88  2018-03-22 by IAmAN00bie


Don't threaten people Joe!

Coming from Trump that's just grand

I think he just means Joe shouldn't threaten people. Threatening people is reserved for those who could actually cover the bill.

The only thing Joe could beat is his meat to children.

Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault. He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don’t threaten people Joe!

I'm glad that America finally has a strong President, like Russia. Both Putin and Trump are both very strong. Physically too. I would support strong moves by Putin and Trump together to make the world a better place. I am glad they both performed well on election Day. I'm sure you are too

Trump is literally a fifth-grader in an adult fat man's body. It's scary but also kinda hilarious.

Eugh take your salt elsewhere

Back to mde plz

Jim norton is not funny

Not anymore at the least

Was he ever? The whole chip thing is just pretending his actually shit jokes are shit on purpose. Hate that little worm

Yes classic Jim on Opie and Anthony was pretty funny

this is an anti trump subreddit

Haha yes comrade MAGA!

newfriend alt flair

daddy defense force posting


You want Trumps cock slapping on your face. Don't lie.

Alzheimer's tends to revert you to childlike behavior.

Я помню первый день я применил терапевтической мастурбации к моему сыну. Он чувствовал себя совершенно естественным, как я уже имел глубокое чувство близости с телом моего сына через процесс массажа его, купание его, меняя его подгузники и очистки и касаясь его гениталий и других частных частей. Терапевтическая Мастурбация была естественным продолжением того, что я уже делал в заботе о теле моего сына. Я также помню, как мой сын выразил чувство облегчения, радости и счастья с улыбкой следуют смех и другие звуки удовлетворенности, когда я применил терапевтической мастурбации. Его тело также поддаваться через оргазм, чтобы показать его удовольствия от мастурбации. Реакция показала положительное принятие терапевтической мастурбации моим сыном, физически и эмоционально. Терапевтическая мастурбация также привела к спокойствию в поведении моего сына, и он продолжает показывать свое удовлетворение и счастье всем вокруг него.

I don't know what this says but since it's in Russian I agree!

Good bot

Yes. And I'm glad the two Chads of state are perfectly poised to take care of the radical Muslim problem in the Middle East. Which, as we know, every leftist was completely ignoring

I wonder if the nation of Chad has a Chad of State.


Crazy 😳 Joe Biden is 🏼😦 trying 😼 to 💦😱 act 🎭 like ❤ a 🅰👌 tough 😍💪 guy. 👦🔥 Actually, 👀😳 he 🦊 is weak, 🤢😰 both mentally and physically, and 👏 yet he threatens me, 👦 for the ⚰👏 second 🅱 time, with 👬👏 physical 👊💏 assault. He 🚹👑 doesn’t know 😱💭 me, 🤔 but 🍑✋ he would 🏽 go down ⬇ fast and ➕ hard, 🍆💦 crying 😂😭 all the way. ↕😓 Don’t 🙅🚫 threaten people Joe!

I'm 👁 glad that America 👮⛵ finally 🙌 has a 💰⭕ strong President, 💯👴 like ☃ Russia. Both ➡ Putin and Trump are both 🌜🌜 very 😲 strong. 💪💪 Physically too. ✌🎊 I would support 👏👦 strong 💪 moves 😤😤 by Putin and 👏 Trump ♂ together 👨👬 to 🏽🙅 make 🖕🖕 the world 🌍🔪 a better place. I 👁 am glad 😂😄 they 👥 both 🌜 performed 🎭🎭 well 🤒 on election Day. 🌞⭐ I'm sure 🤔🔜 you 👹 are ♀ too 😡😵

isn't Biden the guy whose probably a kiddie diddler

They're all kiddie diddlers or accomplices to kiddie diddling.

Don't kinkashame.

The fact that someone spent time photoshopping in these images, or even that the animu girls existed in the first place does not bode well for the future of humanity

I'm waiting for Biden to announce that the Russians made him do it.

Well, yeah. It'd be Biden's slimmed down Secret Service detail vs. Trump's full detail. There's only one legitimate way to settle this.

Celebrity Death Match.

Biden vs Trump in a TLC match


points to mania sign

Finally someone will stand up to the real threats for US citizens. Joe Biden has been getting away with too much for too long!

Sam Hyde was just his cover...

There are a lot of black crackheads in Prison who certainly feel that way.

Idk I mean they're both old but Trump seems very out of shape but definitely has a weight advantage vs Biden who seems maybe a bit too thin but might have a lot better maneuverability and reach. Hard to say what happens there but I would def watch.

I think the bone spurs might slow Don down.

This thread is like a 'WHO WOULD WIN?' thread on /b/. Biden would probably kick Trump's tubby ass, though. Doesn't Trump believe that people have a finite amount of energy that they exhaust by exercising? He's probably never thrown a punch in his life.

Didn’t he (((allegedly))) hit and rape Ivana after a painful scalp surgery to cover up his hair loss?

Yep. And tore her hair out too so she could feel what it felt like to be balding

So he does know how to hit someone, even if it’s a woman half his size who doesn’t expect it.

Based on the reports I read a few years ago he fights like one of the ghetto girls I went to high school with. Lots of hair pulling, pushing, slapping, name-calling, shit talking, kicking with platform shoes on, throwing shit.

He just ends his fights in rape.

>not ending every fight with rape to assert dominance

Lmaoing at u

According to the law I can't rape people, just claim they raped me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Teaching her empathy, if you will.

WTF I love trump now

No because according to his lawyer

“You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse,” he said.

“It is true,” Cohen told the Daily Beast. “You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.”

TFW Biden doesn't have a pussy to grab.

Reminder that between the two of these tough guys are nine Vietnam deferments and claims they couldn’t serve because of asthma and bone spurs.

Would you say they cancel out, or?

Big issue though, Biden has asthma.

Maneuverability is out the window with that neglected body at that age. Reach means shit without force behind it.

I'll tells ya' what'll happen, Dubber lsjump will charge Biden, tackle him to the ground, Biden will get exactly 1 shot land in Don's chess triggering a heart attack in Don, they both die shortly after hitting the ground; Biden will die from being a frail old fuck getring crushed by a fat old fuck, and Trump will die of being a fat old fuck.

God damn it, Blumpf is absolute box office

I miss when Internet Thought Guys weren't politicians.

I'm glad Aaron Burr is dead. Fuck him.

He really doesn't get enough hate, fucking Burr.

Burr buttoned up his uniform and served his country like a man.

Years later he got up a five in the morning, downed a pint of scotch and shot Alexander Hamilton in the face. Like a man.

And craved bussy. Like a man.

Hamilton was also an Army officer and even led some battles, plus he was George Washington's aide-de-camp which I'm pretty sure means gay sex. Burr was a fucking bumpkin from the shitty part of New York (all of it) while Hamilton was a rich as fuck dude from some Caribbean island. Then in the duel Hamilton did the noble thing and missed his first shot on purpose while Burr shot straight like a punk bitch.

In New York you don't point no gun at no nigga 'less u gonna blow his face off.

Burr should have been GEOTUS.

Campaigns are gonna be wild when the social media generation starts seriously running for senate and president, every candidate is gonna have dumb shit they posted in high school brought up.

It already happened with Jon Ossoff

What the fuck man

Honestly Trump's obviously a clown figure but I don't know why Biden is threatening to assault him all the time, It's as bad as anything Trump says.

just sic the service service on old man biden if he's making threats

Pay some hobo to yell "he's got a gun" any time they see Biden.

or pay a 12 year old girl to seduce him

Biden finally realized his main voting bloc is Antifa, so if he doesn't threaten violence he's not being progressive enough

Because Biden is equating Trump to a child bully so he'll treat him like a child bully.