Youtube bans gunshit, resulting in much gnashing of teeth as conservatards realize corporations are not your friends

31  2018-03-22 by Starship_Litterbox_B


gun nuts are legit subhuman

Ive said it before but I'll say it again. I'm pro second amendment, but I honestly would enjoy a repeal because of how much I hate those cunts

You're not pro second amendment if you'd like to see it repealed for the lulz.

How about a trade? Second for thirteenth and nineteenth.


Hard pass

Gib the 14th and I'm all in.

Fuck the 13th, I'd take just the 19th with the suggestion that it is further amended to make voting exclusive to property owning males.

If possible I'd like a testosterone check as well but that may be crossing a line.

Most of the top-ish comments I'm seeing are making good points about how it unfairly targets youtubers that make videos focusing on gun education, history and focus a lot on antiques. What makes them "gun nuts"? What's wrong with being interested in guns as a hobby?

guns as a hobby

Imagine having such a micropenis that you waste a fuckton of time and money hoarding murder machines in order to compensate for your male inadequecy syndrome.

This is what mayo subhumanity looks like.

This is what authoritarians who base their opinions on fear and ignorance look like.


go to sleep, grandpa

You seem mad.

everyone who wants guns is the sidebar photo on /r/EnoughLibertarianSpam

Ahem. Read the bread book.

They are you absolute retard

This is what insecure, mediocre white dudes who are desperately afraid of someone breaking into their 1-bedroom look like.

My gf (m) loves guns and the only thing she's compensating for is windage and drift 😉

My gf (m)

Yet more evidence of gun nut degeneracy

Meh. Not a great argument.

I personally like my guns because I hike and we've got illegal marijuana farmers who can get a little...weird. I'll take some defense, please and thank you.


Please define "gunnut".

Oh but "no one want to take your guns you stupid gun-nut, we just want to ostracize, shame, and condem you into submission.

u/be_completely_honest are you sure that you are being completely honest in your strawman of people who want more gun restrictions? People reeing at reasonable changes are half the problem. See when some gun enthusiasts freak out every time a compromise that includes even the tiniest restrictions is proposed, then when legit retarded shit like reddit and youtube banning normal gun stuff happens people just think it's the gun nuts sperging out again.

Because posting shit like this:

This is the ENTIRE argument against ANY gun regulation, you start with one thing, and then the next and the next and the next because each thing that anti-rights people try to take won't solve shit

is the definition of going what going full autism on guns looks like.

every time a compromise that includes even the tiniest restrictions is proposed

IIRC a compromise requires both parties to get something, like banning bumpstocks in exchange for national CCW recognition or surpressors removed from the NFA. Democrats view on compromise is we take something now and we'll let you keep everything else a little longer. Also if democrats would stop their fear mongering and pushing worthless feel good gun control, they'd help themselves a lot.

national CCW recognition

If states or the federal government are willing/able to agree on a base level of standards, then sure. Right now, not all the states have the same requirements to get a CCW permit. I see it turning into another system like how corporations register in states with friendlier laws. It's not fair to the people with CCW permits in states with strict rules if someone who got a CCW in a more relaxed state can carry in a state with stricter rules.

suppressors removed from the NFA

Tbh it's pretty silly to ban them in the first place.

banning bumpstocks

The bumpstock issue always confuses me. I see some people argue that they are just silly crap that barely anyone uses, yet apparently they are a huge sticking point despite their "unpopularity". So really how many people use them? How much would banning them affect the average gun owner? I'm not asking this because I want to ban them, I'm really just curious about how popular they are despite all the left's reeing over them. I know it's often a slippery slope argument, but it seems like a pretty light concession to give them up if they aren't a big thing because it would allow people do point to a compromise and shut up most people except for the craziest gun-grabbers.

Btw national CCW registration and loosening restrictions on suppressors is way too much to concede for something as dumb as banning bumpstocks.

Did you literally serious post?


I chose my flair for a reason lol

You gotta assimilate, migrant.

hey hey it took me 2-3 yrs of SRD to finally get sick of it so we're working with high levels of autism here

No more gun regulations or compromises

muh free market

regulations? REEEEEEEEE. Autonomy!!

a corporation does something they don't like


kek <--- this one




Pathetic, no?


The ironic part is since the servers are based in California, which recently held private property that is a "public forum" can be held to free speech laws (private property restrictions so conservatives reeee), AND it appears that the gun and conservative takedowns are politically based (no-no in Calitardia)...the conservatives become faced with two hilarious nightmares.

  1. Let the corporations do their thing, don't sue because you'll stand by your principles of conservativeness. Hail corporate bitches! Oh but conservative channels and the guns are gone. Fuck.

  2. You sue, using the liberal laws that you hated a month ago, but it's ok this one time because FUCK YOUTUBE, AMIRITE GUYS?! Ignore the part that this will provide excuse for more liberal laws, WE WANT OUR CROWDER AND DEMOLITION RANCH BACK.

My money is solidly on 2.

I don't think conservatives ever had a problem with a law requiring people to read their shit.

The ironic part is since the servers are based in California

Wut? Its google. The servers are based everywhere. Maybe YouTube's hq is in Cali, but when I look for my advanced tea-brewing tutorial or Ivan looks at advanced squatting techniques we aren't getting it from California...

I don't know how the law works, but surely if their decisions clash with the local law, they could just up stakes and move their data elsewhere?

Sorry I’m on literally three hours of sleep and not completely all there. Lemme expand my argument.

The company is based out of California and issues directions to its servers. Arguably they are “in” California because that is the nexus of it all and it touches and concerns Californians. Which means an argument could be made the restriction are unacceptable because...they’re a public forum incorporated in California and the servers are “located in” California as a result.

Ah, fair enough.

I support the right to own guns but I’ve never gotten the ‘enthusiast’ aspect. Own one for protection sure, but collecting them like they’re super fun or something is just lame.

I intend to collect more at some point. They look cool on my wall.

Eh. Guns are not everyone's cup of tea. It's just like other hobbies. Some people are into it, some people aren't, and some people are crazy for it.

I guess I'll have to watch those butthole waxing tutorials instead of gun tutorials

at least there's some not-so-ironic self awareness that the direction these faggoty tech companies are going will require some anal lube