictly trying to lose weight putting all your willpower in the don't eat garbage bucket instead of splitting it between don't eat garbage and working out you'll get more bang for your buck.

wtf did you even read the thread? Almost none of them support that Health At Any Size bullshit

because women face unrealistic standards that men will never understand.

Don't be (Too) fat and shave my body hair? No! You ask too much!

t’s never because they’re concerned for her health (unless we’re talking about a doctor maybe). 

Jesus take the wheel.

I literally participated in a competition to have sex with the fattest girl. There is no such thing for fat guys.

Fat guys have it way worse than fat girls

I was going back to rhetorically ask if this post was about you, but it actually was.


Mother of Christ, how it is hard to not put food in your mouth? Cocktail with 340 calories?

Are any of the wimxn subs not full of largeoids?


/r/proED is majority female, and mostly anorexics (they also allow fatties but since threads are about specific issues they're easy to avoid).

Till muscle doesn't weight more then fat on planet ham curtains.

/u/thefelineismutual honest question, have you considered diet and exercise?