Robin Williams gets accused of being a male feminist

24  2018-03-21 by CommonWrongdoer


he did a LOT of rape candy

wouldn’t be a surprise

Williams would also wrestle her, break wind on her and come on to the set totally naked

How to know if she's a good woman? She'll let you fart on her and laugh it off (or she'll fart back).

says she took no offence at the star’s lewd antics on the set of their hit sitcom

“I had the grossest things done to me by him,” said Pam Dawber, who played Mindy. “And I never took offence. I mean I was flashed, humped, bumped, grabbed. I think he probably did it to a lot of people … but it was so much fun.”

so, wtf is the story here? Not that I would ever accuse a UK based publication of clickbait or misleading headlines.

The Puritans are still powerful

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 73%. (I'm a bot)

Robin Williams's Mork & Mindy co-star has said he repeatedly grabbed her breasts and bottom and exposed himself to her on the set, a new book reveals, but she excused it as part of Williams's playful personality.

Often Williams groped Dawber because he was "Bored", he said: "He'd be doing a paragraph and in the middle of it he would just turn and grab her ass. Or grab a breast. And we'd start again. I'd say, 'Robin, there's nothing in the script that says you grab Pam's ass.' And he'd say: 'Oh, OK.'''".

Mork & Mindy ran from 1978 to 1982, and starred Williams as a curious alien who lodged with Dawber's Mindy in Boulder, Colorado.

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I mean I was flashed, humped, bumped, grabbed. I think he probably did it to a lot of people … but it was so much fun.”

All that internalized misogyny, tsk-tsk.

The only thing I know about this woman is that she's been married to Mark Harmon for like over 30 years. She must have won some sort of karma lottery, her husband is like almost 70 years old and still stupidly good looking.