
39  2018-03-22 by mohkohnsepicgun

In light of recent events I would like to take this moment to remind everyone of the brave and fearless pugs who fought facism during the Second World War.

The UK's own 15th Pug Mastiff Rifles were instrumental in the Battles of Tobruk and El Alamein and served with distiction during the invasion of Sicily, D-Day and Operation Market Garden where they battled at Arnheim until their ammunition ran out and they were forced to surrender.

Six Victoria Crosses were awarded to pugs during the war placing them second only to Yorkshire terriers (who won eight, mainly due to their heroic sacrifices during the fall of Singapore).

Pugs have traditionally shown an abhorance of tyranny and facism and Nazism in particular and the behaviour of one misguided individual should not be viewed as representative of the breed as a whole. Thank you for reading.


I once saw my sisters pug eat he own poop and ran head first into the side of a fence. Then again, she did live in a bad neighborhood.

I noticed /u/zachums has been deafeningly quiet on the gendocidal pug front :/

It's clear his slience can only mean one thing: Zachums is the Nazi pug. I think a head mod position is in order for our Furhrer.

Cuz he knows his white supremacist dog will be forced to stand against the wall.

It's about time somebody recognized the sacrifice of those yorkies. Only someone as cynical as Churchill would have thrown away their lives like that. I bet he didn't even think they were cute.

What I want to know is, which side were the cavaliers on? Were they loyal to England or to the Palatinate?

Sadly many cavaliers supported Lord Halifax's "appeasement" position. Still better than all those fucking Bichon Frise in the Vichy French army...

What we haven't discussed yet are German Shepherds in the US armed forces. Despite their heritage thousands of Dutchies fought with distinction both in Europe and the Pacific theatre. For example: USN Gunner's Mate Fritzie who served on PT-109 under the command of Lieutenant John F. Kennedy.

Pugs are fucking disgusting dogs 🤢🤮😷

(((Pugs))) are fucking disgusting dogs.

-Ed ButteredToast.

The regressive left shows it's true colours once again...

Uhmmm try again sweaty :))))))

I never got why you made people so angry until this moment. I hope your toast burns.

They truly are absolutely repugnant.