User of alt.culture.vampires gets mad because he thinks another user married a man from a certain vampirism-based new religious movement.

90  2018-03-22 by snallygaster


Peak white people nonsense.

Good to see you're back with your pre 9/11 drama, snally! Im sure this drama is older than 50% of our userbase.

Only seven days before 9/11.


Think about it. Vampires live in caves and mansions and drink blood.

Osama bin Laden lived in caves and mansions and used dialysis. Dialysis is basically drinking blood, albeit your own from a machine.

Did Osama bin Laden post in this?

Im pretty sure all those vampires swooped down after the dust of 9/11 consumed NY, and fed openly in the streets.

For example, Steve Buscemi.

Glad to be back with it, lost interest for a while because I moved across the country and had to get situated but now I'm digging through usenet again!


Holy shit, unironic newsgroup drama?

Is this from before my time?

If you have to ask then probably.

I forgot how much I loved the internet back then. I so wish we could go back.

It really was a golden age. No centralization, moderately-sized groups of people happening to find each other and build interesting subcultures, shit that happened online almost never left it, a kind of optimism and naivete about the internet's potential, webdesign was simple and usually hideous...what a great time to be a nerd.

The hideous web design was a feature for me since it effectively warded off normies who didn't know how to do anything for themselves. Even these days the people who complain about Reddit's interface being "ugly" or "confusing" are largely the same group of people I use reddit to avoid interacting with, and this site is much more user-friendly than some of those old communities used to be.

your posts are my fave bc this era was so pure. there's someone in there who refers to themselves as "tiny human ferret" and i think that's beautiful.


vampirism-based religion

Peter Thiel started a religion?

What is alt culture vampire?

alt.culture.vampires is an old usenet group for vampire enthusiasts and people who think that they're vampires.

Can i be a vampire too?

of course!

So, Like... now what? Do you like put it in my butt or something?

now you steal energy from other people through your preferred method of energy delivery!

Well, i'm posting on /r/drama so I'm already sapping people's will to live.

How can you think that you're a vampire?

Where to even begin...

Do you think that you're a vampire?

yes and I'm coming to SUCK YOUR BLOOD!

What if I'm a vampire


Usenet still exists?

yeah. Mostly for pirating, but a small handful of communities are still active, and the archives are up on google.