Stealers raging cause people don't like it when they steal things.

69  2018-03-22 by DowntownWrongdoer



/u/EndTorture is an illiterate soyboy who advocates violence against women. He has stated that racial slurs justify physical violence and believes men should bash in women’s cars.

I do not endorse /u/EndTorture beliefs. A racial slur by itself never invites physical violence and those who give in to anger are criminals.

/u/EndTorture may be mentally challenged. Handle gently.



/u/EndTorture is an illiterate soyboy who advocates violence against women. He has stated that racial slurs justify physical violence and believes men should bash in women’s cars.

I do not endorse /u/EndTorture beliefs. A racial slur by itself never invites physical violence and those who give in to anger are criminals.

/u/EndTorture may be mentally challenged. Handle gently.

You are lying about what I said. You are a troll.

Shit, you’re onto me. Was it that I advocate for not fucking fatties or because I pointed out you conflated racial slurs with physical violence in order to justify beating women?

Which reminds me.


/u/EndTorture is an illiterate soyboy who advocates violence against women. He has stated that racial slurs justify physical violence and believes men should bash in women’s cars.

I do not endorse /u/EndTorture beliefs. A racial slur by itself never invites physical violence and those who give in to anger are criminals.

/u/EndTorture may be mentally challenged. Handle gently.

Incorrect, I did not say what you said I did.


/u/EndTorture is an illiterate soyboy who advocates violence against women. He has stated that racial slurs justify physical violence and believes men should bash in women’s cars.

I do not endorse /u/EndTorture beliefs. A racial slur by itself never invites physical violence and those who give in to anger are criminals.

/u/EndTorture may be mentally challenged. Handle gently.

You're boring as fuck.

i quite enjoyed it tbh

I enjoy you too bby.

let's fuq

Let’s fuq /u/Ed_ButteredToast 😏 shebloves a good spitroasting.

how dare you assume my gender you shitlord sex maniac you

Didn’t assume anything 😏 strappies are a thing to, however your chosen gender prefers.

Personally I’ll have you know I sexually identify as a F150 Raptor. So it’s gonna get muddy, dirty, and we will need to go see a man about a recall.

all good in the hood, fam, i identify as a Dark Eldar Haemonculus, so it's gonna be a spikey, painful tryst

So we agree Ed is the foreplay portion?

totally. not sure if he can handle it though.

If you don’t like it, you can always neck yourself.

I’m entertaining myself with /u/EndTorture, the woman hater.

He says, in /r/drama of all places

Aren't you posting in the wrong thread?


For a second I had to confirm what thread i was in

Yeh I screwed up. But then he followed so I left it bc why not.

I'm sure it's because u both have the tism

Anyone who posts on /r/dama has the tism.

Anyone who has a flair on /r/drama is tism2

u misspelled drama u r the tism

I already admitted to the tism. You have flair so you are also of the tism.


says the pot to the kettle

no u

This but with zero irony

Did you just commandeer this thread for use by a different l9ocow? Nice

I honestly messed up and went, "meh, see what happens."

And then he followed and I had to go forth.

How is that place not banned?

Given the new rules I would really like to know that.

Yeah it's straight up facilitating illegal activity, if they're going to ban darknetmarkets this needs to go too. How is it any different than /r/shoplifting?

Scamming is still up too.

I’m starting to get the feeling admin wasn’t serious about illegal activity. Just didn’t want booze and cigars interfering with their sweet sponsor money.

The gun accessory and air soft crowd was a bonus round.

The gun accessory and air soft crowd was a bonus round.

Reddit HQ is in California, right? According to Wikipedia...

California Makes it illegal to sell Airsoft/BB guns to anyone under 18 without their parent's permission and all airsoft guns are required to be fitted with an orange blaze barrel for sale and transport. Since 2016, the state will also require all airsoft guns to have fluorescent coloration over the trigger guard and grip (with additional requirements for rifles or long guns).

....California is quite strict when it comes to airsoft guns.

I live in California, own guns, and had no idea our airsoft laws were that hilarious.

I’m so looking into this over the weekend. New practice area: keep tommy from going to jail for larping!

lol have fun when some 14 year old shoots up their school

Banned now lol

/u/Twococktuesday says

I haven't stolen anything since like 2004, what's your problem?

once a thief always a thief.

go clean your room. and maybe return your ill-gottten gains. I will pray for you.

Could you send some prayers and thots my way too?

Clearly that statement isn't true if i haven't stolen anything since like 2004.

you don't get it. once you commit a crime, you're a criminal, no matter how long it's been. you may be a reformed criminal (notice, this is the addition of an adjective, those modify nouns!) but you're still a criminal.

no god to wash away sin here baby, and no, you can't get your virginity back by simply wishing for it also.

Well everyone commits at least some trivial crime at some point so I suppose I'm in good company.

r/shoplifting nindu nuffin

/u/Thief_hopping is it hard looking in the mirror everyday and seeing a life loser?

oh fuck off, we are not stealing from you, we are stealing from "big bad corporates" Get a better job if you complaining about your pay.

The layers of irony. /u/Thief_hopping, you're a fucking moron.

But but,, that’s literally the same crap people would say to a shoplifter, and not all shoplifters are unemployed lmao some people make enough money and still choose to steal shit

Poorfags are disgusting

Literally more pathetic than incels.'s banned. Great job fagspector Javert.