Anti-vaxxer accuses vegans of heresy

6  2018-03-22 by [deleted]



I knew vegans were anti just had to look at Marin county in California to see true retardation. But this is nice.


The real dangers are being injected by egg proteins and formaldehyde along with many other very toxic ingredients. Do you really think the same people convincing everyone to eat meet aren’t doing the same with vaccines? The second someone pops their head in to educate people they get downvotes to oblivion just like vegans.

Can’t spell meat. For shame soyboy! Can you explain why you’re ok with children getting polio?


everyone is on the defensive because they know that vaccines are not vegans, so all of you are not really vegans. a cause has to be defended completely and not in half.

I approve! A needle is not a human being who drinks soy and refuses to eat prey animals!


Everyone is on the defensive because we really like not dying from infectious diseases and we don't want this nonsense to be grouped with veganism.

Too late. Vegans tend to be fruity and all about wholeness and physical purity. It’s spawned a antivaxxer alliance with vegans and religious right wing nuts. But hey y’all love nuts so...maybe it’s not so weird!

Not getting vaccinated is not considered probable for myself and I'm sure the majority of this user-base, which falls in line with the definition of veganism.

Probable? You mean possible? I’m legit confused by this. Are you embracing science and saying children shouldn’t die of the measles, or embracing the measles? Please clarify.

Kevin replied to you;but he didn't. Just wanted to let you know.

Thanks friend!


I corrected the spelling five seconds after I posted that. You can’t argue facts so you need to bring up grammar?

The real dangers are being injected by egg proteins and formaldehyde along with many other very toxic ingredients. Do you really think the same people convincing everyone to eat meat aren’t doing the same with vaccines? The second someone pops their head in to educate people they get downvotes to oblivion just like vegans.

How old are you?

Well it’s hard to argue against a diehard believer.

Vaccines are good for the community and have eradicated numerous horrific diseases. You have a civic responsibility to get them.

Otherwise you risk infection and infecting young children. Why do you hate children? And can you show how the toxic ingredients are bad? I’ll accept a CDC study, not a whackadoodle study by a few good doc.

You want me to show you an article written by a federal agency about the government trying to poison us?

Do you post to /r/conspiracy?

How does it benefit the government to poison us?

The same way eating meat poisons us and they tell us to do that. Unhealthy people make them money. Ever heard of the pharmaceutical industry? (the American government’s drug dealers). No, I would never post there. Conspiracy is a word created to make anyone who tries to spread the truth look nuts. People like you wave it around like a flag. Let’s take a second to evaluate the situation. I’m only using you to spread awareness on the subject. I never expected you to respond logically. You are the one insulting people. It was never about your opinion. It is about the truth.

Ok so I grew up on a ranch. We killed cattle and various poultry and ate them. As my ancestors did since the mid 1800s. Prior that vegan diets were pretty unheard of and meat was a common staple.

So how is meat unhealthy?

Your not spreading the truth you’re acting like a retard and undermining your cause. Please continue. Where is your science? Your proof?

I’m not going to argue with you on a sub called r/drama. That is exactly what you want. Good day.

Awwww I was having a reasonable discussion.

Well good day and stay away from those GMO laced veggies! If wasn’t planted in 1705 do not eat it!

Saying "you're not a true vegan if you get vaccinated" isn't a ""claim"- it's objectively, factually correct. There are animal products in vaccines, therefore vaccines=not vegan.

If you get vaccinated, you're as much "a vegan" as the morbidly obese guy inhaling Big Macs.

I'd say I used the wrong word

There are a non-zero number of molecules that came from an animal in the food you eat. Guess no-ones a vegan then.