
34  2018-03-22 by WarSanchez


/u/NWOsince90s you posted the same comment under your new alt /u//NoEstate9

You have to switch users every time, otherwise people realize you’re using a bunch of alts to manipulate Reddit as part of the (((Deep State))).

Idk what your talking about I only have 1 account I'm logged in on my phone and my desktop maybe someone copied and pasted?

Sure, man. It’s definitely not a badly executed attempt at manipulating reddit.

dude stfu u don't even make any sense what would i gain by duplicating my post maybe ur a shill so stfu I posted under whoever did obviously they copied and pasted it so fuck off

No yur

So why did you duplicate your post

are u guys trying to be funny or what quit wasting my time

I did not duplicate my post someone else did o only have 1 account if u and the other moron want to keep wasting people's time with it go for it but the more u do the more you act like a shill so fuck off

Lol nice pm


Jokes on you im just another one of your alts

No, please continue your important search for Obama's birth certificate.

Id this where the Q is? My grandson has autism and im helping him hunt pedopiles!

Pedopiles eat pizza i dont eat pizza anymore i hate pedopiles!

your not even posting on the same board

We're all posting on the board of life


gay and fake

What the fuck is that place?


I hate that I understand what that means

ur too woke

imagine being such a mediocre and delusional retard you unironically call yourself /u/GodsAngell

any day now