"Why isn't the Austin Bomber being called a Terrorist?" asks a tankie. The answer is obvious: Cumskin.

11  2018-03-22 by buttcoinbuttcoin


He’s not a terrorist unless he has a political or societal agenda.

All mayos are terrorists by birthright.

Our actual law/the Patriot Act disagree with you, but please keep pretending your definition is the right one, disinformation campaigns are so cool mang.

Hello friend welcome to the sub, may I interest you in some lessons on personal safety?

Naw, I knew very well what sub I was posting in. If I'm gonna do it it's gonna be as a man with my real account, fight me!

How about I love you some bussy instead.

Is that like a blow job with anal tickling? I might be down, I just can never forget how protagonists in both Road Trip and The Big Lebowski got off with an actual prostate massage. I might be down, just go slow.

I disagree.

No you don't.

Yes I do.


But you’re wrong.

The Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as an attempt to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping"

So yeah, you have to have an agenda

So yeah, you have to have an agenda

If by agenda you mean what the law actually says, that you just mean to intimidate the public with things like random trip-wire bombs, then yeah, that fits. Agreed, dude's a terrorist and Trump is still either confused and ill-informed or a liar. I mean, he's often both according to sources, but in this case it's unclear which of the two is true, it's a puzzle.

Homeschooling is terrorist agenda.

Sweet summer child, I shall teach you the wonders of the bussy.